IGC1 Element 4

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Management of International

Health and Safety

Element 4: Health and Safety
Management Systems 3 - Planning

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Learning Outcomes
• Explain the importance of planning in the context of
health and safety management systems.
• Explain the principles and practice of risk assessment.
• Explain the general principles of control and basic
hierarchy of risk-reduction measures.
• Identify key sources of health and safety information.
• Explain what factors should be considered when
developing and implementing a safe system of work
for general activities.
• Explain the role and function of a permit-to-work

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Unit IGC1: Element 4.1


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• 3rd Step in ILO-OHS

• Part of PDCA cycle.
• Essential in the
management of
health and safety.

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SMART Objectives

• Specific - clearly defined, precise.

• Measurable - towards a target, quantified.
• Achievable - it can be done.
• Reasonable - within timescale and resources.
• Time-bound - deadline, timescale,
e.g. review all 48 risk
assessments within a
12-month period.

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Group Discussion Point

Give an example of an objective that isn’t


Now give a SMART alternative.

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Setting Objectives

Setting objectives requires consideration of:

– Who is setting objectives - Managers? Safety
• How will objectives be set at each functional
– Cascaded throughout organisation?
– Linked to personal targets and appraisals?
• Legal and other requirements:
– May link objectives to standards.

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Setting Objectives

Requires consideration of:

– Hazards and risks:
– Objectives aim to control risks in organisation.
• Technological options available:
– Adopt new technology.
• Financial/operational/business requirements:
– Integrate H&S with business objectives.
• Views of interested parties:
– Employees through consultation.
– Other stakeholders.
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Keeping Up To Date

Essential to be up to date:
– Especially with law.
Various methods, including:
– HSE newsletters – http://www.hse.gov.uk
– EU law – http://osha.europa.eu/en/legislation
– Websites – http://www.osha.gov/
– Practitioner publications and subscriptions.
– Conferences.
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End-of-Section Quiz

1. What are SMART objectives?

2. How can safety and health practitioners
keep up to date with legal requirements?

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Unit IGC1: Element 4.2



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Legal Requirements

ILO Convention C155 Article 15.

Imposes a duty to ensure a workplace is,
so far as is reasonably practicable, without
risk to employees.

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Reasonable Practicability

“Reasonable practicability”:
– Balance of cost vs risk of harm.
– Cost is time, effort and money.

Basis of a risk assessment.

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Hazard and Risk

Hazard – something with the

potential to cause harm.

Risk – the likelihood that a

hazard will cause harm,
together with its severity.

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Whole Group Activity

In 5 minutes, identify as many hazards as

possible present in the training environment.

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Hazard Categories
– E.g. electricity, noise, vibration, radiation,
– E.g. mercury, solvents, carbon monoxide.
– E.g. legionella bacteria, hepatitis.
– E.g. manual handling, repetitive tasks.
– E.g. stress, violence.
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Objectives of Risk Assessment

• Death and personal injury.
• Other types of loss incident.
• Breaches of statute law,
which might lead to
enforcement action and/or
• The direct and indirect costs
that follow on from
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Types of Incident

• Accident.
• Injury accident.
• Damage-only accident.
• Near-miss.
• Dangerous occurrence.
• Work-related ill health.

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Relationship Between
Incident Types
Published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government
Licence v1.0: (HSG245)

Hazard Near-Miss Injury

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Accident Ratios

Frank Bird Accident Triangle

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• Competent people:
– Training, knowledge, experience.

• Team approach is beneficial:

– Workers familiar with tasks.
– H&S specialists.
– Technical specialists.
– Line managers.
– Worker safety representatives.

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Suitable and Sufficient
Risk Assessment
State the name/competence of assessor.
Identify significant hazards and risks.
Identify persons at risk.
– Workers and others, e.g. visitors and vulnerable.
Evaluate effectiveness of current controls.
Identify additional controls.
Enable employer to prioritise controls.
Record significant findings.
Appropriate to nature of work.
Proportionate to risks.
State validity period.
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The 5 Steps to Risk Assessment

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Step 1: Identify the Hazards
Safety Health
Physical injury: Occupational disease or
• Slips, trips and falls. ill health:
• Falling objects. • Physical.
• Collisions. • Chemical.
• Trapping/crushing. • Biological.
• Machinery. • Ergonomic.
• Electricity. • Psychological.
• Transport.
• Chemicals.
• Drowning.
• Asphyxiation.
• Fire/explosion.
• Animals.
• Violence.
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Hazard Identification

• Inspections of the workplace.

