Fuzzy Relations and Reasoning

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Fuzzy Relations and

Dr. Ngo Thanh Long
Department of Information Systems,
Faculty of Information Technology
Email: ngotlong@gmail.com
Fuzzy Relations
• A fuzzy relation R is a 2 D MF:
– R :{ ((x, y), R(x, y)) | (x, y)  X  Y}
• x is close to y (x & y are real numbers)
• x depends on y (x & y are events)
• x and y look alike (x & y are persons or objects)
• Let X = Y = IR+
and R(x,y) = “y is much greater than x”
The MF of this fuzzy relation can be subjectively defined as:

 yx
 , if y  x
 R ( x, y )   x  y  2
 0 , if y  x

if X = {3,4,5} & Y = {3,4,5,6,7}
Extension Principle
The image of a fuzzy set A on X
A   A ( x1 ) / x1   A ( x 2 ) / x 2     A ( x n ) / x n

under f(.) is a fuzzy set B:

B   B ( x1 ) / y 1   B ( x 2 ) / y 2     B ( x n ) / y n
where yi = f(xi), i = 1 to n
If f(.) is a many-to-one mapping, then
 B ( y )  max  A ( x )
x  f 1 ( y )
Defintion: Extension Principle
• Suppose that function f is a mapping from an n-
dimensional Cartesian product space X1  X2  …  Xn
to a 1-dimensional universe Y s.t. y=f(x1, …, xn), and
suppose A1, …, An are n fuzzy sets in X1, …, Xn,
• Then, the extension principle asserts that the fuzzy set B
induced by the mapping f is defined by
– Application of the extension principle to fuzzy sets
with discrete universes

Let A = 0.1 / -2+0.4 / -1+0.8 / 0+0.9 / 1+0.3 / 2

and f(x) = x2 – 3
• Applying the extension principle, we obtain:
B = 0.1 / 1+0.4 / -2+0.8 / -3+0.9 / -2+0.3 /1
= 0.8 / -3+(0.4V0.9) / -2+(0.1V0.3) / 1
= 0.8 / -3+0.9 / -2+0.3 / 1
where “V” represents the “max” operator, Same
reasoning for continuous universes
Max-Min Composition
The max-min composition of two fuzzy relations
R1 (defined on X and Y) and R2 (defined on Y and
Z) is
 R1 R2 ( x , z )  [ R1 ( x , y )   R2 ( y , z )]
– Associativity: R  (S  T )  ( R  S )  T
R  ( S T )  ( R  S ) ( R  T )
– Distributivity over union:

– Week distributivity over intersection:

R  ( S T )  ( R  S ) ( R  T )
– Monotonicity:
S  T  (R  S)  (R T )
Max-Star Composition
• Max-product composition:
 R1 R2 ( x , z )  [ R1 ( x , y ) R2 ( y , z )]
• In general, we have max-* composition:
 R1 R2 ( x , z )  [ R1 ( x , y ) *  R2 ( y , z )]
where * is a T-norm operator.
Example of max-min & max-
product composition
Let R1 = “x is relevant to y”
R2 = “y is relevant to z”
be two fuzzy relations defined on XY and
YZ respectively :X = {1,2,3}, Y = {,,,}
and Z = {a,b}. Assume that:
0.9 0.1 
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7  0.2 0.3 
R 1  0.4 0.2 0.8 0.9 R2   
  0.5 0.6 
0.6 0.8 0.3 0.2  
0.7 0.2
R1oR2 may be interpreted as the derived fuzzy
relation “x is relevant to z” based on R1 & R2
Let’s assume that we want to compute the
degree of relevance between 2  X & a  Z
Using max-min, we obtain:
 R1 R 2 ( 2, a)  max 0.4  0.9,0.2  0.2,0.8  0.5,0.9  0.7
 max 0.4,0.2,0.5,0.7
 0.7
Using max-product composition, we obtain:
 R1 R 2 ( 2, a )  max 0.4 * 0.9,0.2 * 0.2,0.8 * 0.5,0.9 * 0.7
 max 0.36,0.04,0.40,0.63
 0.63
Linguistic variables
• The concept of linguistic variables introduced
by Zadeh is an alternative approach to
modeling human thinking.
• Information is expressed in terms of
fuzzy sets instead of crisp numbers
• numerical values: Age = 65
*A linguistic variables takes linguistic values Age is old
*A linguistic value is a fuzzy set
*All linguistic values form a term set
T(age) = {young, not young, very young, ..., middle
aged, not middle aged, ..., old, not old, very old, more or
less old, ...,not very young and A numerical variable
takes not very old, ...}
Where each term T(age) is characterized by fuzzy
set of a universe of discourse X= = [0,100]
– Example:
• A numerical variable takes numerical values
Age = 65
A linguistic variables takes linguistic values
Age is old
A linguistic value is a fuzzy set

• All linguistic values form a term set

• T (age) = {young, not young, very young, ...,middle

aged, not middle aged, ..., old, not old, very old, more
or less old, …, not very young and not very old, ...}
Linguistic variables
• Where each term T(age) is characterized by a
fuzzy set of a universe of discourse X= [0,100]
Operations on linguistic variables

– Let A be a linguistic value described by a fuzzy set

with membership function A(.)

