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Kindergarten Kids are the best!

1. Child development especially among
preschoolers is a solid foundation for
community development.
2. There are preschool problems and it is an
inalienable responsibility of parents to
educate their children.
3. Preschoolers are their age are questioning,
imitative, and creative. Parents normally
perceived their behavior as “troublesome.”
4. Preschoolers are unique individuals. We need to
appreciate their individual differences.
5. There are different styles of parenting or
disciplining our preschoolers. There is an approach
that is successful in one situation but may not work in

Style Parent’s Attitude Effect on

Authoritarian Expect children to -Angry rebels
follow their rules -No independent
without deviation. judgments
-Overly dependent
Permissive Enforce discipline Children may not
irregularly. learn how to keep
themselves safe,
secure and healthy.

Authoritative Provides children with •Encourage to

some freedom but also develop their own
enforces appropriate judgment.
limitations and •Develop their own
boundaries necessary for interest.
6. Parents should set a good example to
their children.
7. Create an atmosphere or generation of
presence and love in the family.
8. Parents should be active listeners to
their preschoolers. Empathy should be at
the heart of parenting and care giving.
9. Parents should watch their language. Use your
words carefully to teach children. Focus what to do
(positive) rather than what not to do (negative).

Instead of: Try saying:

Do not run. Slow down and walk.

Do not touch anything. Come hold my hand.
Do not climb on the Keep your feet on the
sofa. floor.
Do not scream and Use your quite voice
shout. inside.
10.Redirecting or teaching the child a different way
to do the same thing can be effective.
11.Sibling rivalry must be avoided. Each much be
guided in searching for their own self-identities.
12.Letting your preschooler help with household
chores can make you both proud of his
13.Spare a quality family time. Whether you are
sharing a meal, playing a game, the physical
and emotional closeness helps your preschooler
feel safer.
13.Parents should find their way to craft or
prepare short stories, humors or healthy jokes,
morals before bedtime.
14.Lastly, do not forget to pray for your children.
Do not curse them. They are God’s gift to you.
In the words of Saint Thomas Aquinas,
“Children are persons in the making. They are
persons of intrinsic worth.”

1. Make sure your children know they are loved.

2. Show love with hugs, smiles, kisses, talking and looking
directly into your child’s eyes.
3. Say your child’s name in a cheerful, caring voice.
4. Really listen when your child talks to you.
5. Encourage and support your child by showing appreciation
for his accomplishments.
6. Say “yes” and “I love you” more often than
you say “no” or “don’t”.
7. Demonstrate in ways she can understand that
she is unique and special to you.
8. Understand that discipline should teach, not
punish; it is setting limits with both firmness and
9. Show respect for your child so that he will
learn respect for others.
10. Prepare your child for new situations, so that
he will know what you expect and feel confident
and secure.
By Dorothy Law Nolte
If a child lives with If a child lives with
criticism, praise,
he learns to condemn. he learns to appreciate.

If a child lives with If a child lives with

hostility, fairness,
he learns to fight. he learns justice.

If a child lives with If a child lives with

ridicule, security,
he learns to be shy. he learns to have faith.

If a child lives with If a child lives with

shame, approval,
he learns to feel guilty. he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with
If a child lives with encouragement, If a child lives with
tolerance, he learns confidence. acceptance and
he learns to be patient. friendship,
he learns to find love in
the world.

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