• Task analysis:
– Analyses job components before
the job starts.
• Legislation:
– Standards, guidance documents.
• Manufacturers’ information:
– Safe use, maintenance, cleaning.
• Incident data:
– Accidents, near-misses,
ill health.
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Task Analysis

S elect the task.

R ecord the stages of the task.
E valuate risks associated with each stage.
D evelop the safe working method.
I mplement the safe working method.
M onitor to ensure effectiveness.

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Step 2: Identify the People at Risk
• Workers/operators.
• Maintenance staff.
• Cleaners.
• Contractors.
• Visitors.
• Members of the public
(also trespassers).

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Vulnerable Groups

People at special risk:

• Young people.
• New or expectant mothers.
• Disabled workers.
• Lone workers.

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Step 3: Evaluate the Risk

What is risk?
It is a measure of the likelihood of harm
occurring and the severity of that harm.

Or, to put it more simply:

Risk = Likelihood × Severity

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Step 3: Evaluate the Risk

The risk evaluation can be:

• Qualitative (based on
Uses words to describe
likelihood and severity, e.g.
high, medium, low, etc.
• Semi-Quantitative
Uses words and numbers to
describe likelihood and
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Step 3: Evaluate the Risk

Likelihood Severity

1 = extremely unlikely 1 = very minor

2 = unlikely 2 = first-aid injury

3 = possible 3 = lost-time injury

4 = likely 4 = hospital treatment

5 = very probable 5 = disabling injury

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Risk Assessment Matrix

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Semi-Quantitative Risk Evaluation
Advantages of semi-quantitative risk evaluation:
• Clarity of thinking.
• Consistency of approach.
• Prioritisation.
• Timescale.

Risk Rating Action and Timescales

15 and above Unacceptable
9 to 14 Tolerable
5 to 8 Tolerable (must be reduced to
below 5)
4 or below Acceptable
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Residual, Acceptable and
Tolerable Risk
If risk is unacceptable, more action is needed.
If risk is lower, it may be tolerable for a short
period of time.
If risk is acceptable, the risk is adequately

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Guidance and Legal Standards
What does national law require?
• Sometimes, there are very clear
regulations and codes of practice
to be met.
• Often, there is no set standard in
law – but guidance may be
• Can you think of who might
provide guidance?

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Guidance and Legal Standards

• International
• National legislation.
• Industry standards.
• Guidance from

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General Control Hierarchy
• Remove the source of the risk -
Eliminate the hazard. the most effective option.

• Engineering solutions provide

Create a safe place. physical protection.
• Safe working methods - relies
Create a safe person. heavily on safe behaviour.

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General Control Hierarchy
E R I C Prevents Death (ERIC PD)
E liminate the hazard.
R educe or substitute the hazard.
I isolate (people from the hazard/ the hazard from
C ontrol exposure (safe conditions, engineering,
P ersonal protective equipment.
D iscipline (SSOW, training, supervision, enforcement).

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Priorities and Timescales

High-risk = high-priority actions.

Low-risk = low priority.

BUT risk and timescale are not the same:

Low-cost, easy actions should be taken, even
if low priority.
Medium priority still needs rapid action.

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Step 4: Record Significant Findings

Typical content:
• Activity/area assessed and hazards.
• Groups at risk.
• Evaluation of risks and adequacy of existing
control measures.
• Action plans for further precautions needed.
• Date and name of
competent person.
• Review date.
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Step 5: Review
Significant change in:
• Process.
• Substances.
• Equipment.
• Workplace environment.
• Personnel.
• Law.
If it is no longer valid:
• Accident.
• Near-miss.
• Ill health.
Periodically, e.g. annually.
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Group Syndicate Exercise
Using task analysis, prepare a brief risk
assessment suggesting control measures to
reduce the risks involved with this activity.
Use the 5x5 risk matrix we covered earlier.

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Alternative Group Syndicate
In groups, carry out a risk assessment on
these premises:
• Use Steps 1 to 4.
• Use a quantitative scoring system.
Present your findings to the other groups in
20 minutes.

