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Grade 7 Science

Unit 3:
Mixtures & Solutions
Chapter 7
Matter can be classified as mixtures or
pure substances
Particle Theory of Matter
1. All matter is made up of tiny
2. These particles are always
moving… they have energy.
3. There are spaces among particles.
4. There are attractive forces
between the particles.
5. The particles of one substance
differ from the particles of other
Page 230


Matter can be either:
Mixtures substances
 Mixtures are the  Contain only one kind of
physical combination of particle and are the
two or more pure same throughout.
Pure Substances... p.236

 ALWAYS appear as uniform

 They contain either:
1. Only one type of particle
• Gold and Oxygen.
2. Two or more particles
chemically combined to
form a different substance.
• Water is H²O which is
2 hydrogen's and 1 oxygen
Pure Substance
 Substances don’t usually occur in
their pure form in nature, so in
order to obtain pure substances,
people must refine raw materials.

Bauxite makes Aluminum foil

Examples of Pure Substances
•sugar (C12H22O11)
•copper (Cu)
•distilled water (H2O)
•carbon dioxide (CO2)
•oxygen (O2)
NOTE: pure
covered are not
limited to elements.
 Theyare the physical
combination of two or
more pure substances.

+ = ?
Sugar Water
Mixtures p.232

 MAY have distinct visible

 MAY appear uniform throughout.
Six of the possible kinds of
mixtures are:
A. a mixture of gases
B. a mixture of liquids
C. a mixture of gases in a liquid
D. a mixture of solids
E. a mixture of solids in a liquid
F. a mixture of solids and gases
Soft drinks are mixtures made
- liquid water
- Solid sugar
- Carbon dioxide gas
Commonly used mixtures

 Detergents
 Cleaners
– Formed by adding water
to the cleaner
 Gasoline – oil mixtures
– Lawn mower engines
require specific amounts
of oil to be mixed with
Examples of Mixtures…
•chocolate chip cookie
•salad dressing
 For each
find the
and state
the kind
 Ex:
of gases
in a
The particle theory of matter
#1: All matter is made up of tiny particles.
#5: The particles of one substance differ from the particles
of other substances.
1 type of particle
In class activity
 1. Air is a mixture. _____

 2. Gold is a pure substance. _____

 3. Water from a lake is a pure substance. _____

 4. A pure substance contains particles that are all alike. _____

 5. Two different gases together make up a mixture. _____

 Work book:
– Page 1 – 3
p. 235

Heterogeneous and homogeneous

What is a mechanical Mixture?
 Mixtures composed of two or
more substances that remain
visible even after they are
 Sometimes need a microscope
(see p. 245)

 Can be solid, liquid or gas

 The particles do not evenly mix
 Mechanical mixtures are also
known as heterogeneous
mixtures (uneven mixtures). p.244

– A salad dressing made of oil and vinegar is

considered a heterogeneous mixture
because its components:
• oil and vinegar — remain separate and distinct.
– Think about a chocolate chip cookie.
• Would it be considered a mechanical mixture?
• Why or why not?
Heterogeneous Mixtures
 Example:
– Smog-filled air
• the amount of smog is not uniform inside
the air.
– Granola cereal or trail mix
• the individual ingredients such as raisins,
nuts, and dried fruit remain visible even
after mixing.
– Concrete
• the components of the sand, lime, and
water used to create it often remain visible.
Heterogeneous Mixtures

Granola bar
What is a Solution?
 A type of mixture in which the pure
substances within the solution mix
together so well that they give the
appearance of only one substance.
 Solutions can be any combination
of the three states of matter— solid,
liquid, and gas.
 Particles appear to be mixed evenly
and to be the same throughout.

 Solutionsare also called

Homogeneous mixtures
 Examples:
– When sugar is mixed with water, the sugar
seems to "disappear." Yet, if you were to taste
the mixture, you would know the sugar was
still there. Also, if you were to place the
solution in a shallow dish and allow the water
to evaporate, the sugar would reappear.
– Air - dissolve carbon dioxide, oxygen, and
argon into nitrogen gas.
– Brass- made up of copper and zinc.
Homogeneous Mixture
 The particles are evenly
mixed so that none of the
original substances are Stainless
visible. steel

Mixtures can be classified into 2 types: p.234

1. Heterogeneous
– A non-uniform mixing
• Particles create layers or parts
• May also appear as one substance
• Light will scatter as it passes through
• May or may not need a microscope to see
2. Homogeneous
– A uniform mixing
• Appear as one substance
• Particles are evenly spread out
• Light will pass through unaffected
• Cannot see parts with a microscope
the particle
theory of

Mechanical mixture Solution

p. 235 Questions 1 – 3
p. 237 Questions 1 – 3
p. 241 Questions 1- 6

Combination of mixtures p. 244

 Sometimes you cannot tell whether

something is homogeneous or
heterogeneous just by looking at it.
– The mixtures are hard to classify:
• Homogeneous
• Heterogeneous

 However, we can use light

to determine…
Using light:

homogeneous and heterogeneous

Homogeneous Mixture

• They appear
to be ONE
• light passes
Heterogeneous Mixtures

 Light will
because it
reflects off the
Tyndall Effect…
Homogeneous mixture Heterogeneous mixtures
1. copper (II) sulfate  vegetable oil and
solution water
2. salt water  Pepper and water

3. sugar water  sugar & vegetable oil

 vinegar and salad oil

Is it homogeneous or heterogeneous?
Or a combination?
 A large number of mixtures are not classified as either
homogeneous or heterogeneous but rather are
combinations of both.
– They fall on a continuum from homogeneous to
heterogeneous depending on particle size…

Combination of both
Some mixtures are combinations of
heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures

 Milk
 Orange juice
 Soft drink

 Ex: Orange juice:

– Homogeneous: sugars with water
– Heterogeneous: is a combination
of solid orange pulp and water.
In class activity
 Name one example of a heterogeneous
mixture and one example of a
homogeneous mixture.
– Explain how you are able to tell the two
types of mixtures apart.
 Chapter review p.250 Questions 1-10
 p. 245 Questions 1-4
 p. 249 Questions 1-6
 Workbook

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