A k   [ A ( x )]k / x
– is a modified version of the original linguistic value.
– A2 = CON(A) is called the concentration operation
 A = DIL(A) is called the dilation operation
– CON(A) & DIL(A) are useful in expression the hedges such as
“very” & “more or less” in the linguistic term A
– Other definitions for linguistic hedges are also possible
Linguistic variables
– Composite linguistic terms
NOT( A )  A   [1   A ( x)] / x,
– Let’s define: A and B  A  B   [ A ( x )   B ( x )] / x

A or B  A  B   [ A ( x )   B ( x )] / x

– where A, B are two linguistic values whose

semantics are respectively defined by
A(.) & B(.)
– Composite linguistic terms such as: “not very
young”, “not very old” & “young but not too young”
can be easily characterized
Linguistic variables 1
 (...) ( x )  bell ( x,  , k ,  ) 
– Example: Construction of MFs for composite 1  
  
linguistic terms. Let’s define
 young ( x )  bell ( x,20,2,0)  4
 x 
1  
 20 
 old ( x )  bell ( x,30,3,100)  6
 x  100 
1  
 30 
– Where x is the age of a person in the universe of
discourse [0,100]
 6
• More or less = DIL(old) = old = X  x  100 
1  
 30 
Linguistic variables
• Not young and not old = young  old =
   
   
1  1   1  1 /x
 4   x  100  
X  x 
 1      1    
  20     30  

• Young but not too young = young  young2 (too =

very) =   
 

 
 

1   1   1  
     /x
 x   
4 4
x   x   
1      1   20  
  20         

• Extremely old  very very very old = CON

(CON(CON(old))) =  

 
 1 
 6
x  x  100 
1    
  30  
Linguistic variables
– Contrast intensification
– the operation of contrast intensification on a
linguistic value A is defined by

 2 A 2
if 0   A ( x )  0.5
INT( A )  

  2(  A ) if 0.5   A ( x )  1

• INT increases the values of A(x) which are greater

than 0.5 & decreases those which are less or equal
that 0.5
• Contrast intensification has effect of reducing the
fuzziness of the linguistic value A
Linguistic variables
– Orthogonality
• A term set T = t1,…, tn of a linguistic variable x on the
universe X is orthogonal if:
  t i ( x)  1, x  X
i 1

• Where the ti’s are convex & normal fuzzy sets

defined on X.
Fuzzy if-then rules
• General format:
– If x is A then y is B
(where A & B are linguistic values defined by fuzzy sets
on universes of discourse X & Y).
• “x is A” is called the antecedent or premise
• “y is B” is called the consequence or conclusion
– Examples:
• If pressure is high, then volume is small.
• If the road is slippery, then driving is dangerous.
• If a tomato is red, then it is ripe.
• If the speed is high, then apply the brake a little.
Fuzzy If-Then Rules
Two ways to interpret “If x is A then y is B”:

A coupled with B A entails B

Fuzzy if-then rules
• Note that R can be viewed as a fuzzy set with a
two-dimensional MF

R(x, y) = f(A(x), B(y)) = f(a, b)

• With a = A(x), b = B(y) and f called the fuzzy

implication function provides the membership
value of (x, y)
Fuzzy if-then rules
– Case of “A coupled with B” (A and B)
Rm  A * B  
X *Y
A ( x )   B ( y ) /( x, y )

(minimum operator proposed by Mamdani, 1975)

Rp  A * B    A (x)  B (y ) /( x, y )
(product proposed by Larsen, 1980)
R bp  A * B    A ( x )   B ( y ) /( x, y )
X* Y

  0  ( A ( x )   B ( y )  1) /( x, y )
X* Y

(bounded product operator)

Fuzzy if-then rules
• Fuzzy implication function:  R ( x, y )  f (  A ( x ),  B ( y ))  f ( a, b)

µA(x)=bell(x;4,3,10) and µB(y)=bell(y;4,3,10)

A coupled with B
Fuzzy if-then rules
– Case of “A entails B” (not A or B)
R a  A  B   1  (1   A (x)   B (y ) /(x, y )
where : f a (a, b )  1  (1  a  b )
(Zadeh’s arithmetic rule by using bounded sum
operator for union)

R mm  A  ( A  B)   (1   A (x))  ( A (x)   B (y )) /(x, y )

where : f m (a, b)  (1  a)  (a  b)
(Zadeh’s max-min rule)
Fuzzy if-then rules
R s  A  B   (1   A (x))   B ( y ) /(x, y )
where : f s (a, b )  (1  a)  b
(Boolean fuzzy implication with max for union)
~  ( y )) /( x, y )
R   A
(  ( x )  B
X* Y

~ 1 if a  b
where : a  b  
b / a otherwise
(Goguen’s fuzzy implication with algebraic product for T-norm)
Fuzzy if-then rules

