LA 9TH RECUPERACIONES Language Arts 1 Term

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Language Arts

1 9th
Gloria Romero

Read and answer the questions. Use a pen. Check The student is able to identify the main idea and important
your answers. details in a text. Recognizes vocabulary from Units 4-5

I. Read the passage below from ‘’Aunt Helen's II didn't want to disturb my aunt, so I went back
House’’ and answer the questions below. (20 downstairs and went to make breakfast in the
kitchen, which I ate on the porch that overlooked
the lake. It was a beautiful sunny morning. Half an
hour later, I heard my aunt's car arriving. She had
I'm going to tell you about my Aunt Helen's house. been to the local store to buy some bread and milk.
I couldn't believe it!
It's not her main house, that's in the city. No, this "What are you looking so shocked for?" she asked
house is by the lake. There was a small town by me.
"I thought you were in the old nursery, working on
the lake called Miller's Ford, but all the people your letters, Auntie," I replied.
moved away when the fishing and mining stopped
"I never go in that room," she said. "I haven't been
about sixty years ago. But the houses stayed, of in that room for fifteen years."
course. My Aunt Helen uses that house as a this tradition in some way? How so?

vacation home and she goes there for a few weeks A few other things like that happened over the next
every year to relax. few visits I made to that house and I grew to dislike
it very much. Then, one day in my local library, I
But staying in that house isn't a relaxing found a story in an old newspaper with the title
experience. I think the house is haunted! I think "The Constant Babysitter". The story was that a
baby had died in one of the houses by the lake at
there's a ghost there from many many years ago. Miller's Ford and the babysitter was blamed, a
woman of 37 who was a family friend and had
offered to look after the baby.
Helen says I'm silly and that I've got an over-active But she spent all her time in the kitchen writing her
imagination. But there are many things that happen letters and didn't know that someone had climbed
in the baby's window and taken her.
in that house that cannot be easily explained.
One day, shortly after getting up, I went to find my Aunt The baby was never found. The woman killed
herself through depression after the baby's
Helen to say "good morning" and I heard her talking in disappearance and local people then said her
a room that she usually never uses. I think it used to be ghost stayed very close to where the baby was left
by the parents - in the nursery.
the nursery of the house when Miller's Ford was a busy
town in the 19th Century. I listened at the door and I never went back to that house, despite my Aunt
Helen's many invitations.
could hear Helen reading something out, or perhaps
she was dictating a letter. I couldn't hear any other 1. The narrator describes the house where her aunt
lives all year.
person in the room with her so it wasn't a normal
conversation. O. false O.true
2. Why did the people leave Miller's Ford "This town is like Bristol or Chester. There is an
English square and there are pigeons to feed like
O. the lake flooded in Trafalgar Square, London. There are four
O. the haunted house English-style pubs and you can buy English beer
O. the economy to drink. There is a canal and you can row a boat
there like in Cambridge.“
3. Aunt Helen also believes there's something
"strange" in the house. Are there any cricket fields? "No, there aren't any
places to play cricket because nobody in Shanghai
O. true O. false can play this game. But there is a football stadium
like those in England. And the thing we are very
4. Why was the narrator looking for Aunt Helen? proud of is our shopping street. There are several
shops where you can buy traditional English food
O. to tell her about the nursery like fish and chips or Christmas Pudding.“ have breakfast greet her The rich Shanghai businessman can do some
gardening too. For with every house in "English
5. Why did the narrator think it wasn't a "normal Town", there is an English lawn and there are long
conversation"? gardens with ponds and tall hedges.

O. she heard only one perso But there is one problem. The houses in this part
O. the people were shouting of town cost a minimum of $400,000!
O. the voices were strange

6. What did Aunt Helen say about the nursery? 1. "English Town" is in a Chinese city.
O. she didn't like to use it False
O.that she never used it
O.the room was locked 2. These houses are only for English people to
7. Who took the baby in the story? True
O. a friend of the babysitter
O. the babysitter 3. There are pigeons in all the gardens.
O. nobody knows True
8. Why does the ghost probably stay in the
nursery? 4. The English pubs look like pubs in Cambridge.
O. it feels guilty about what happened False
O. because of the lake view
O.she jumped from that window 5. There aren't any cricket fields in the new
II Read about this piece of England in China, True
then answer the true/false False

The building company Hong Kong Housing is 6. Shi Guangsheng feels proud about the English-
building a new suburb in Shanghai, a city with a style shops.
population of more than 15 million people. But this True
suburb is not like other parts of Shanghai. It is a False
little piece of England. The name of the new area
is "English Town". 7. Most houses have a lawn.
The manager of Hong Kong Housing, Shi True
Guangsheng, says many people in this area of False
China want to buy an English house and live in an
English town.

Gloria Stella Romero Niño

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