PTI Policy For Persons With Disabilities

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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

Policy Paper for Persons with Disabilities

‘Everyone has a voice that needs to be heard’

June 26th, 2018

Under leadership of Imran Khan
Chairman PTI
Policy Team Lead: Zaigham M. Rizvi
S# Section Slide #
01 Objective 03
02 Disability Definition and Categories 04
03 Facts / Statistics: Global vis-à-vis Pakistan 05
04 Disability related policies and legislations’ chronology in Pakistan 06-07
05 Challenges faced by persons with disabilities 08
06 PTI’s Action Plans 09-20


Objective of this PTI’s Policy for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) is

to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with
disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. (as
per UN CRPD*).

CRPD defined Persons with disabilities as:

“Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in
interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and
effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

*Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Definition of Disability and Categories

• It is important to define disability, and issue Disability

Certificate as per agreed definition to avoid any misuse
of allocated resource for persons with disabilities. And
to ensure that priority will be given to those who are
in genuine need.

• While a disability may be Mild, Moderate, or Severe in

nature, it needs to have a nationally acceptable
definition, awareness, and subsequent certification
and registration accordingly.

Definition of Disability and Categories
• PTI, in consultation with stakeholders will redefine persons with
disability as “someone who has impairment that has a
substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to
carry out day to day activities in one or more of the following
• Mobility
• Manual dexterity
• Physical coordination
• Continence
• Ability to lift, carry or move everyday objects
• Speech, hearing or eyesight
• Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand
• Understanding of the risk of physical danger
(As defined by American with Disability Act – ADA)

Statistical FACTS - 1
• The World Health Organization (“WHO”) estimates that 15% of the world’s
population is affected by some kind of disability, while 2-4% of the world’s
population experience significant difficulties in basic functioning.
• In Pakistan, the number of PWDs, as per National Census of 1998, is 3.28
million (2.49% ) of the population, of which 42% are Females and 58% are
• The '98' Census greatly underestimates PWDs with severe disabilities
since the census covered PWD through one question only.
• In Pakistan, the distribution of Persons with Disabilities (“PWD”) is as
• Physical disability - 19%
• Mentally challenged - 14%
• Multiple disabilities - 8.2%
• Visually impaired - 8.6%
• Hearing impaired - 7.4% and
• Other disabilities - 43.3%
• Disability in urban areas is 34% and in rural areas is 66% i.e. a ratio of 1:2
Statistical FACTS - 2
• The WHO World Disability Report of 2011 recommends steps for betterment
of PWDs by:
• Creation of enabling environments;
• Development of rehabilitation and support services;
• Ensuring adequate social protection;
• Creating inclusive policies and programs; and
• Enforcing new and existing standards and legislation that benefit PWDs
• PTI believes Pakistan needs to follow this model.

Chronology of various legislations and initiatives on Disability

• Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance, 1981

• National Policy for Persons with Disabilities (2002)
• National Plan of Action for Persons with Disabilities, 2006
• The Accessibility Code of Pakistan 2006
• Some other measures:
• Special Citizens Act, 2008
• Special Citizens (Right to Concessions in Movement) Act, 2009
• Duty Free Import of Car
• Facilitation in Banking Services

Chronology of various legislations and initiatives on Disability

Pakistan signed and ratified UN Convention on the Right of Persons with

Disabilities (CRPD) and some efforts has been made to implement CRPD.
After 18th amendment, Disability has become a provincial subject.
Following acts have been passed by different assemblies:
• Sindh Empowerment of PWD Act XLVIII of 2018 June 11 2018
• The Baluchistan Persons with Disabilities Act, No II of 2017
• Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) (Amendment) act 2012
• Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation)
(Amendment) Act, 2012
• Pakistan Disability Act ( in process at National Assembly)
Relevant Disability Acts/Regulations in Provinces and at the Center will
be harmonized in the larger interest of PWDs and for their proper and
effective implementations.

