Analysis Animation Movie " Brave ": By: Novia Gratiwi N1D215115

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Analysis Animation Movie

“ Brave “

By :
Novia Gratiwi
Paraphrase of Synopsis
Merinda is a daughter from King fergus and queen elinor. When
she was young Merinda was given a bow by her father as the gift in her
birthday. Merinda met with will o the wist when she was training to
used her bow. will o the wist is a mystic creature which could take the
people to their destiny. Suddenly, she met mordu. It's the big devil's
bear. Mordu tried to attack them but Merinda and her mother could
get away from mordu and her father, King fergus fighted it. Finally
King fergus could beat it, but he must lost his left leg. Few years later,
queen Elinor give birth three twins. While, Merinda have grew became
a princess. Merinda is the brave girl and free minded. Queen elinor told
to Merinda that she must married with one of the prince from other
kingdom. Her mother said if Merinda failed to married, the kingdom
will be danger because there is the legend which told about a prince
can destroy his kingdom. Actually Merinda was not agreed with her
mother. Then, three of prince from other kingdom came.
They must racing to could married with merinda, but Merinda want
the three prince to fighted with her. Know about it, queen elinor go mad.
Merinda undermined the carpet of family and escape from court because
Merinda was angry too with her mother. It made the realitionship between
Merinda and her mother was broke. Merinda run into the jungle and met
with will o the wist again. That creature take Merinda to the wizard 's
home. She is an old women. Merinda ask to wizard to gave mantras which
could made her mother canceled the marriage. Then, the wizard gave her
a cake. It could change decision from her mother. After get that cake,
Merinda came to the court and give that cake to her mother. Queen elinor
ate it but the taste is not good, so she just ate the cake little bit and put it
in the table. Some time, queen elinor changed become a bear. Merinda so
suprised. She went to the wizard home, but it lost.
She just got some clue that can made her mother changed became a
human. The mantras would be permanent after second sunrise. Another
clue is the wizard gave the riddle that " Destiny can be changed but if the
princess can repair the bond which was teared with the pride" along of
journey Merinda tried to repair her relationship with her mother, and her
mother conscious that she was false because forced Merinda to married.
She thought that Merinda has her own way to undergo her
life. When they back to court, the King fergus saw a big bear and
want to killed it. He called all of the members of kingdom to killed
it. he thought, it's the same bear which he fight in the few years
ago but actually it's his wife. Merinda tried explain to her father,
and save her mother but it was late. Then, King fergus take
Merinda in her badroom and locked it. Merinda try to repaired
the carpet which have broken. She thought, it can made her
mother back to be a human. Then, Three of baby bear come,
Actually they are Merinda's brothers who changed became a bear
after ate the rest of mantra's cake. They help Merinda to could go
out. Then, Merinda drive her horse and help her mother in the
jungle, but they met mordu. Her mother tried to fight mordu and
save merinda, finally she could defeat it. Before second sunrise was
appeared, Merinda put the carpet on her mother and finally her
mother changed became a human.
Theme : family.
this story tell about how the relationship between a mother and her daughter

Setting of place : jungle, court, wizard’s home.

The most part in this story was taken in the jungle and court. merinda met mordu in the jungle
. Merinda and her family live in the court and the competition for princes was held in the cour
t. Merinda get mantras cake when she came to wizard’s home in the jungle.

Setting of time : past time.

the time in this story wasn’t shown with clearly, But, we can see the life in the story that settin
g of time in past time

moral value :
Everyone has different destiny, it’s will be happy ending or
sad ending, all of it depend on what are you doing in this

Setiap orang memiliki takdir yang berbeda-beda,

apakah akan berakhir bahagia atau menyedihkan semua
tergantung dari apa yang kamu lakukan saat ini.

She is a princess. She is described a brave girl, selfish,
strong, free minded and tomboy. She Likes adventure. Merinda h
as three twins brother and she always care and love them.

Queen elinor
She is Merinda's mom. She is a feminine women different from
her daughter merinda. Elinor believe with old tradition in her
family. She Want to changed merinda to be a truly princess
but it's difficult.
King Fergus
He is a strong man and good dad. He always support merinda's
choice. He teach merinda to use a bow and want merinda to be b
rave girl. Sometimes he's humourist person. As a King, he
is wise.

Triple twins
They are Merinda's brother. They are very cute. They have Ora
nge hair. Triple twin and merinda have Close relationship.
They always help merinda when she got problems. They are
clever and active but sometimes they can be naughty boys.

Lord macguffin
He is one of The King who was Invited By King Fergus. He rare
ly to speak. He has blonde hair, big body, and heavy voice. He h
as a son his name is prince young macguffin.
Young macguffin
He is a lord macguffin's son. He look likes her father has big
body and blonde hair but he is a shy person.

Lord dingwall
He's The other king who has short and Fat body. Although he
is short but he never scared with anyone. Lord is The person
who often angry. He has spirit to fight.

Wee dingwall
Wee look likes his father, lord dingwall. He is short and Fat but
more brave and spirit than her father.
Lord macintosh
He is another king who has thin body, long and black hair. He
look likes horrible, but lord macintosh is sensitive person and

Young macintosh
He is lord macintosh's son. He has more good physical
appearance than other prince. He has long hair and athletic
body so he can make good charisma
In This movie we can find out there are The charateristics of old english life
 Started from The theme, This Animation movie which carried epic theme. It's about
heroic, war, and kingdom. As we know that the old english period describe about
war and The brave from Every leader.
 Setting of place was taken in the Court. The life in The Court was shown with
clearly, where consist from The king, queen, Princess, and prince. Besides that we
can feel The setting of time from This movie is ancient.
 In This movie there is character, he is mordu. He is a big bear devil. He came and
attacked other characters in the story. Same in the old english life, at the Time was
described there were horrible animals which must they dealed in Every time.
 The habit of their life who always ready to fought in the home or arena of battle. It’s
described in this movie that the Princes became enemies because they competed to go
t Princess Merinda almost create a war. Scene of that story reflect about life in old
english, every problems was solved with the war.
 Merinda's mother (queen elinor) believe with a legend in past time and deity. In The
old english people still believe with The deity or spirit.
 This movie also describe about the tradition has strong position in the family.
every parent managed their daughter to paired and married.
This movie good for child and adult because there
are a Lot of moral value. Nothing The cruel scene. All
of part contain about adventure nothing romance scene.
Although there is war scene in This movie but it's still
competent to was watched by the child. Brave is
animation movie but it's as real action and The story
reflect about the real life. this movie is different with
other animation movie production of Disney which
generally The story about princess always describe The
beautiful girl, elegant, feminine etc. In this movie the
main character merinda is the a princess but she is
brave, strong, free minded, tomboy, selfish, etc. I think
The author Want to change view of readers that a
princess not be a feminine, elegant, etc. But, a Princess
can be brave.

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