SAP Theology 1

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Semester Genap 2011-2012

Course Description

• A study of the foundational role of the Word of God in spiritual

life that is essential for intellectual and moral growth. It will
discuss God’s ways of revealing himself and his will (general
and special revelation) and the authority, inspiration, inerrancy
of the Bible as the Word of God. Students will be taught how
to interpret and apply the Bible in accurate and dynamic ways
for spiritual enrichment.
• A study of the knowledge of God based on what he reveals in
the Scriptures in the context of his covenant relationship with
his people. The main thrust of the course is on the knowledge
of God that may lead to a deeper personal relationship with
him for a better understanding and practice of his will. Spiritual
disciplines like prayer, meditation, fellowship and worship will
be given proper attention.
General Instructional Objectives

After the course, the students will be able to:

• Appreciate the value of personal Bible study for life and

• Love the Bible and make it the authoritative basis and guide for
doctrines and life in all its aspects.
• Study and understand the Bible for their own spiritual growth.
• Appreciate God’s initiative in revealing himself and the basis
on which we come to know him.
• Understand how we come to know God and relate with him in
a growing and dynamic way.
• Relate the nature of God to one’s intellectual and spiritual life.
Course Requirements

 Must be Christian or Catholic. If not and you want to take this

class, please sign a statement stating that you have registered
for the class voluntarily.
 Must have passed the Religion course: survey of Old
Testament and New Testament..
Class Policy

• Students must come on time.

• Come in proper clothing and are not allowed to wear sandals
• Switch off their hand phones during class.
• Students must attend every class session. If a student can not
attend a class for any reason he/she will be marked “absent”.
70% of minimum required attendance before a student can sit
for the Final Exam. Attendance is counted starting from the
first day of the class (not after the Drop-Add period). No
permission letter is necessary; every absence for any reason
will be counted towards the 30% (8 meetings) maximum
• Bring Old Testament & New Testament Bible

1. Quiz 15%
2. Chapel Attendance + Reflection paper (10x) 15%
3. Community Service + individual reflection 15%
4. Mid Semester 25%
5. Final Exam 30%

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