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Capitalism (is bad, judge..

The study of production, consumption, and the transfer of

• Mercantilism
– Wealth = Currency
– Feudalism (King/serf)
– Maximize exports & minimize imports

• Capitalism (Adam Smith)

– Wealth = Capital
– Supply & Demand
– The Invisible Hand
– Owner/worker relation
The Capitalist State (5)
• Supply Side Economics (R)
– Supply & Demand = Price
– The state maximizes profit
– Milton Friedman & The Ford Pinto

• Keynesian Economics (D)

– John Maynard Keynes
– Boom & Bust Cycles
– Pump Priming

• The Welfare State (S)

– Lester Frank Ward
– Social welfare program
– Equal opportunity
• Historical Epoch
– Primitive Communism
– Slavery (master/slave)
– Feudalism (king/serf)
– Capitalism (owner/worker)
– Communism (end of history)

• Dialectical Materialism
– The Great Man Theory
– Dialectic: Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis
• Labor Theory of Value

• Commodity Fetishism

• Alienation

• Ideology

• False Consciousness
The Communist Manifesto
• Class Consciousness

• Political vs Human Emancipation

• Communism vs Socialism
– Reactionary Socialism (Trump)
– Liberal Socialism (Clinton)
– Democratic Socialism (Sanders)

• Communism
– Democratic constitution through proletarian hegemony
– Abolition of private property
– “From each according to [their] ability, to each according to [their]
Historical Timeline of Capitalism
– Racial Chattel Slavery (1400s-1860s)

– European colonization (1400s-1960s)

– Industrial Revolution (1760-1914)

– Communist Revolution (1917-1960s)

– WWI, WWII, & The Cold War (1914-1990)

– Globalization (1990s-present)
The Cold War (1947-1991)
• United States vs Soviet Union

• Third World Communism

– Cuba
– Vietnam
– N. Korea
– Burkina Faso
Globalization (1990s-present)
• Fall of Soviet Union

• Transnational Corporations

• Neoliberalism

• Alterglobalization
– Occupy Wall Street
– The Zapatistas
– Bolivia (0-2:42)
The Cap K
The Cap K
Plan Text Aff Kritik Aff
• Uniqueness • Uniqueness
– Root Cause – Root Cause

• Link • Link
– The plan – Discourse
– The state – Identity Politics
– The economy

• Impact • Impact
– Turns Case – Turns Case
– Value to life – Value to life
– extinction – Extinction

• Alternative
• Alternative
– Historical Materialism
– Historical Materialism
– Working Class Struggle – Working Class Struggle
– Do Nothing – Do Nothing

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