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1. Celestial sphere: If we assume the space to be a sphere having the

earth as its center and all the star lying on its surface, or studded in
it. The celestial sphere can be of few kilometers to many thousand

2. Zenith and Nadir : These are two points on the celestial sphere
opposite to each other and lying above and below the observer.
Zenith is the point on the celestial sphere, above the head of the
observer and Nadir is the point on the celestial sphere below the
observer. Alternatively, these are the points of intersection of the
plumb line(drawn through the point of observation) with the
celestial sphere.

3. Terrestrial poles and equator: Terrestrial poles are the points of

intersection of the axis of rotation of the earth with the earth
sphere, and the terrestrial equator is the great circle of the earth
which is perpendicular to the the axis of rotation of the earth.
4. Celestial poles and Celestial equator: If the earth's axis of rotation is extending on
both direction, it will intersect with the celestial sphere at the two points, celestial poles.
Similarly Celestial equator is the great circle of the celestial sphere, in which the plane of
intersection of the terrestrial equator with the celestial sphere lies.

5.1 Sensible Horizon: In the celestial sphere the point of observation is taken as the
center. Sensible horizon is a great circle of the celestial sphere which passes through the
point of observation and is tangential to the earth surface, or which is perpendicular to
the zenith-nadir line.

5.2 Celestial Horizon: It is the great circle in which a plane at right angles to the zenith
and Nadir line and passing through the centre of the earth intersects the celestial
sphere. The zenith and Nadir are the pole of celestial horizon.

6. Vertical Circle: The vertical circle of a celestial sphere is a circle passing through the
zenith and nadir and therefore all the vertical circles are perpendicular to the horizon.

7. Observer's meridian: It is a circle which passes through the zenith and nadir of the
observation point as well as through the poles of the celestial sphere. So it is a vertical
8. Prime meridian: It is a vertical circle which is at right angles to the
observer's meridian. And passes through east and west points of the

9. Azimuth: It is the angular distance between the observer's meridian

and the vertical circle passing through the observer(Zenith and Nadir)
and the heavenly body.

10. Hour Angle: It is the angular distance between the declination circle
and the observer's meridian.

11. Latitude: It is the angular distance of the zenith from the equator.

12. Co-latitude: It is complementary angle of the latitude, i.e. 90 -

latitude. It is also known as the zenith distance from the poles.
13. Right Ascension: Right ascension is the angular distance
along the equator of the heavenly body from the first point of
Aries. It is simply written as R.A. and is always measured in
the right direction from 0 to 360.

14. Ecliptic: It is the the path of the Sun around the earth
assuming the earth to be stationary, traveled in one complete
year. Ecliptic intersects the equator at the point of Aries and
the Libra just opposite to Aries. It is the spring season when
summer enters into Aries to the northern hemisphere, and it
is the start of winter in the northern hemisphere when it
passes the Libra and enters into the southern hemisphere.

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