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Roadmap for the next 10 years

 High level policy - sets out the direction

 Solutions outside the existing system
 Massive expansion
 Truly demand driven national system
 Focus on Quality, Relevance, Flexibility and Integrity
Importance of Skills

1. Skills are needed to increase productivity, enhance global

competitiveness and contribute to national economic and
social policies.

2. Putting the young growing population in productive work has

huge potential.

3. Facing the challenges for Pakistan’s export of labour, where

importing countries want skilled people with internationally
recognised qualifications.
Presenting the Current status of
 National investment is low
 New partnerships required
 Scope for rationalisation of structures
 Not yet truly demand-led
 Need for securing the integrity of qualifications
 Capacity development needed
 Taking forward the National Skills Strategy
Policy background
 Lack of comprehensive data. No formal and
comprehensive census of TVET sector.
 Small scale public provision: less than 1% of 15-
24 year olds in TVET sector
 Variable quality of public provision: not demand-
led and issues of effectiveness and efficiency
 Some world-class private sector training, but
only 10% of workers receive training and only
+22,000 apprentices
 Private sector provides 70% of higher education
and 40% basic education: no comparable
engagement in TVET
 NGO provision
 FRAGMENTED ‘sector’ and most skills gained
from informal training
Policy will have broad Impact TVET
 Basis for ongoing TVET reform for next 10 years
 Policy leads to an integrated National TVET system
 Establishes priorities, structures and funding
 New set of working relationships: Private/Public,
 Guide for donor coordination
 Implementation plan, budget and monitoring and evaluation
The process
 Initiated by the Minister of State Eng. ur Rehman
 Task Force in operation, June 2014 – February 2015
 4 Meetings, 6 consultation sessions, websites, various
informal discussions and meetings
 Final draft document endorsed by the
Task Force February 12, 2015
 Policy-launch March 4, 2015
What will the policy achieve?
8 objectives:
 Greater priority to TVET
 Greater access
 NVQF in operation
 Roll-out of Competency Based Training
 Private sector in the driving seat
 Pakistani qualifications recognized
 Recognition of skills from the formal,
informal sector and non formal sector
 More efficient, effective and accessible
TVET throughout the country
How will these eight
objectives be achieved?
 NSS implementation continued and accelerated
 A National Vocational Qualification Framework
and Quality Assurance System introduced
 Functions for National coordination and delivery
clarified – a new TVET landscape
 Private sector involvement encouraged and
 Mechanisms for sustainable funding introduced
 TVET and general education links supported, i.e.
Technical High Schools
 Comprehensive TVET legislation
Comprehensive Implementation Plan,
 An initial Policy announcement
 Establishing a National TVET Policy implementation team
 Developing institutional and legislative arrangements
 Introducing the NVQF, primarily in key economic sectors
 Operating the National Skills fund
 Piloting introduction of Technical High Schools
 Establishing recognition of prior learning (RPL)
 Introducing sustainable funding for the TVET sector
 Institutionalizing private sector coordination
 Establishing functions for national quality assurance of TVET
Key outcomes and targets by 2025:
 1,000,000 publically funded CBT training places available annually

 250,000 apprenticeships available annually

 40% of TVET are being provided by the private sector

 TVET receives at least 33% of overall federal education budget

 National Skills Fund distributes 250 Million Euro

 10% of High Schools being Technical

A new TVET Landscape
in a national – expanded – flexible system

 National Functions
Responsible for national standards and quality
assurance, assessing national needs and
addressing market failures, with high level private
sector involvement.

 Functions for implementation

Management and delivery of flexible and high
quality TVET in line with the NVQF, create new and
more opportunities.

New functions – attract new competencies – coordination and cooperation

Competency Based Training
and Assessment, incl RPL
Formal system NVQF Pakistan
Off-job institutional t
based training i
i Level 5
a Level 4
i Level 3
Non-Formal System Assessment o
based on national n Level 2
On-job work place training
including apprenticeships competency
standards carried Level 1
out by independent
assessment bodies R Competency
i (60 standards)
Informal System
Recognition of prior a
learning and / or t
recognition of current i Qualification
competencies o
National Functions
Responsible for National standards and quality assurance,
assessing national needs and addressing market failures

Ministry of Federal Education

and Professional Training
Responsible part of Federal Government

Federal regulator, policy body and national
coordinator for TVET

Pakistan National Vocational Qualification Pakistan Skills

and Quality Assurance Partnership

National technical body for consistency and quality assurance of: National body for
private sector
CBT Standards – Qualifications – Assessment and Certification involvement
– CBT delivery
- Independence
- Independence from direct Government influence
- National Skills Fund
Functions for implementation
Management and delivery of flexible TVET in line with the NVQF

Responsible for regulation and provision of
provincial / regional TVET operations

Qualification TVET Training and Sector Skills Councils

Bodies Assessment bodies Priority sectors of the economy
(BTEs , SSC’s
Formal, Non-formal, Informal
and additional)
(TTBs and additional)

Employers and their

(FPCCI, Webcop etc)

Institutional Management
Local private sector
Collective action & synergy
among Government
 Skills development important contribution to
implementation of economic and social
development strategies and infrastructure
projects. Need to identify priorities and create
training programmes
 NVQF principles to be applied to all government
sponsored training
 Major role for Ministry to coordinate training
activities with all ministries
A major challenge for
 Nothing less than systematic reform is needed
 Changes in attitudes and working relationships
 Changes in perceptions of the value of TVET

“Compared to academic education, TVET is an

equally valid pathway that creates opportunities for
individual advancement and adds to the country’s
wealth and its competitive position”

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