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Starr Levy

Post University
 Founded in Harlem, NY
 Democratic Prep Public Schools is
a network of 24 schools and 2 K-12
programs that cumulatively add
up to a total of 5500 students (Our
Schools-Democracy Prep, 2017).
 The network of institutions
operates on the basis of open-
enrollment across all the levels
between kindergarten through
high school
 99% of the students are people of
color and 18% are special
students, all are enrolled through
a random lottery and get equal
access to several opportunities
 Learning Technologies
- “…include both tools and resources developed
expressly for the education sector, as well as
pathways of development that may include
tools adapted from other purposes that are
matched with strategies to make them useful for
learning.” (Johson et al., 2016, p. 34).
 Internet Technologies
- Provide research platforms of the learners
- Provide a means for students to network in the
context of learning
 scenario planning will be done by examining
increase rates in student population,
performance of and changes in financial
streams, as well as internet and learning tools
currently in place.
 This approach will be applied to the
Democracy Prep schools by gathering
information on future trends in technology
and learning tools while also factoring in
projected rises in student populations to
come up with approximate statistical figures
of the changes needed.
Just as has been noted, the following are the two main educational technology
trends that will possibly determine the future vision of education in Democracy Prep
Public Schools:
Virtual/Online Learning
Presently, many schools are offering online courses to learners.
The use of the online platform in learning will provide a relevant solution to learning
in Democracy Prep Public Schools in the future, especially when learners have
disabilities or live far away from school (Ploog, Scharf, Nelson & Brooks, 2013).
Educational Digital Resources
Currently, various digital resources are use in schools to support education such as
electronic games, digital books, video conferencing, and digital books.
The digital trends are likely to determine the planning for learning in most
Democracy Prep Public Schools to make the learning more interesting and engaging
to the students.
Sources of funding
The Democracy Prep Public Schools will solicit financial assistance from the
presently available sources such as parents, governmental help, and donors
(Ikpa, 2016).

Diversity Requirement Trends

Schools are presently required to recognize and embrace the changing
cultural and language backgrounds of learners that they teach (Angioloni &
Ames, 2015).
Democracy Prep Public Schools is intended to serve learners from different
For that reason, diversity policies and trends are likely to be automatically
fitted in the future vision for education in these schools.
The two most important demographic that will inform the future vision for education in Democracy
Prep Public Schools are the high rate of aging and the differences between learners in schools.

Backgrounds of Learners
Currently, schools in the United States comprise students from different cultures, languages,
and family backgrounds.
In addition, some learners are even having disabilities and requires specialized approach to
In view of this, Democracy Prep Public Schools will have to embrace a differentiated approach to
address the multifaceted needs of the diverse population of learners.

The Aging Population

The steadily aging population of the nation necessitates offering education to all children and
young adults to ensure that the nation is able to cater for its populations (Han, Moore, Sherman,
Keyes, & Palamar, 2017).
In fact, this trend will inform the future vision for education in Democracy Prep Public Schools
whereby even learners from impoverished families will be given an opportunity to learn.
In half a decade, the following moves should have long been
implemented across institutions in the Democracy Prep Schools
 Active use of smart technology in classrooms across all levels. This
will include smartboards from kindergarten through middle school
and computers as well as websites in junior and senior high school
for academic research.
 Interactive teacher-student internet technologies to ease
communication between teachers and learners and sustain a
personal relationship between the two;
 Development/availing of learning tools specific to Democracy
Prep schools, including programs for more affordable
technological gadgets since most students are from low-income
 Increased engagement between citizen-scholar programs and
local civics institutions, most notably local city halls and state
 Start doing research on the most popular and student-friendly
means of technology used in Web 2.0. in order to set a framework
for implementation of these internet technologies as soon as
 Increase the funding base in light of the high cost that comes with
improving some of the areas of the curriculum, notably acquisition
of the internet technologies;
 Evaluate the current curriculum and examine time allotted for
class work against time for leadership programs in order to know
what trade-offs to make in favor of the latter;
 Encourage parents through periodical parent events to start
making efforts to guide their children into becoming better versed
with Web. 2.0. in order to ease the integration of internet
technologies into the system;
 To start analyzing existing physical resources and plan for
expansion in anticipation of increased student numbers.
 start by forming an online forum on which
students, parents, and facilitators of the
program can all interact.
 along with stakeholder meetings, parent-
teacher liaisons, and appeals to the federal
government and other facilitators for funding,
an online interactive website should run at all
times to gather data, opinions, and attitudes
towards the best way forward as expressed by
students, parents, teachers, and other

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