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Email: sa’
Location: Somaliland
Country: Somaliland
Region: Zeila
Date: 20/05/2018
 Executive summary
Our service is tourism sector in SA’ADA-
DIIN ISLAN, owner of these business are
team of students, and we recognize the
responsibility we have to give back to the
program that we grew up with. Over four
years as Tech Challenge team we have
worked with over 3 person teams as
advisors, as coaches, and as collaborators in
the program, all with the objective of
spreading passion. Our customers are
people across the country.
We are prepared to grow the program and to
share its benefits. To put it simply: get
everywhere. We foster and will continue to
foster new teams and continue the
expansion of in other beaches. BBT itself
doubled this year, and we expect the growth
to continue. Instead of introducing new
team members to continue Fish in the Boat,
we have decided to create multiple other
teams in our area to strengthen the program
in our school district and
The Sa’ad da-Din archipelago (a group of
small islands) is made of six small all of
which are low lying and have sandy beaches.
The largest of these islands are sa’ada din
and Aibat, which are six or nine miles off the
coast of ZEILA,
In our service for tourism SA’ADA DIIN
ISLAND in SOMALILAND, we help how
they visit the ISLAND. We study the
feasibility of diversifying and expanding the
tourism attractions and infrastructure in the
Somaliland country.
Since we recognize that there is no more recreational
sectors we think that there is vacant opportunity for
tourism and that is why we decide to initiate this
business. Observation was one technique which helps
us to identify this opportunity.
We were believe that our business will success by
guiding these factors
 Necessity of tourism
 Lack of tourism in our country
Our business is mini service related to the
tourism as we mention before, this mini
business will provide the society the
following important points
 We will design attractive place such as small
restaurants , cafeterias, etc
 Photographic zones, we will also offer daily
scheduled tours to the most of island and
we will take you along endless stretches of
beaches surrounded by crystal clear blue
waters and scenic sand tracks.
 Providing places for exercise such as
stadiums, gym halls and basketball courts
 We will offer a transport services on sa’ada-
din Island, based at zeila. Our vehicles can
carry the tourists to their choices of
destinations anywhere on sa’ada-din island
for a picnic, fishing ,or day trip or transfer to
your accommodation we can transport
parties of o1 to 50 persons, and all their
camping( activity of staying tend on a
holidays) equipment or luggage(bags, case
or materials of tourists).
Internal External

Strength: Opportunities:

o Innovative o Self funding

o Motivated o Legacy team
o Adaptable o Well recognized
o Dedicated o Strong outreach
o Resilient o Diversity of tourism
o Dynamic
o Patience

Weaknesses: Threats:

