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Discipline & Laws

Jordynn & Clara

Zero tolerance
Zero tolerance a state and federal law. Strict rules of regulations that are against
certain possessions and behaviors that that are always enforced no matter the behavior,
action, or possession. This behavior results in expulsion according to the law.
Otherwise that school could lose all federal funding.

In schools certain behaviors and possessions that are unacceptable include:

● Violent behavior and actions of students on school ground.

● Fighting on school ground.
● Threatening others in any way.
● Threatening lives of students, teachers, administrators.
● Bringing, selling, making drugs.
● Having/using weapons or explosive devices.

The role of a para in a situation like this would be to know what to watch for leading
up to and episode or event to prevent it from happening. Be knowledgeable of the zero
tolerance policy. If a situation occurs, their job would be to escort the student to
the office.
Physical Restraints
Physical restraints are state law, but in school they can not be
mechanical or be chemical related. It is where a student must be
isolated from the area if he/she may be causing physical harm or
endangering other people/students or themself.

In order to protect others, a seclusion room may be of best choice, but

may not have locks. Otherwise, removing other students from the
classroom may be another option, but can be dangerous as well if they
are throwing items, damaging property, etc.

Roles of a para in this situation may include them staying with the
students or escorting them elsewhere, where the other student/person
can’t be harmed and that person can’t harm themself. The para may be the
one to inform proper personal depending on the situation.
Compulsory Education Law require students to attend school, typically
starting at the age of 6, and they must attend until at least the age of
16. Each child is allowed 10 excused absences unless there is a medical

● Parents can get a ticket for truancy

● Parents could have to receive counseling
● Parents might get a misdemeanor
● Student would have to make up all work that was missed

A paraprofessional would have to be knowledgeable on this topic for

their school. Other than that, they would have to help the student(s)
who missed, catch up with their work.
Removing students from class
A teacher may remove a student from a classroom if their behavior is
unruly, distracting, abusive or distracting other students from

● The superintendent must bring up each behavior at the next board

● Each student has the right to review their own case (if suspended)
and make a defense
● Student may not re-enter the school until they have a meeting with
the principle (if suspended)
● Parents must be notified right away (if suspended)

A paraprofessional would go in the hallway or go to the office with the

student who is to be removed from the classroom.
Websites Pertaining to Educational Legal Issues:



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