Challenges faced by person with disabilities
1. Negative attitude toward disability
2. Barrier created by Policies and systems
3. Inaccessible infrastructure and transport
4. Inaccessible information and communication
5. Limited access to education and employment / self-employment
6. Limited access to social services and health care
7. Limited access to sport and recreational activities

PWD proudly say that they:

• Excel in other faculties/abilities
• Mazoor hain Majboor nahin
• TV Anchor at Hum News on and on

PTI’s Action Plans (Count everyone)
• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 15% of the
world's population have some sort of disability, whereas the prevalence
of disability in Pakistan was estimated in 1998 Census as 2.49%.
• Comparing to WHO 15% estimation our estimation does not seem
correct. Reason being, there was only one question on Disability in the
Census Form and also people feel shy calling their child as Disable.
• Effective policy-making requires reliable, valid data on all aspects of
disability. There is no standardized instrument for data collection in
Pakistan on disability that provides comprehensive data.
• At very first, Disability Disaggregate Data is required, since without
accurate data no planning could be done. Previous Govt. missed the
chance to collect this data in recent census despite the Court Order.
• PTI will ensure an extensive survey to collect disability disaggregated
data, on the basis of “Washington Questions” and other standards.

PTI’s Action Plans (Constitutional & Legal)
• 177 countries have ratified the UN Convention for the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), including Pakistan.
• The CRPD aims at ensuring the persons’ with disabilities to enjoy
equal human rights as others. Its objective is “to promote, protect
and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and
fundamental freedom by all persons with disabilities, and to
promote respect for their inherent dignity”.
• PTI will fully endorse the UN Declaration, and will provide needed
institutional arrangements to ensure that its provisions are
effectively followed and observed by all the stakeholders.
• PTI will design comprehensive national disability laws in line with
the UN convention for the rights of persons with disabilities

PTI’s Action Plans (Changing Attitude)
• Mass awareness campaign on print and electronic media, with
help of celebrities. IK will lead this campaign as the highest
celebrity of Pakistan.
• Disability equity Awareness for all children and youth via
educational institutes. And disability awareness topic will be
included at all level of govt. employees’ training.
• National and Provincial Awards for extra-ordinary achievements
of persons with disability will be initiated, and their positive
work for the society will be promoted.
• Awareness Programs for PWDs would be put in place for the
better understanding of their rights/privileges, and how to get
those rights implemented.

PTI’s Action Plans (Policies & System Barriers)
• PTI will ensure that development of different governing policies
and system will not make barrier for persons with disabilities.
And existing policies and systems that create barriers for
persons with disabilities will be changed to remove barrier.
Such as:
• ATM Card activation system will be made accessible for people
with hearing loss.
• Single signature bank account opening will be made possible for
people with blindness. Biometric Thumb Impressions, linked to
NADRA system installed at Bank could be used to authenticate
credentials as needed.
• Policy Monitoring Cell will be set at the highest level, which
will welcome any such ideas/proposal from Persons with
PTI’s Action Plans (Infrastructure & Transport)
• Accessibility for persons with physical, visual, hearing disability,
in all built environments i.e. building, roads, paths, parks will be
• All existing public places will be made accessible to persons
with disabilities, gradually by ensuring implementation of
Pakistan Accessibility Code.
• Accessibility requirements for new buildings will be
incorporated into construction contracts.
• Easy evacuation and accessible emergency alert system
(specially for persons with hearing disability) will be ensured in
hostels, hotels and other building.
• To enhance accessibility with innovative solutions in building
infrastructure, accessibility and universal design topic will be
promoted in academia.
PTI’s Action Plans (Infrastructure & Transport)
• A policy on imported and local built public transport will be
developed, to ensure all imported public transport accessibility for all.
• People who are deaf will be granted driving license after proper
training and testing, as is done in other countries.
• Encourage local accessible vehicle development in public private
partnership with incentive for motor vehicle industry to develop
accessible local transport (bikes, car, van).
• Wheelchair, including electric motored wheelchair for person with
sever disability will be ensured, either free or on soft loans.
• Until public transport become accessible, tricycle , 3-wheel motor bike
will be offered to people with physical disability, who are in need but
cannot afford the same. Fund for easy installments and interest free
loan to buy such bike will a allocated.

PTI’s Action Plans (Access to information & Communication)

• Policy on captioning / subtitle and Sign Language Interpretation for TV channels

and film maker will be developed. Initially 10% live programs and 100% recorded
program will be made accessible for people with hearing disability. For TV News
and Breaking News, Sign Language Interpreters will be provided.
• All public and private service provides will be made reachable by text messaging.
Special access to helpline via sign language video call will be made. Cell Phones to
facilitate texting by deaf persons, and smart phones with built-in WhatsApp for
word-to-voice facility. etc will be made available and promoted by cell phone
• To fill the gap and provide necessary trained human resource for real time
captioning and Sign Language Interpreting, special diploma / certificate course
will be organized.
• Sign Language Interpreter will be a recognized profession, and certification
programs will be launched for that.
• PTI recognizes Pakistan Sign Language as a Language of deaf community.
PTI’s Action Plans (Access to Education)

• PTI will give special care to ensure that every child with disability will
have access to education, near to their homes, preferably in mainstream
or in special education center, where required.
• Necessary trained human resources and equipment will be made
available. This include brail printing and screen reader for children with
visual disability, and Sign Language (SL) Interpreters for children who are
deaf. Hearing Aids, batteries and speech therapist would be made easily
available for children who are hard of hearing.
• To ensure availability of quality teachers and technical staff, teacher
training program under international exchanges will be organize.
• All the testing and exams will be made accessible for persons with
disabilities, including provision of writing assistants, Sign Language
interpreter, extra time, etc.

