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Hump in front School Zone No parking

Disable Parking Loading area

Road Marker

Car park marking Cark park marker for OKU

Design of Road

Step 1: Development of Design Input Step 2: Determine Design Traffic (Traffic Category)

Traffic count data indicate a total of 2700 vehicles in ESALY1 (Base Year) = ADT x 365 x PCV x LEF x L x T

both directions; pavement design is then based on = 1350 x 365 x 16/100 x 3.5 x 1.0 x 1.1

1350 vehicles (one direction, 24 hour period). If the = 0.304 million

design is based on traffic data from an HPU survey,

the result based on a 16-hour survey (usually 06:00 to Therefore:

22:00 hours) should be multiplied with 1.2.  Pcv = Refer Table 2.2 (Lane Distribution Factor)
 LEF = Table 2.1 (Load Equivalence Factor)
PCV = 16 % (no detailed break-down by vehicle type)  T = Table 2.3 ( Terrain Factor)
Lane Distribution Factor, L = 1.0 (one lane in one direction)
Terrain Factor, T = 1.1 (rolling)
Design Life = 20 years
Annual Traffic Growth = 4.0%
TABLE 2.1: Axle Configuration and Load Equivalence Factor (LEF) based on Traffic
Categories used by HPU

Vehicle Load Equivalence Factor

HPU Class Designation Class (LEF)
Car and Taxis c 0

Small Lorries and Vans (2 CV1 0.1


Large Lorries (2 to 4 Axle) CV2 4.0

Articulated Lorries (3 or
more Axle) CV3 4.4

Buses (2 or 3 Axle) CV4 1.8

Motorcycles MC 0
Commercial Traffic CV% 3.5
TABLE 2.2: Lane Distribution Factors

Number of Lanes Lane Distribution Factor,

(in ONE Direction) L
One 1.0
Two 0.9
Three or more 0.7

TABLE 2.3: Terrain Factor

Type of Terrain Terrain Factor, T

Flat 1.0
Rolling 1.1

Mountainous / Steep 1.3

Step 3: Determine Sub-Grade Strength (Sub-Grade Category) Step 4: Select one of the pavement structures from Figure
8C (T 3, SG 2)
Results from Sub-Grade testing;
CBR Mean =18.5% Conventional flexible with unmodified PEN 50/70
CBR Standard Deviation = 4.4% bitumen;
Probability 85% (Normal Deviate = 1.282)
o Bituminous Surface Course (AC-10 or AC-14): 5 cm
o Bituminous Binder/Base Course (AC 28): 12 cm
Characteristic CBR value used for design;
o Crushed Aggregate Base or Wet-Mix Base: 25 cm
= 18.5% – 1.282 x 4.4%
o Granular Sub-Base: 20 cm
= 18.5% – 5.6%
= 12.9%
= Sub-Grade Category SG 2
TABLE 2.4: Total Growth Factors

Design Period (Years) Annual Growth Rate (%)

2 3 4 5 6 7

10 10.95 11.46 12.01 12.58 13.18 13.82

15 17.29 18.60 20.02 21.58 23.28 25.13

20 24.30 26.87 29.78 33.06 36.79 41.00

25 32.03 36.46 41.65 47.73 54.86 63.25

30 40.57 47.58 56.08 66.44 79.06 94.46

Design Traffic over 20 Years; ESALDES = ESALY1 x TGF

= 0.304 x 29.78
= 9.05 million
= Traffic Category T 3
TABLE 2.6: Classes of Sub-Grade (based on CBR) used as input in the Pavement
Catalogue of this manual

Elastic Modulus (MPa)

Sub-Grade Category CBR (%)
Range Design Input Value

SG 1 5 to 120 50 to 120 60
SG 2 12.1 to 20 80 to 140 120
SG 3 20.1 to 30.0 100 to 160 140
SG 4 >30.0 120 to 180 180
Fresh Market cum

Procurement Pre-Construction Construction Post-Construction

Tender Bill Quantity Contract Award

Hand Over Operation and

Hording Signboard Mobilization Site Clearing Demolition

Substructure Superstructure Infrastructure

Deep Foundation Beam Road

Piling Column Drainage

Slab Sewerage

Water Reticulation
Figure 1: Flowchart of Construction

The notification for

Planning permission interim inspection was
from authority The contractor make
made for : OSC :-
the notification for
before construction PBN,TNB,JKR,BOMB
interim inspection
begin A,DOSH

The applicant During construction SOP approved

(architect) signing A interim inspection construction continue
Form being organised

Attachment of Pre- Submission to the Final inspection and

document of the A (Majlis) (PBT) issuance of CCC
form Letter : stage 1 and Approval CPC
Eg. Majlis Perbandaran
(PLAN,CRITERIA) Muar stage 2

Submission of the A OSC will received

Form to (Majlis) The B Form is a Final inspection and and distribute to
notification form for fill the G Form (G1 - Building Department
Eg. Majlis Perbandaran authority G21)
Muar and LAM

G Form approve by Submission of CCC:

Received work permit The applicant Submit 2Copy CCC
for development and (architect) fill the B OSC and PSP recieve
letter and G form
endorse DWG Form confirmation CCC within 14 days CCC is
letter issued

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