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Young Persons
• Under 18 (national law).
• Lack of experience.
• Physical and mental maturity.
• Poor risk perception.
• Influenced by peer group.
• Eager.
• Control measures:
• Prohibit certain high-risk activities, e.g. high-risk
• Restrict work patterns and hours, e.g. no overtime.
• Train and supervise.
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Expectant Women and Nursing
• Certain chemicals, e.g. lead.
• Certain biological agents, e.g. rubella virus.
• Manual handling.
• Temperature extremes.
• Whole-body vibration.
• Ionising radiation.
• Night shifts.
• Stress.
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• Violence.
Disabled Workers

• Health and fitness criteria for
some jobs:
– E.g. eyesight requirements to
drive forklift trucks.
• Workers with known
– What are the implications of
their disability?

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Lone Workers

Workers especially
vulnerable and more at risk:
• Of violence:
– E.g. prison officer, mental-
health nurse.
• If they are injured or ill:
– E.g. confined-space entry.

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End-of-Section Quiz

1. Define “hazard” and “risk”.

2. Define “accident”, “injury accident” and
3. What are the 5 steps to risk assessment?
4. What should a suitable and sufficient risk
assessment contain?
5. Who should be considered in a risk
6. How is risk evaluated?

© RRC International
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Unit IGC1: Element 4.3



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General Principles of Prevention
• Avoid risks.
• Evaluate risks that cannot be avoided.
• Control hazards at source.
• Adapt work to suit the individual.
• Adapt to technical progress.
• Replace dangerous with less/non-dangerous.
• Coherent/overall prevention policy.
• Give priority to collective protective measures.
• Give appropriate instructions to employees.
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Safe Place/Safe Person
Collective protective measures:
Protect the whole workplace and everyone
in it.

Safe place:
Design, selection and engineering
of premises, plant, machinery, equipment,
processes and substances. – Technical.
– Procedural.
Safe person: – Behavioural.
Competence of workers who
have received adequate information,
instruction and training and follow safe
systems of work.
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Technical, Procedural and
Behavioural Controls
Controls can be further classified as:
– Equipment and engineered solutions.
– Safe systems of work, procedures, permits.
– Training, awareness, competence.

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Hierarchy of Control
Engineering controls:
– Isolation, total enclosure.
– Separation, segregation.
– Partial enclosure.
– Safety devices.
Administrative controls:
– Safe systems of work.
– Reduced exposure.
– Reduced time of exposure, dose.
– Information, instruction, training and
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
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Hierarchy of Control
E liminate the hazard.
R educe or substitute the hazard.
I solate (people from hazard/ hazard from

C ontrol exposure (engineering, procedures).

P ersonal protective equipment.
D iscipline (SSOW, training, supervision,
ERIC Prevents Death
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Worked Example – Cleaning the
Current chemical is corrosive (burns):
– Eliminate – don’t clean the oven? Buy a new
oven? Don’t use chemicals?
– Substitute the corrosive chemical for a less
hazardous one?
– Isolate – keep others out of the kitchen.
– Procedures – follow instructions on tin.
– PPE – wear gloves as per instructions.

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Group Syndicate Activity

You are the manager of a large, commercial

bakery. You have recently discovered that
flour dust can be harmful to the health of
your workers.
Flour is currently added by hand from sacks.
Assume no other controls are present
Using the hierarchy of control, identify
possible controls to reduce the risk of dust

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Group Syndicate Activity
• You are the manager of a domestic
window-cleaning company.
• You are concerned by the potential for
injuries due to falls from height.
• Using the hierarchy of control, identify
possible controls to reduce the risk of falls.

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Safety Signs

Prohibition Warning Mandatory

Safe Condition Fire-Fighting Equipment

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Personal Protective Equipment
Employers should:
• Supply suitable PPE:
• Appropriate for risk.
• Ergonomic.
• Fits the wearer.
• Doesn’t increase overall risk.
• Complies with standards.
• Ensure compatibility of items.
• Suitable storage.
• Information, instruction and training.
• Enforce use of PPE.
• Replace or repair damaged or lost
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Whole Group Exercise

Discuss the benefits and limitations of

PPE as a risk-control method.

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Benefits of PPE Limitations of PPE
• Interim control. • Doesn’t remove hazard.
• Some situations – only • Only protects the wearer.
control option. • Requires good fit.
• Relies on wearer.
• Emergency back-up.
• Requires training.
• Cheap (short-term). • Uncomfortable.
• Immediate protection. • May increase overall risk.
• Incompatibility.
• Unpopular, so often unworn.
• Fails to danger.
• No good if wrongly selected.
• Contamination.
• Expensive long-term.