PTI’s Action Plans (Employment & Self-employment)
PTI believes making PWDs a productive part of society, and we
• PTI will ensure disability job quota fully enforced in public and private
sector. For monitoring, enforcement cells will be established at PM
and CM secretariats.
• For self-employment, PTI will empower PWDs with necessary
knowledge, skills and funds by micro financing and interest free loans.
• Monthly Income support under BISP will be provided to the families
having child with sever disability, who cannot do any job.
• Employment quota will be ensured at different levels, based on
competence and merits. Hiring of PWDs only at lowest ranks will be
• Organizations not complying with employment quota mismatch will
be required to contribute balance matching funds to Disable Persons
Empowerment Fund/Programs.
PTI’s Action Plans (Social Service & Health Care)
PTI will also ensure:
• Access to concessional health care services to all disability categories
with specific provisions for those most vulnerable.
• Rehabilitation programs will be initiated and supported by
experienced clinicians. Occupational therapy and physiotherapies will
be provided by the health sector where appropriate.
• Special Health Insurance Policy in public private partnership, for
persons with disability will be consider.
• Leading Govt Hospitals will be asked to arrange Sign Language
Interpreters to facilitate treatment of deaf persons.
• Hostels will be developed for PWDs with severe disabilities, whose
parents had died and there is nobody to take care of them, like in the
PTI’s Action Plans (Sport & Recreational)
• We are proud of our sportsmen/women with disabilities.
• Blind Para climber (global recognition),
• Blind Cricket Team (World Cup),
• Deaf Cricket Team (World Cup),
• Wheelchair Cricket, first such team in the world
• PTI, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations,
philanthropists and private corporations, will prioritize participation
of PWDs in physical fitness and sporting activities/events.
• PTI will facilitate inclusion and accessibility of PWDs in places of
sports, gyms, and recreation centers, and would foster their
integration in national and international sports programs.
• Recreational and tourism activities for persons with disability will be
promoted though Pakistan Tourism Department. Private tour
operator will be encouraged to make their tour accessible for all.
PTI’s Action Plans (Intellectual Disability) - 1
• Rehabilitation Programs will be initiated and supported at
hospitals and clinics in the Public as well as in the Private
• Volunteer assistance will be considered to support and train
the family of children with intellectual disability, slow learning
and Autism in poor and deserving families.
• Free and subsidized medical treatment, services and medicines
will be provided for treatment of Mentally Challenged Persons
in poor and deserving families.
• Emphasis on early screening and diagnosis by experienced
clinicians would be made.
• Ongoing and regular assessments of needs, physical/ dietary/
emotional/ educational would made.
PTI’s Action Plans (Intellectual Disability) - 2
• Rehabilitation Programs will be initiated and supported by
experienced clinicians.
• Occupational therapy and physiotherapy to be provided by the
health sector where appropriate.
• Free medical provision for mentally challenged children of the
• PTI would encourage research and programs to address the
challenge of “Autism” and “Asperger's Syndrome”.

PTI’s Disability Policy Document

Access complete Policy document at our website


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
PTI Wing for Persns with Disabilities

Team Lead and Volunteer for PwDs

Zaigham M. Rizvi
Chairman: Sir Syed Deaf Association, Islamabad
Patron: Sargodha Deaf Association
Patron: Pakistan Association of Deaf, Karachi
Patron: Deaf Islamic Center, Lahore
Serving Persons with Disabilities for the last 35 years
Secretary General: Asia-Pacific Union for Housing Finance-APUHF
Served/Serves as Housing Adviser/Consultant to:
World Bank/IFC, UNHABITAT, CMHC-Canada
Affordable Housing Institute-USA (AHI)
Encludes-USA (ShoreBank Int’l )
State Bank of Pakistan (The central bank)

The information has been compiled by Mr. Rizvi from self study and from different sources.
He is grateful to all those serving this noble cause in some form or the other.

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