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Managing Mass
Advertising, Sales
Promotions, Events
and Experiences,
and Public Relations

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 20-1

Learning Objectives
1. What steps are required in developing an
advertising program?
2. How should marketers choose advertising
media and measure their effectiveness?
3. How should sales promotion decisions be
4. What are the guidelines for effective brand-
building events and experiences?
5. How can companies exploit the potential of
public relations?
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Developing and Managing
an Advertising Program

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Developing and Managing
an Advertising Program
• Setting the advertising objectives
• Deciding on the advertising budget
• Developing the advertising
• Choosing media
• Evaluating advertising

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Setting the
Advertising Objectives





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Deciding on the Advertising

 Stage in the product life cycle

 Market share and consumer base
 Competition and clutter
 Advertising frequency
 Product substitutability

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Deciding on the Advertising
• Advertising elasticity
– Concave or S-shaped

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Developing the Advertising
• Message generation and
– Positioning of an ad—what
it attempts to convey about
the brand
– Creative brief
– Open

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Developing the Advertising
• Creative development and execution
– Advertising medium (television, print, and
radio advertising media)

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Developing the Advertising
• Television ads
 Vividly demonstrates product attributes
 Persuasively explains consumer benefits
 Portrays usage imagery/brand
 Product/brand can be overlooked
 Creates clutter
 Easy to ignore or forget ads
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Developing the Advertising
• Print ads
 Provide detailed product information
 Flexibility in design and placement
 Can be fairly passive
 Newspapers popular for local ads
 In steady decline
 Poor reproduction quality
 Short shelf life
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Developing the Advertising
• Print ad evaluation criteria
– Is the message clear at a glance?
– Is the benefit in the headline?
– Does the illustration support the headline?
– Does the first line of the copy support or
explain the headline and illustration?
– Is the ad easy to read and follow?
– Is the product easily identified?
– Is the brand or sponsor clearly identified?
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 20-12
Developing the Advertising
• Radio ads
 Occurs in the car and out of home
 Main advantage is flexibility
 Ads are relatively inexpensive
 Can be schedule to air quickly
 Effective when run in morning
 Can be extremely creative
 Can tap into the listener’s imagination
Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 20-13
Developing the Advertising
• Legal and social issues
– Advertisers must not make false claims
– Must not use false demonstrations
– Must not create ads with the capacity to
– Must avoid bait-and-switch advertising

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Choosing Media
• Reach, frequency, and impact

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Choosing Media
• Total number of
exposures (E)
– Gross Rating Points
(GRP): E = R X F
• Weighted number of
exposures (WE)
– WE = R X F X I

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Choosing Media
• Choosing among major media types

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Choosing Media
• Place advertising options


Public spaces

Product placement

Point of Purchase
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Choosing Media
• Evaluating alternate media
– Need to demonstrate reach/effectiveness
• Selecting specific media vehicles
– Media planner must choose most cost-
effective vehicles and must estimate audience
size, composition, media cost, and cost per
thousand persons reached

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Choosing Media
• Selecting media timing and allocation

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Choosing Media
• Selecting media timing and allocation





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Evaluating Advertising
• Communication-effect
– In-home tests, trailer tests,
theater tests, on-air tests
• Sales-effect research
– Historical approach
– Experimental data

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 20-22

Sales Promotion
• A collection of incentive tools, mostly short
term, designed to stimulate quicker or
greater purchase of particular products or
services by consumers or the trade

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Sales Promotion
• Establishing objectives
– For consumers, retailers, and the sale force

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Sales Promotion
• Selecting consumer promotion tools

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Sales Promotion
• Selecting trade promotion tools
– Forward buying and diverting retailers

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Sales Promotion
• Selecting business and sales force
promotion tools

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Sales Promotion
• Developing the program


Total sales
promotion Duration


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Sales Promotion
• Implementing and evaluating the program

 Lead time
 Sell-in time
 Sales/scanner data
 Consumer surveys
 Experiments

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Events and Experiences
• Events objectives
1. To identify with a target market or lifestyle
2. To increase salience of company/product name
3. To create/reinforce key brand image associations
4. To enhance corporate image
5. To create experiences and evoke feelings
6. To express commitment to the community or on
social issues
7. To entertain key clients or reward employees
8. To permit merchandising/promotional opportunities

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Events and Experiences
• Major sponsorship
– Choosing events
– Designing sponsorship
– Measuring sponsorship

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Sponsorship Programs
• Measure outcomes, not • Measure results of
outputs emotional connections
• Define/benchmark • Identify group norms
objectives on front end • Include cost savings in ROI
• Measure return for each calculations
objective • Slice the data
• Measure behavior • Capture normative data
• Apply assumptions/ratios
used by other departments

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Events and Experiences
• Creating experiences
– Experiential marketing

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Public Relations
• PR department functions
– Press relations
– Product publicity
– Corporate communications
– Lobbying
– Counseling

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Public Relations
• Marketing public relations (MPR) tasks

Launching Repositioning
new mature
products products

Building Building
corporate interest in
image product

target groups

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Public Relations
• Major decisions in
marketing PR
– Establishing objectives
– Choosing messages and
– Implementing the plan
– Evaluating results

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Public Relations

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Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education Ltd. 20-38

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