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More Examples of a Close Loop Automatic

Control System

Water-Level Float Regulator

(First Historical Feedback System by Russia)

Water Level Float Regulator

Desired Actual
water Valve Tank water
level level

Analysis And Design Objectives
◦ Analysis is the process by which a system’s performance is determined.
◦ Ex. We Evaluate its transient response and steady-state error to determine if they meet the desired

◦ Design is the process by which a system’s performance is created or change.

◦ Ex. If a system’s transient response and steady state error are analyzed and found not to meet the
specifications, then we change the parameters or add additional components to meet the
Two major measures of performance are
(1)Transient Response
(2)Steady-State Error
Performance of an Elevator
Transient Response
◦ It is important in the performance, In the case of an elevator, a
slow transient response makes passengers impatient, whereas an
excessively rapid response makes them uncomfortable.
Steady-state response
◦ Another analysis and design goal focuses on the steady-state response. As we
have seen, this response resembles the input and is usually what remains
after the transient have decayed to zero.
◦ discussion of transient response and steady-state error is moot if the system does not

In order to explain stability, we start from the fact that the total response of a system is the
sum of the natural response and the forced response.


If the Natural Response Greater Than Forced Response then instability occur.
3 Major Objectives of System Analysis
and Design
(1) Producing the desired transient response
(2) Reducing Steady-state Error
(3) Achieving Stability
Control System
◦ A System must be stable in order to produce proper transient and
stead-state response. Transient response is important because it
affects the speed of the system and influences human patience
and comfort. Steady-state response determines the accuracy of
the control system.

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