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A Research on

Emotional Labour Display

The Third Mediterranean International Social Sciences Congress
Budapest 19-22 June 2018

Öğ. Gör. Dr. Bilal Ezilmez

Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Umut Eroğlu
Purpose of the research

The purpose of this study to explore

the antecedents and consequences of
Emotional Labor (EL) strategies that
health sector employees display.
Emotional labor – the managed heart

Arlie Russell Hochschild

Definitions of Variables

• Emotion management is now considered a form of work, a type of labor when it is considered together with the
rules of emotional display, and emotional labor when it comes to being paid for a fee.(Hochschild 1983)

• Deep Emotional Labor:

It should harmonize the real feelings of the employees with the behaviors expected from it

• Surface Emotional Labor:

It is a behavior form that controls emotional impressions and adapts them to expectations, even if they do not
change their real feelings

• Natural Emotional Labor:

It is the kind of behavior that arises if the employees already feel the emotions they are already feeling.
Research Model

Importance given to EL display


Deep Acting
Emotional Exhaustion
Clearness of EL Display Rules Surface Acting
Employee Performance
EL Display Rules (Positive EL
display) Natural Acting

EL Display Rules (Suppression

of Negative display)
Organizational Support
Limitations of the Research- Method of the Research

• Public and private employees in the health sector in Bursa City

• July-September 2016

• A total of 73 questions in the questionnaire

• Likert Scale with five options.

(Options on the scale Never agree, disagree, undecided, agree, fully agree)
Findings and Results
Demographic characteristics of participants

18-25 129 28,5 Public 289 63,9

Type of
26-34 113 25,0 Private 163 36,1 Primary 33 7,3
35-44 138 30,5 Lycee 117 25,9
Male 134 30 Education
Age Gender University 247 54,6
45-54 63 13,9 Female 318 70 level
55-64 8 1,8 Post- 54 11,9
Marital Married 267 59,1 graduate
65+ 1 ,2
Status Single 185 40,9
Demographic characteristics of participants

1-5 years 151 33,4 1-5 years 250 55,3

6-10 years 100 22,1 6-10 years 99 21,9
Experience of Experience of
11-15 years 82 18,1 11-15 years 62 13,7
vocational study institutional work
16-20 years 49 10,8 16-20 years 20 4,4
20 + years 70 15,5 20 + years 21 4,6

• Correlations between all variables were examined to determine the

relationship between variables.
• The Kurtosis and Skewness coefficients of the data in the study are
normal distribution between -1.5 and +1.5.
• The KMO values were higher than 0.5.
• Bartlett test results have met the condition that the level of
significance is greater than 0.05.
• Model was tested by structural equation modeling (SEM) and path
analyses were used
Descriptive information of scales

Scales of the Research Cronbach Alfa Mean Std. Deviation
of Items
Employee's importance to EL rules 4 0,627 3,78 ,77
Clearness of EL Display Rules 9 0,842 3,07 ,70
EL display rules 14 0,895 3,51 ,74
EL display rules - positive displays 11 0,887 3,52 ,79
EL display rules – suppression of negatives 3 0,792 3,66 ,101
Emotional Labor strategies 11 0,743 3,29 ,61
Deep acting of Emotonal Labor 4 0,750 3,65 ,84
Surface acting of Emotional Labor 4 0,685 2,98 ,87
Natural acting of Emotional Labor 3 0,325 3,21 ,73
Organizational Support 8 0,936 2,95 1,02
Emotional Exhaustion 3 0,875 3,03 1,13
Employee Performance 8 0,877 4,00 ,64
Religiosity 5 0,791 3,91 ,85
Correlation Table of the Research Variables

IMP. GIVEN to EL DISPLAY RULES r 1 ,516** ,399** ,0192 ,348** ,169** ,220** ,359** -,077 ,260** ,225**
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,103 ,000 ,000
CLEARNESS of EDR r ,516** 1 ,439** ,230** ,363** ,184** ,230** ,667** -,176** ,237** ,138**

p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,003
+ EMOTIONAL DISPLAY RULES r ,399** ,439** 1 ,522** ,401** ,186** ,207** ,389** -,091 ,302** ,186**

p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,052 ,000 ,000
- EMOTIONAL DISPLAY RULES r ,192** ,230** ,522** 1 ,235** ,129** ,126** ,187** ,083 ,120* ,097*
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,006 ,007 ,000 ,077 ,011 ,038
DEEP EL r ,348** ,363** ,401** ,235** 1 ,346** ,347** ,242** -,065 ,306** ,208**
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,170 ,000 ,000
SURFACE EL r ,169** ,184** ,186** ,129** ,346** 1 ,233** ,098* ,241** ,008 ,035
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,006 ,000 ,000 ,037 ,000 ,870 ,456
NATURAL EL r ,220** ,230** ,207** ,126** ,347** ,233** 1 ,155** ,123** ,116* ,142**
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,007 ,000 ,000 ,001 ,009 ,013 ,002
ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT r ,359** ,667** ,389** ,187** ,242** ,098* ,155** 1 -,259** ,224** ,140**

