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Its Jerome Bruner.

The creator of
Child language acquisition theorists.
“LASS” By Peter Beadle 13 NS
As Chomsky suggests, a Language
Acquisition Device, or LAD, there must also Loam Chomsky = The “LAD” of child
be a Language Acquisition Support System, acquisition. Chomsky proposes that "all
or LASS. He is referring to the family and children share the same internal contraints
entourage of the child. So basically you can which characterize narrowly the grammar
look round at your family and blame them they are going to construct." His “LAD”
for your intelligence! Good or bad thing? If theory concerns the idea of an innate
we watch closely the way a child interacts ability to acquire knowledge. Although
with the adults around her, we will see that Chomsky has gradually left this concept
they constantly provide opportunities for her behind in favour of a parameter setting
to acquire her mother - tongue. The child model, he’ll still be the first “LAD” to us.
soon starts to predict its parent’s actions.

Bruner’s got his own

book. Must be worth
The wise man
listening to then!
that is Loam
The man that opposes Chomsky. It’s Piaget – genius or misguided?
B.F Skinner.
Piaget argues that language
Skinner argued that language acquisition is development is related to cognitive
like any kind of cognitive behaviour – it is development. Cognitive? (Come again
learnt by reinforcement and shaping. So in Sir!) that is, the development of the
“human” language its about trial and error child’s thinking which determines when
until glorious success. I’m sure we’ve all the child can learn to speak and what the
been there in exams trying to remember child can say. Still confused? Here’s an
those key phrases, this is what Skinner is example, before a child can say, “This
proposing. The “shaping” concept is done car is bigger than that one”, she/he must
through the parents gestures and their have developed the ability to judge
reaction to “babble” by the child. differences in size. In Piaget’s view,
children learn to talk ‘naturally’ when
they are ‘ready’ without any deliberate
teaching by adults. The concept of
intelligence is finally questioned.

Loves the pipe

Important notes for all those wanting a Lev Semenovich Vygotsky’s theory.
light read! (What a mouthful!)

According to Vygotsky, thought and speech

•Loam Chomsky – LAD. (Language have different roots in humankind, thought
acquisiton device) being nonverbal and language being non-
intellectual in an early stage.
• B.F Skinner – Learnt by reinforcement
and shaping. Basically trial and error and (Heavy stuff this)
influence of parents. But their development lines are not parallel
•Piaget – Cognitive behaviour theorist. they cross again and again. At a certain
(Come again Sir!) that is, the development moment around the age of two, the curves
of the child’s thinking which determines meet and join to initiate a new form of
when the child can learn to speak and behaviour. That is when thought becomes
what the child can say. verbal and speech becomes rational. A
child first seems to use language for
• Jerome Bruner – LASS. (Language superficial social interaction, but at some
acquisition support system) (family) point this language goes underground to
• Vygotsky – Language progressed over become the structure of the child's thinking.
time with development.

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