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Math Project

2 Raiken Bangayan January 20 , 2016

5H Mrs. Jadith T. Ditablan

While Einstein was remembered for his contributions to physics, he also made contributions in
mathematics. He contributed several equations to calculus and geometry, ten of which are called the Einstein
Field Equations. He first published these equations in 1915. One of these equations demonstrates how stress-
energy inflicts curvature of space-time.

Albert Einstein's contribution to mathematics is his famous E=mc2. This is one of his most well-
known accomplishments. One of Einstein's great insights was to realize that matter and energy are really
different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter.

Einstein totally dismissed the “Old Physics” which believed in an absolute space and time and that
the speed of light was relative. He envisaged a universe where the speed of light is absolute and space and
time are relative

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