A entails B
Fuzzy Reasoning

– Known also as approximate reasoning

– It is an inference procedure that derives

conclusions from a set of fuzzy if-then-rules &
known facts
– The compositional rule of inference plays a key
role in F.R.
– Using the compositional rule of inference, an
inference procedure upon a set of fuzzy if-
then rules are formalized.
Compositional Rule of Inference
Derivation of y = b from x = a and y = f(x):
y y

b b

y = f(x) y = f(x)

a x x
a and b: points
a and b: intervals
y = f(x) : a curve
y = f(x) : an interval-valued
Compositional Rule of Inference
– The extension principle is a special case of the
compositional rule of inference
• F is a fuzzy relation on X*Y, A is a fuzzy set
of X & the goal is to determine the resulting
fuzzy set B
– Construct a cylindrical extension c(A) with
base A
– Determine c(A)  F (using minimum operator)
– Project c(A)  F onto the y-axis which
provides B
Compositional Rule of Inference
• a is a fuzzy set and y = f(x) is a fuzzy relation:

(a) F: X  Y
(b) c(A)

(c) c(A)F
(d) Y as a
set B
on the

Compositional Rule of Inference

Compositional Rule of Inference
(a) F: X  Y F(x,y)
(b) c(A) c(A)(x,y) = A(x)
(c) c(A)F c(A)F(x,y) = min[c(A)(x,y), F(x,y)]
= min[A(x), F(x,y)]
=  [A(x), F(x,y)]
(d) Y as a fuzzy set B on the y-axis.
B(y) = maxx min[A(x), F(x,y)]
= x [A(x)  F(x,y)]
B? B = A  F
f) Extension principle is a special case of the compositional
rule of inference:
 B ( y )  max
 A( x)
x f ( y)
Fuzzy Reasoning
• Given A, A  B, infer B

– A = “today is sunny”
– A  B: day = sunny then sky = blue
infer: “sky is blue”

• illustration

– Premise 1 (fact): x is A
– Premise 2 (rule): if x is A then y is B

– Consequence: y is B
Fuzzy Reasoning
• Approximation
A’ = “ today is more or less sunny”
B’ = “ sky is more or less blue”
• illustration
Premise 1 (fact): x is A’
Premise 2 (rule): if x is A then y is B

Consequence: y is B’

(approximate reasoning or fuzzy reasoning!)

Fuzzy Reasoning (Approximate Reasoning)
Approximate Reasoning  Fuzzy Reasoning

Let A, A’, and B be fuzzy sets of X, X, and Y,
respectively. Assume that the fuzzy implication
AB is expressed as a fuzzy relation R on XX.
Then, the fuzzy set B induced by “x is A ” and the
fuzzy rule “if x is A then y is B” is defined by
B (y) = maxx min [A (x), R (x,y)]
= x [A (x)  R (x,y)]
 B = A  R = A  (AB)

Mamdani’s fuzzy implication functions and max-min

composition for simplicity and their wide applicability.
Fuzzy Reasoning (Approximate Reasoning)
• Single rule with single antecedent
– Rule: if x is A then y is B
– Fact: x is A’ B (y) = [x (A (x)  A (x))]  B (y)
– Conclusion: y is B’ = w  B (y)

• Graphic Representation:

A’ A B

x is A’ y is B’
Fuzzy Reasoning
– Single rule with multiple antecedents
• Premise 1 (fact): x is A’ and y is B’
• Premise 2 (rule): if x is A and y is B then z is C
• Conclusion: z is C’
• Premise 2: A*B  C

R mamdani ( A , B, C)  ( A * B ) * C    ( x )  ( y )   ( z ) /( x, y , z )
X* Y* Z

C'  ( A'*B' )  ( A * B  C)
       
premise 1 premise 2

 C' ( z )  
x ,y
  A ' ( x )   B ' ( y )     A ( x )   B ( y )   C ( z )
    A ' ( x )   B ' ( y )   A ( x )   B ( y )    C ( z )
   
x ,y

 x
  A ' ( x )   A ( x)  y   B ' ( y )   B ( y )   C ( z )
               
w1 w2

 (w 1  w 2 )   C ( z )
Fuzzy Reasoning
A’ A B’ B C2


A’ B’

x is A’ X y is B’ Y z is C’
Fuzzy Reasoning
– Multiple rules with multiple antecedents
Premise 1 (fact): x is A’ and y is B’
Premise 2 (rule 1): if x is A1 and y is B1 then z is C1
Premise 3 (rule 2): If x is A2 and y is B2 then z is C2

Consequence (conclusion): z is C’
R1 = A1 * B1  C1
R2 = A2 * B2  C2
Since the max-min composition operator o is distributive over
the union operator, it follows:

C’ = (A’ * B’) o (R1  R2) = [(A’ * B’) o R1]  [(A’ * B’) o R2]
= C’1  C’2

Where C’1 & C’2 are the inferred fuzzy set for rules 1 & 2
Fuzzy Reasoning
A’ A1 B’ B1 C1

A’ A2 B’ B2 C2

A’ B’
x is A’ X y is B’ Y z is C’

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