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Donna Matrix
Biochemistry / Dietetics / Behavior
Analysis / Nutrition Education

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 1
A person can get their vitamins only two
1. Eat them as vitamins, usually in food, but
can be taken as man-made pills
2. Eat them as precursors, usually in food, but
can also be taken as man-made pills.

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 2
2 Types of Vitamins
1. Water soluble (dissolve in water)
Excreted when too high
2. Fat soluble (dissolve in liquids that lipids
dissolve in)
Stored and recycled

Together there are 13 known vitamins.

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 3
Water-Soluble Vitamins
• Thiamin • Vitamin C
• Riboflavin
• Niacin
• B6
• Folate or Folic Acid
• B12
• Pantothenic Acid
• Biotin
7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 4
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
• A
• D
• E
• K

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 5
Each vitamin is described by it’s functions,
sources, deficiency symptoms and name,
and excess symptoms. In addition, there are
numerous names for each vitamin.
Which do you think you NEED to know?
Deficiency symptoms are alerts or red flag

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 6
• Vitamins act as coenzymes, antioxidants,
energy transfer molecules and are used in
about every third reaction in the body.
• Without vitamins you cannot convert hydro-
carbons into ATP.
• Some vitamins act like hormones, other
determine gene expression.

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 7
End of Vitamins

Donna Matrix

7/16/2018 Nutrition 10 8

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