o Aging team “ not old” o Sponsorship challenges

o Outdated Technology o Lack of appropriate training on quality
 Tourism Boat faces challenges and tasks
head on, determined to succeed. From that
we determine the strengths of dedication
and motivation.
 We work with conflicts and problems that
arise, implementing our strategic
engineering process in everything we do,
from which we derive the strengths of
adaptability and resilience
Data on tourism are not structured
properly. Immigration sectors provide data
on tourism based on police database of
arrival and departure of foreign and
Somalilander citizens but does not consider
any other data such as where tourism stay,
which is the purpose of their travel, are they
really tourists or visitors of this country
 Self-funding – we recognize this as an
opportunity to partner with the engineering
community locally and on a statewide scale.
Because we are not funded by the school
system, we rely on sponsors and our
fundraisers to support us through the
season. This has taught us about public
speaking, how to effectively market the
team, and has created a business-like
 Strong Outreach: we have created an
environment for to thrive in our community,
from starting two teams at a local
elementary school and growing that
program to four, starting at our high school,
implementing an based class as an elective,
working with community education to offer
as an extracurricular, and mentoring
basement teams to further their success
A- What barriers to entry do you face in entering
this market with your new company? For
example, high capital cost, high production
cost, and training skills could be a barrier.
 High capital cost: Barriers to entry can
include government regulations, the need for
licenses, and having to compete with a large
corporation as a small business startup.
 Production cost : these barriers includes what
the manufacturer pays for raw materials,
production equipment, labor and licenses for
patented manufacturing processes or design
 Training skills: improve access to training
interventions and create the necessary
institutional conditions that are a key challenge for
policy makers.
B- How will you reach your Target Markets and
motivate them to buy? (Develop Product, Price,
and Promotional Strategies)
 Product Development: Product refers to the
goods or services you are offering. You might
consider a range of factors such as packaging,
labeling, branding and quality when developing
your product.
 Price Development: I setting a suitable price for your
products or services will help you to be profitable and
stay competitive. Start by including all the costs
associated with producing and delivering your
products and services, then research your target market
to determine how much they would be willing to pay. If
there is a gap you have more work to do – perhaps
reducing your costs or focusing on a different market
 Promotional Strategies development: Promotion
refers to the methods you will use to advertise and sell
your products and services. Promotional methods may
include: website social media
C- What will be your pricing strategies? How will you
compare with the competition? Why will customers pay
your price?
 There are many factors to consider when developing your
pricing strategy, both short- and long-term. For
example, your pricing needs to:
 Reflect the value you provide versus your competitors
 Match what the market will truly pay for your offering
 Support your brand
 Enable you to reach your revenue and market share goals
 Maximize your profits
I. One of the best ways to keep your business
operating successfully is by continually
measuring and comparing its performance
against competitor averages, a concept more
formally knowing as: benchmarking.
II. Most customers follow a four-phase buying
pattern when choosing where to make their
purchase. These phases are as follows:
 Functionality – Where a product or service meets a
certain need or does a certain thing that cannot be
accomplished in any other manner.
 Reliability – When two or more competitors offer
similar products that have the same functionality,
consumers turn to the competitor whose product
offers the better reliability.
 Convenience – When competitors have products or
services that offer the same functionality and the
same relative reliability, consumers turn to
convenience – those products that are the most
convenient to use and the companies that are the
most convenient to work with.
Lastly, price – When competitors all have similar
products or services that offer all the attributes
above in very similar manners, then, the product
or service essentially becomes a commodity and at
that point must compete on price (following the
schools of thought outlined above)
What are the cost and timetable for implementation of the
marketing plan? Review the
Marketing methods and results of years past in an
attempt to illustrate what has worked and what needs to
be improved with the New Year’s approach.
 Research current market trends in tourism to gauge the
climate in which you will be advertising. Review the
successes and failures of your competitors.
 Lay out the strategies you favor to market the
 Describe the goals of your approach in the fourth section
of the plan, "Objectives." Here you describe the intended
market placement of the destination itself, growth goals
over the short and the long term, and financial goals
regarding return on the overall marketing investment
 Break down the strategy portion of your plan into
individual marketing campaigns in the fifth section of
your plan, which you should label "Initiatives." List each
specific funded program that will be undertaken as part
of the year's marketing for the destination.
 Close your plan with a detailed schedule of all marketing
for the entire year to come with specific dates for each
initiative to be run.
Explain the daily operation of the business? Exactly
what does a business do on a daily basis?
 Maintaining and preserving the natural habitats.
 Responding to increasing consumer interest in
sustainable travel choices
 Opportunities to attract (governments,
Where and how will you find the right employees? Explain
how and where you can find a skilled employee?
Individuals who has the educational background and the
skills of the job?
What salary, compensation or benefits would you provide
to your employees? Training methods
What kind of training will you provide?
Do you have operational schedules? For example,
assigning jobs to workstations or employees to jobs
for specified time periods, allocating the resources within
the organization, and setting up the time – table
We Find the Right Employees:
 Show Them Why They Should Work for You: The
first thing that you want to do is show candidates
why they should want to work for you.
 Recruit the Best of the Best: to recruit the best of
the best, hiring the wrong person can drain your
resources fast.
 Use the Right Hiring Methods: Receiving
hundreds or thousands of applications can be
overwhelming and the selection process can become
even more daunting and you don’t want that.
We provide our staff or employees in salary which is
based on the level of their education and experience
also the importance of training your employees are:
 Know what they’re doing
 Save time
 Have a good feeling about the company
 Get off to a good start.
 We have schedule of our day to day activities
No Startup Item Units Quantity Cost Per Total
Units $ Cost $
1 Equipment 3 5000 15000
2 Starting inventory 100 200 20000
3 Insurance 5 300 1500
4 Advertising 2 30 60
Total $37100
 Set cash flow targets: it is one way of controlling cash
flow is by preparing and maintaining a cash flow
 Agree clear payment terms: If you don't start off
knowing what your payment terms are, it is difficult to
know when you are going to get paid.
 Invoice quickly: If you wait two weeks after the work
has been complete, then it should be fairly obvious that
it will take a further two weeks before that cash arrives in
your bank account.
 Make payments easy for customers: Making
payments should be made as easy as possible for
your customer.
 Establishing payment arrangement that
minimizes debtor days: One excellent way to
ensure these remain stable is to establish direct
debit as a business norm for collecting receipts.
Income statement
Year 1
Sales $56520
Cost of Goods/Cost of Revenue $31450
Gross Profit $10230
Rent $2960
Salary etc $5769
Total Expenses $8729
Net Profit $89471

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