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End-of-Section Quiz

1. Outline the general hierarchy of control.

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Unit IGC1: Element 4.4



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Sources of Information

Sources can be
• internal, and
• external
to the organisation.

List all the internal and external sources you

can think of and discuss them.

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Sources of Information
Internal External
• Accident records. • National legislation.

• Medical records. • Safety data sheets.

• Codes of practice.
• Risk assessments.
• Guidance notes.
• Maintenance reports. • Operating instructions.
• Safety inspections. • Trade associations.
• Audit reports. • Safety publications.
• Safety-committee minutes.
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Source Organisations
International Labour Organisation (UN)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA)


European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU)


Health and Safety Executive (UK)


Worksafe (Western Australia)

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End-of-Section Quiz

1. What internal sources of health and safety

information are there within an
2. What external sources of information are

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Unit IGC1: Element 4.5



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Safe System of Work

Formal Systematic
Recorded Examination of work

Hazards Safe Methods

Identified Defined

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Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility of the employer:

– Ensure SSoW are available for activities that
create significant risk, e.g. maintenance.
Role of competent persons:
– Developed by people who can identify and
control hazards.
Workers involvement:
– Active part in development of SSoW.
– Gains commitment, helps culture.

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Group Discussion Point

Why do you think it may be beneficial to have

written procedures?

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Written Procedures

Written procedures:
– Ensure consistency.
– Provide a basis for training.
– Establish a standard (can be checked).
– Provide a written record for incident
investigations/regulatory inspections.
Can be in many forms:
– Checklists.
– Short notes.
– Detailed manuals.
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Technical, Procedural and
Behavioural Controls
Safe system of work will contain:
• Technical controls.
– “things and stuff”.
– Equipment provided/engineering controls.
• Procedural controls:
– Often explain the correct use of technical
• Behavioural controls:
– How the workers behave.
– Training and supervision.
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Developing SSoW - PEME

People – competence, ability.

Equipment – plant, equipment, PPE.
Materials – substances, articles, waste.
Environment – space, lighting, heating.

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Developing Safe Systems of Work

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Worked example – The Steps In
Changing a Wheel
Step 1 – park the car in a safe location.
Step 2 – remove equipment from boot.
Step 3 – loosen wheel nuts.
Step 4 – jack up car.
Step 5 – remove wheel nuts.
Step 6 – replace wheel and wheel nuts.
Step 7 – lower car, remove jack.
Step 8 – tighten wheel nuts.
Step 9 – replace equipment in boot.
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Identifying Controls

For each step:

– First identify the hazards.
– Then identify the controls.

So, Step 1 (changing wheel) might have:

– Hazards – traffic, risk of violence.
– Controls – select location off-road if possible,
use hazard lights, if you feel area is unsafe/at
night or if vulnerable group, call recovery
service and stay in car.

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Group Discussion Activity

Suggest hazards and controls for each step of

the worked example “changing a wheel”.

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Introducing Controls and
Formulating Procedures
Often most difficult stage!

Consultation and engagement helps gain

buy-in from workers.

Allow concerns to be raised and addressed

during development.

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Instruction, Training and
Information, Instruction, Training and
Supervision (IITS)

May need detailed training in the SSoW.

Must monitor to ensure:

– SSoW is being applied correctly.
– SSoW is as safe as was intended!

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Optional Group Syndicate Activity

Using SREDIM, develop a simple safe system

of work for the task allocated to your group:
– Making a cup of tea.
– Making a batch of cement with a cement-
– Painting a ceiling (emulsion).

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Specific Examples of SSoW

Confined spaces.

Using PEME
Lone working. principles,
what should
be included in
a SSoW for

Travelling abroad.

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Confined Space
• Enclosed in nature
(ventilation will be
restricted and access/
egress may be difficult).
• One or more foreseeable
specified risks exist:
– Fire or explosion.
– Loss of consciousness from gas, fumes, vapour, lack of
– Drowning.
– Asphyxiation from free-flowing solid.
– Loss of consciousness from temperature.

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Confined-Space Control Measures
Do not work inside a confined space if possible.
Carry out a risk assessment.
Develop safe system of work.
Emergency arrangements.
Trained personnel.

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Safe System of Work for
Confined Spaces
• Supervision. • Isolation, lock off of
• Competency. electrical/mechanical
• Communication.
• Atmospheric • PPE.
testing/monitoring. • Access/egress.
• Ventilation. • Fire prevention.
• Removal of residues. • Lighting.
• Isolation, lock off of • Suitability of
in-feeds and out-feeds. individuals.
• Emergency/rescue
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Lone Workers

“Workers who are separated from their work

Lack assistance if things go wrong.
Communication with colleagues more difficult, i.e:
– Out of eyesight.
– Out of earshot.

