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Chandrika Chauhan- 09609119

Mayank Vatsyayana - 09609120

Kapil Ahuja- 06503871
 GIS consists of hardware and software that make it possible for
the digitized map to be overlaid with data.

 Basically, a system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating,

manipulating, analyzing and displaying data with reference to

 Size of the hardware is dependent on complexity, size of the files

and number of users.

 Hardware can be a PC or a high-end server supporting many


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 Software in GIS is an application package that includes a
graphical user interface, a database management system and an

 Data used in GIS is now available in new formats which include

digitized maps, machine readable data including statistics.

 The whole idea is to display a digitized map and then to add

information to the map from census data or other machine-
readable sources.

 It presents the information visually and makes it possible to ask

question that results in adding more information

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 Research in many areas can be enhanced by GIS

 Research applications might include overlaying clusters of illness

on a digitized map showing distribution of potential
environmental hazards.

 GIS can be used as a tool for planning like planning for:

o Library services and facilities

o Services to special populations
o Used in collection development

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 Minimum hardware requirement for a desktop GIS system is a
processor of 2.0 GHz and 1 GB of memory.
 New machine for GIS should be rated 4.0 GHz with at least 2 GB
 Monitor should be a 24 inch or larger high-resolution, wide
screen with flat panel.
 A photo printer with resolution of 1200 by 1200 with a scanner.
 Hardware costs are less per concurrent user when applications
software is mounted on a server.
 A server is generally not cost effective with fewer than 5
concurrent users.

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The typical software package includes:
 graphical user interface for downloading and viewing GIS
 magnification and measuring distances
 selection based on attributes or location
 changing color and resolution
 merging, labeling, and creating reports
 an editor for data manipulation and editing

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Autodesk MapInfo

ESRI Intergraph

Geographic Manifold
Research Inc. Systems

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 These companies target a number of markets, including
education, manufacturing, shipping, retailing, security, and
 Most sales to libraries have been made by vendors that are value
added retailers for these six companies.
 The vendor that had the largest number of library customers as of
the first quarter of 2009 was CIVIC Technologies.
 Most of its success has been with academic libraries, but it has
sold both its Business Decision and Library Decision to public

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 The former is a tool that a library can offer to local businesses
that cannot afford to invest directly in GIS. The latter is a
planning and management toolkit.

 The operating system environment:

◦ Standalone System: Windows XP or Windows Vista
◦ Server Based System: Windows Server 2008 or UNIX

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 Hardware and system software
 single desktop workstation is a minimum of $3,500.
 A server and five desktop workstations cost a minimum of
 Applications software
 ranges from $395 to tens-of-thousands of dollars.
 Lowest price is offered by manifold.
 The highest price is a multi module server by ESRI

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 Data includes U.S. government data, available from
 U.S. Geological Service
 U.S Census Bureau
 widely used government source is TIGER (Topologically
Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference).
 Commercial sources: Geolytics

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Staffing, its a challenging task as it requires assistance of:
 Well trained technicians to maintain complex systems.
Librarians who are skilled in using software, which comes
from training and regular use.

GIS training is offered by many community colleges and

universities. It is also available online. The largest online program
is operated by ESRI, which costs $125. begins with an overview
of basic image and 6 remote sensing science concepts

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Six modules are as follows

Understanding imagery and image analysis

Accessing and displaying image data
Rectifying and “mosaicing” images
 Extracting and classifying features
 Image analysis
 Applying the image analysis extensions

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 Many local governments, both municipal and county organizes
various GIS programs. But efficient utilization of such programs
requires high levels of participation from the entities such as
public libraries and individuals who are seeking specialization in
this field.

 Public libraries should, therefore, coordinate their efforts with

any that may be underway in their jurisdictions .

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With rare exceptions, articles published more than five years ago
should be avoided because it majorly deals with academic
institutions. Also the material contained in it would be generally

Some best sources comprise of:

 ,one of the best single source sponsored by ESRI,

the largest vendor in GIS software industry.

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 Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, has a very good 22-page
article on GIS, including its history, the software components,
techniques, and its future. The URL is

 is an excellent portal which organizes more

than 1000 web sites that deal with GIS in broad categories. One
of the categories is Governmental Web sites.

 Not to be overlooked are state library agencies and local colleges

and universities. Many offer consulting services and some have
undertaken GIS projects on behalf of public libraries.

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 The University of Edinburgh’s Department of Geography and the
Association of Geographic Information (UK) have created an
alphabetic index of useful GIS Web sites. The URL is

While it takes time to find sites on a specific aspect of GIS, it is

worth it because many good sites are included that are not
available through the portal mentioned earlier.

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