Term/Date: 2 / November 24, 2017 Time/Area/Activity: Small Group Time /red Table/"Working With Cloth Peg"

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Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2 / November 24, 2017

Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time /Red Table/”Working With Cloth peg”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka tried several times to

pinch the cloth peg to the paper plate.

Curriculum Content Approach to Learning

Item Problem solving

Objective Child asks for help in solving a problem with materials.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2 / November 8, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL –GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/Red Table/ “Happy and Sad”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka showed Sad face in front

of mirror, she said “wa … wa… wa…”

Curriculum Content Social and Emotional Development

Item Emotions

Objective Chilld names emotions

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/November 3, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Large Group Time/Meeting Area/ “In and Out”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka jumped in and jumped out several times.

Curriculum Content Physical development and health

Item Gross Motor Skill

Objective Childs walks up and down stairs with alternating feet, jumps with both feet off the ground, or
Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/ October 17, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Choice Time / Block Area

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka sat next to Benjamin, they

were playing with bus puzzle together. Hazelyka put
the piece of the puzzle to the slot.

Curriculum Content Social and Emotional Development and Health

Item Building relationships with other children

Objective Child plays and works alongside other children.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/October 23, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/ Red Table/ “My Favorite Book“

Anecdotal note : Hazelyka chose “Bed Time” book, she turned the pages one at time then said “ susu” while pointing to the milk bottle
picture , Ms said “milk bottle” then she copied “milk”.

Curriculum Content Language literacy and commnunication

Item Book enjoyment and knowledge

Objective Child looks at a book front to back and turns the pages one at a time.
Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/November 23,2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/Red Table/”My Simple Pattern”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka lined up the teddy

bear counter on the table.

Curriculum Content Mathematics

Item Patterns

Objective Child lines up three or more objects one after another.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/November 7,2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/ Red Table/ “My

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka made scribbles on the paper

using green marker.

Curriculum Content Language literacy and commnunication

Item Writing

Objective Child scribbles.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/October 24, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/ Red Table/ “How many stamp
do you have?”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka stamped the sponge stamp on the

paper, she counted “two, tii (3), tii (3)” while pointing to the

Curriculum Content mathematics

Item Number and Counting

Objective Child uses a number word or rote count

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/October 30, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/Yellow Table/ Blob

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka put the paint on the

paper using paint brush, then she pressed the

Curriculum Content Creative Arts

Item Art

Objective Child uses art materials to build, make discrete marks, or to mold or flatten
Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/ October 18, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/Yellow Table/”Let’s Blow the Pom-

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka blowed the pom-

pom, from one point to another point, then
she smiled

Curriculum Content Science and Technology

Item Experimenting, Predicting, and Drawing Conclusions

Objective Child performs an action on an object.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/ November 3, 2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL - GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Small Group Time/Red Table /”Let’s Stick the
Flower and Leaves”

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka sticked the flower and leaves

on the paper, then she said “unga, aun”.

Curriculum Content Science and Technology

Item Natural and Physical World

Objective Child names an object or event in the natural and physical world
Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/ October 17,2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Choice Time/Reading Area/

Anecdotal note: Hazelyka looked at her family picture on the wall, pointing to each
figure on it and said “Papa, Mama, Jeje”.

Curriculum Content Social Studies

Item Knowledge of self and others

Objective Child spontaneously identifies herself in a mirror or photo.

Name : HAZELYKA Term/Date : 2/ October 23,2017
Classroom : EARLY PRESCHOOL – GREEN ROOM Time/Area/Activity : Outside Time/Corridor/

Anecdotal note: After finishing from playground, when Ms Trixie told the children to
change shoes, then Hazelyka put on indoor shoes.

Curriculum Content English Language Learning

Item Listening to and Understanding English

Objective Child uses cues in the environment to follow routines and directions.

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