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Group Discussion

Give as many examples of lone workers as

you can in 1 minute.

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Lone Working Examples
Maintenance workers.
Service engineers, e.g. gas, appliance.
Garage forecourt attendants.
Security guards.
Receptionists (sometimes).
Social workers/carers.
Health visitors/district nurses.
Sales representatives (on the road).
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Safe System of Work for Lone
No lone working for high-risk activities, e.g. confined spaces.
Remote supervision.
Logging workers’ locations.
Mobile phones or radios.
Lone-worker alarm systems.
Procedures for lone workers.
Emergency procedures.
Training for workers.

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Working and Travelling Abroad

Not the same as a holiday!

– Brings additional hazards.
Risks when travelling related to:
– Security.
– Health.
Workers may also be “lone workers”.
Some areas are not recommended for travel –
see local websites, e.g. FCO at:
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Working Abroad
Employers have a duty to workers whom they send
to work abroad and should provide:
• Pre- and post-visit briefings.
• Insurance.
• Health advice and vaccinations.
• Financial arrangements.
• Security training and advice.
• Cultural requirements advice.
• Accommodation.
• In-country travel.
• Emergency arrangements.

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• 24-hour contacts.
Standards for Safe Systems of Work

Safe Work in Confined Spaces


Safety in the Global Village

IOSH information sheet (1999)

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End-of-Section Quiz
1. What is a safe system of work?
2. Who is responsible for developing safe
systems of work?
3. What are the advantages of a written
procedure over a verbal one?
4. What are the key steps in carrying out a
task analysis before developing a safe
system of work (SREDIM)?
5. What controls might be implemented to
ensure the safety of lone-working social
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Unit IGC1: Element 4.6


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Permit-to-Work Systems
A formal, documented safety procedure, forming
part of a safe system of work.

Typical applications:
• Hot work (involving naked flames,
or creation of ignition sources).
• High-voltage electrical systems.
• Confined-space entry.
• Operational pipelines.
• Excavation near buried services.
• Complex machinery.
• Working at height.

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Consists of 4 elements:
1. Issue.

2. Receipt.

3. Clearance/return to

4. Cancellation.

May also be an extension.

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Permit-to-Work System

• Issue – Pre-Job Checks

– Description of work to be carried out.
– Description of plant and location.
– Identify hazards and assess risks.
– Identification of controls.
– Additional permits, e.g. hot work.
– Isolation of services.
– PPE.
– Emergency procedures.

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Permit-to-Work System

Receipt – handover of permit:

– Competent and authorised person issues
permit to workers.
– Workers sign to say they accept controls.
Work can now start:
Plant is now under the control of the workers.

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Permit-to-Work System

Clearance – return to service:

– Workers sign to say they have left the
workplace in safe condition, work is complete
and operations can resume.

– Authorised person accepts plant back and can
remove isolations, etc. Cancels permit.
Plant is now returned to the control of the

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Importance of Permit Control
permits are useless.
Piper Alpha disaster was
the failure of a permit-to-
work system.
Government Licence v1.0
People must be trained in (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
Permits never issued from
a desk.
System must be
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Hot-Work Controls

Remove flammable materials.

Fire-retardant blankets/screens.
Floor swept of debris.
Floors damped down, if necessary.
Fire extinguishers at hand.
“Fire-watcher” present.
Post-work checks to ensure
no smouldering embers.

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Work on Live Electrical Systems

Work must be justified:

– Not possible to work dead.
Precautions are in place.
Workers are competent.

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Confined Spaces

Risk assessment by competent person.

Controls implemented (already covered).
Safe system of work.
Emergency arrangements.

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Machinery Maintenance

Work is carefully planned and controlled:

– May be several people working.
Hazards are communicated.
Services are isolated and locked off.
Stored energy is released.
Workers are competent.

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Work at Height

Avoidance, if possible.
Prevention of falls by using:
– Safe platform with adequate edge-protection.
Minimise distance and consequence of fall:
– PPE and fall-arrest devices.
Weather conditions considered:
– Wind, ice/snow.

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End-of-Section Quiz

1. What types of work require a permit-to-

2. What are the key features of a permit-to-
work document?
3. What are the main limitations of a permit-
to-work system?

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