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Lesson 3

Introduction to Information Technology

applicant = input(“Enter the applicant’s name”)

• One way to get data is directly from the user and

the input function can be used for this
The Input
function • The parameter inside the parentheses after input is
important. It is a prompt, prompting you that
keyboard input is expected at that point, and
hopefully indicating what is being requested
Lesson 3 Questions

1. Write a program that prints “Hello World”

2. Write a program to assign a variable ‘a’ to a number, add 25 to that variable and print that

3. Write a program with 3 variables storing text, and print out the 3 variables after being

4. Write a program that prints out if the number you have entered is greater than 5 or below 5.

If the number is greater than 5 the program should print, “Yes! The number is greater than

Else if the number is less than 5 the program should print, “Sorry, the number is less than 5”.

Challenge Accepted!

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