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Grade VIII Regular Acid Base

and Salt
 Classifythe characteristics of acid, base
and salt through the indicator.
 Do the simple experiment
 substancethat releases H+ ions in an
aqueous solution.
Characteristics of Acids:
 Acids have a sour taste
 Acids react with metals
 Acids contain Hydrogen
 Many are poisonous and corrosive to skin
Strong Acids
 (breakdown completely to give off many
H+ ions)
Weak Acids
 (only partially breaks down, gives less H+)
Asubstance that releases OH- ions in an
aqueous solution
Characteristics of Bases:
 Bases usually taste bitter
 Bases feel slippery
 Bases contain hydroxide ions
 STRONG bases are also poisonous and
corrosive to skin
Common Bases:
 Some bases (VERY FEW) don’t have OH-
 Most commonly: ammonia NH3
Reactions between acids and
 When and acid and a base react with each
other, the characteristic properties of both
are destroyed. This is called neutralization.
 General formula for acid and base reaction :
 Salt means any compound that formed from
acid and base reactio, NOT ONLY NaCl
Acid + Base  Salt + Water
 An indicator is a compound that will
change color in the presence of an acid
N or base.
Indicators Acid Base Neutral
1 Red Litmus Red Blue Red
2 Blue Litmus Red Blue Blue
3 Phenolphthalein No Changes Red No Changes
4 Methyl orange Red Yellow Yellow
5 Methylene blue Purple Green Grey
Benefit to use litmus paper
 Quick responses of color changes
 No reaction with the oxygen in the air
Natural Acid-Base Indicator
 Red Cabbage
 Hibiscus R
 Bougenville
 Mangosteen’s extract
 Turmeric’s extract
 Vanillin
 Dragon Fruit’s extract
 pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and is
a measure of how many H+ ions there are
in solution. The MORE H+ there are, the
LOWER the pH will be.
pH Scale

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