p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,037 ,001 ,000 ,000 ,003
E-EXHAUSTION r -,077 -,176** -,091 ,083 -,065 ,241** ,123** -,259** 1 -,158** ,012
p ,103 ,000 ,052 ,077 ,170 ,000 ,009 ,000 ,001 ,797
PERFORMANCE r ,260** ,237** ,302** ,120* ,306** ,008 ,116* ,224** -,158** 1 ,310**
p ,000 ,000 ,000 ,011 ,000 ,870 ,013 ,000 ,001 ,000
RELIGIOSITY r ,225** ,138** ,186** ,097* ,208** ,035 ,142** ,140** ,012 ,310** 1
p ,000 ,003 ,000 ,038 ,000 ,456 ,002 ,003 ,797 ,000
Path coefficients and T-values ​for the theoretical model

Independent Variable Direct Effect Dependent Variable

β t p
Importance given to EL rules 0.11 2.07 <0.05 Deep EL

Clearness of EL rules 0.13 2.36 <0.05 Deep EL

EL rules (+) 0.29 5.36 <0.05 Deep EL

0.19 3.91 <0.05 Surface EL
EL rules (+)
0.24 5.01 <0.05 Natural EL
EL rules (+)
Religiosity 0.10 2.31 <0.05 Deep EL

Status in the Institution -0.28 -5.10 <0.05 Natural EL

Type of Institution -0.23 -4.37 <0.05 Natural EL

Deep EL -0.20 -4.13 <0.05 E. Exhaustion

0.29 5.75 Performance
Deep EL
Surface EL 0.28 5.68 <0.05 E. Exhaustion

Natural EL 0.13 2.74 <0.05 E. Exhaustion

Emotional Exhaustion -0.14 -2.97 <0.05 Performance

Accepted Hypothesis

• H1a. There is a meaningful relationship between the importance of the occupational EL display rules and
the deep acting (of EL).

• H2a. There is a meaningful relationship between the degree of religiosity of the employee and the deep
acting (of EL).

• H3a. There is a meaningful relationship between the clarity of EL display rules and deep acting (of EL).

• H4a. There is a meaningful relationship between the positive content of emotional display rules and the
deep acting (of EL).
• H4b. There is a significant relationship between the positive content of emotional display rules and the
surface acting (of EL).
• H4c. There is a significant relationship between the positive content of emotional display rules and the
natural acting ( EL).
Accepted Hypothesis-2

• H7a. There is a significant relationship between the deep acting (of EL) and emotional exhaustion.
• H7b. There is a significant relationship between the surface acting (of EL) and emotional exhaustion.
• H7c. There is a significant relationship between the natural acting (of EL) and emotional exhaustion.

• H8a. There is a significant relationship between the deep acting (of EL) and employee performance.

• H9c. The natural acting (of EL) differs according to employee position in the organization.
• H9f. The natural acting (EL) differs depending on the type of organization (whether private or public).

• H10. There is a significant relationship between occupational emotional exhaustion and employee

• Emotional Labor strategies has a • Likewise, there is a positive and

meaningful and positive significant relationship between • The variable of religiousity,
relationship with all of the positive content of EL display rules positively affects the deep acting
research variables except and all other variables except (of EL) by the employees.
emotional exhaustion. emotional exhaustion.

• Increase in the number of

• There is also mediating effect of occupations in the profession and
• In private sector employees show
emotional exhaustion on the in the workplace does not make a
more EL than in public sector.
performance in terms of EL. difference in emotional labor

• Health sector is a human-based service, it

• Educating health workers for can be effective in increasing emotional
• This may contribute to the
emotional labor by the institution labor knowledge and skills, especially for
prevention of emotional
should be held in the beginning patients and their relatives, to emphasize
and then at regular intervals. the use of deep EL rather than surface EL,
and to reduce emotional exhaustion.

•Educating health workers for emotional labor by the institution should

be held in the beginning and then at regular intervals.

•This may contribute to the prevention of emotional exhaustion.

•Health sector is a human-based service, it can be effective in

increasing emotional labor knowledge and skills, especially for
patients and their relatives, to emphasize the use of deep EL rather
than surface EL, and to reduce emotional exhaustion.
Thanks very much

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