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Sublimation /
is the change of substance from solid to gas
without passing through an intermediate liquid
Its an endothermic phase transition

Sublimation is used for :

1)Separation volatile solid
2)Purification some solid organics
The term sublimation refers to a physical change of state and is not used to
describe transformation of a solid to a gas in a chemical reaction
Temperature sublimation
 What's the different between melting point and sublimation

 They are both getting heated . But the different is that melting
point changes from solid to liquid but the sublimation is
converting from solid to a gas

Iodine + Arsenic can sublime at high temperatures

impurity the rate of sublimation
 Carbon dioxide

Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) sublimes (e.g., at the

temperature of −78.5 °C (194.65 K, −104.2 °F)
at atmospheric pressure), whereas its melting into
liquid CO2 can occur at pressures and temperatures
(i.e., 5.2 atm, −56.4 °C)
o Naphthalene
an organic compound commonly found in
pesticide such as mothball also sublimes.
It sublimes easily because it is made of
non-polar molecules and has van der
Waals intermolecular forces.
Naphthalene is a solid that sublimes at
standard atmospheric temperature with
the sublimation point at around 80˚C or
176˚F. At low temperature, its vapour
pressure is high enough .
The end

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