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Littoral 2010 Adapting to global change at the coast

London 21st September 2010



key points

 The need for managing the littoral : local level

 The Mediterranean: local and regional
 From local/regional to global: a changing context
 On governance
 ICZM as a basic framework of reference
The littoral

 A complex system
 Natural ecosystems
 Human ecosystems
 Interrelationships
 Interdependence
 Intense pressures and conflicts of use
 Need for integrated management
 Coastal zone(s)
 Ecosystem basis
 Multi-stakeholder consultation and action
The Mediterranean

 an enclosed sea
 Major development issues
 North-south development issues
 Urbanization of coasts
 Major environmental issues
 Marine pollution
 Biodiversity-ecosystem protection
 Coastal zone pressures and conflicts
The Mediterranean environment: pressures
The Mediterranean environment: risks
The Mediterranean environment: new issues
The Mediterranean: regional cooperation
Barcelona Convention and Protocols:
• Dumping • Prevention and Emergency
• LBS • SPA and Biodiversity
• Offshore • Hazardous Wastes
• Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development

Environmental focus: the regional and the local

 The basis: pollution-biodiversity protection
 From marine to coastal resources
 From protection to sustainable development
 ICZM: an innovation at regional level
Challenging the local level

 A changing policy context

 Large scale ecosystem approach
 Shifting agenda: broadening and higher-up
• Sustainable Development
• Climate change
 Multiplicity of actors/stakeholders
• Compliance
 Multiple contexts and levels
• Coordination
The Mediterranean: a multiplicity of actors

National framework: Mediterranean states

Regional: UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan
Other initiatives and programmes
 Union for the Mediterranean
 EU Horizon 2020
 Strategic Partnership for the Large Marine
Ecosystem (GEF)
 EU Water Initiative
 MSP-Maritime Spatial Planning
Seeking a framework
 An approach: eco-systems
 An interface of governance systems
 A process
 Exchanging knowledge
 Capacity building
 Monitoring and evaluation

 Integrated Coastal Zone Management:

 a framework for governance at multiple levels

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