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Bulimia Nervosa

By: Allie Cooper

Bulimia Overview
Bulimia Nervosa is a eating disorder with cycles of eating
large amounts of food in a short period of time usually
high in calorie and low in nutrient called binging and
then vomiting called purging.

Bulimics also use laxatives, diuretics, or exercise an

unreasonable amount of time.

People with this disorder often times are normal or close

to normal weight which makes this disorder different
than anorexia nervosa.

Bulimia is believed to be stemmed from other disorders

such as depression.

Purging can happen for a number of reasons some still


-Feeling guilty about gaining weight

-Food causes comfort but eating too much makes
them feel out of control.
Anatomy and Physiology
-Bulimia harms the entire body.
-The frequent vomiting causes erosion of tooth enamel.
-Frequent cavities and gum infections are common.
-The stomach acid irritates the esophagus causing heart burn and salivary glands to swell.
-Constipation from laxative abuse and malnutrition causing dry skin, hair, and nails.
-Mineral and vitamin deficiencies resulting in chronic kidney problems even kidney failure.
-Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
-Irregular heart beat or heart problems
-Hypokalemia causing the dysrrhythmias and even causing the heart to stop.
-Effects mental and emotional well being
The American Psychiatric Association diagnostic
criteria for bulimia nervosa include
(1) recurrent episodes of binge eating
(2) recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior
used to prevent weight gain;
(3) Binging and purging cycle at least two
occurrences a week for 3 months;
(4) self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape
and weight.6
Nursing assessment
-Full head to toe assessment

-Checking mouth and teeth

-Check electrolytes and dehydration

-Patient may complain of abdominal and epigastric,

Amenorrhea, Painless swelling of the salivary glands,
hoarseness, throat irritation or lacerations, and dental

-Commonly type A personality striving for perfection

but usually have hidden psychological issues.

-Exaggerated sense of guilt, symptoms of depression,

trauma, parental obesity, unsatisfied sexual
Nursing Diagnosis
Chronic low self-esteem
Deficient fluid volume
Disturbed body image
Disturbed sleep pattern
Imbalanced nutrition: Less
than body requirements
Ineffective coping
Social isolation
Medical Management and
Nursing Care
-Takes a team of professionals and the
patient to seek help and admit the

*reteach thinking patterns
*rehydrate balance electrolytes
*Nutritional rehabilitation
*increasing the severely underweight
patients weight
-Nutritional Therapy
-Antidepressants and at times

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