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U.S.-Mexico Border
Diabetes Project

Pan American Health Organization

U.S. Mexico Border
Field Office
(915) 845-5950
Diabetes definition

Metabolic disorder of multiple

etiology (causes) characterized by
hyperglycemia with carbohydrates,
fat, and protein metabolic alterations
that result in defects in the secretion
of insulin, its action or both.
What is diabetes?

The majority of intake of food is

converted into glucose.
The pancreas produces the insulin
hormone, which help the organism to
take advantage of glucose.
In persons with diabetes, the insulin
does not work. Therefore, the sugar
and the fat increase in the blood.
Symptoms of diabetes

Polyuria (urinating frequently)

Polydipsia (very thirsty)
Weight loss
Other diabetes symptoms

Continuos hunger
Dry skin
Frequent infections
Feet ulceration
Loss of sensibility in inferior
extremities (legs)
Erectile dysfunction
Types of diabetes

Type 1
No production of insulin
Initiates in childhood or adolescence
Type 2
Deficient production or improper
utilization of insulin
Generally initiates after 30 years of age
Risk factors
Risk factors

Family history of diabetes

Older than 30 years of age
Lack of physical activity
Sedentarism ( person with little or
no physical activity)
Poor diet
Excessive weight
Risk factors

Lack of knowledge on the disease

No health care access
Consumption of alcohol and drugs
Cultural myths
Diabetes complications

Retinopathy (blindness?)
Nephropathy (kidney problems)
Feet ulceration and/or amputations
Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol?)
Erectile Dysfunction
Gestational diabetes (during
Diabetes and HIV
Diabetes complications

(suggest possible diabetes)
High glucose in blood
(confirm if higher than 126 mg/dl)
Glucose in hemoglobin
(indicates quality of diabetes control -
higher than 7 mmol)
Treatment and control

 Medications
(insulin vs. hypoglycaemic agents)
 Increase physical activity
at least walk for 30 min. most days
 Appropriate diet
low in fat and carbohydrates
 Lifestyle changes
Prevention and/or delay of diabetes

Well balanced diet

Medications when appropriate
Timely access to health care services
No tobacco
No alcohol
Tips for healty cooking

Cook of boil meat insted of frying

Take the skin of chicken before
Use less salt and sugar when
preparing food
Avoid fat
Tips for healty cooking

Use fresh or frozen fruit and

vegetables when eating or in
between meals
Use low fat chesse instead of regular
Use low fat milk
Drink fruit juice instead of powder
Nutritional Pyrimid

CDC Webpage
Physical Activity

To control diabetes the

recommendation is to increase
physical activity, preferably every
day for 20 minutes.
Physical Activity
 Benefits:
Lowers glucose levels in blood
Improves blood circulation in the
entire body
Contributes to weight loss
Improves physical and mental
Helps the body to utilize insulin
more efficiently
Physical Activity
Consult your doctor before you start a
physical activity program
Start you program slowly and increase
activity level gradually
You can choose the physical activity
that that you like to do

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