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Construction of flying quad rotor with video

surveillance system


K.AKHIL (129P1A0333)
J.RAVI (129P1A0329)
K.TEJA BABU (129P1A0332)
J.ANIL KUMAR (129P1A0327)

G.RAVI KUMAR (129P1A0325)

B.SHYAM BABU (129P1A0309)
D.SUNIL VARMA (129P1A0317)
• The project aims at designing in a chopper which is used for
surveillance systems. The chopper will have a wireless
video camera on it which helps in viewing live images on
TV. The chopper is controlled using RC remote control.
• The controlling device of the whole system is a
Microcontroller. The Microcontroller gets the input from RF
receiver which receives the data transmitted by pressing
control buttons in RF remote. This data is processed and
acts accordingly on chopper motors. The captured video
images are transmitted through AV transmitter and are
received by AV receiver and displayed on TV interfaced to
Construction of flying quad rotor with video surveillance
1. Transmitter


Construction of flying quad rotor with video surveillance
2. Receiver

Regulated power supply

receiver Motor BLDC
driver motors

Crystal Oscillator
Micro Reset

AV Video
Transmitter camera LED indicators
Construction of flying quad rotor with video
surveillance system
3. At TV


Major components
 Regulated power supply.
 Microcontroller.
 RC remote transmitter and receiver modules.
 Reset button.
 Crystal oscillator
 BLDC motors
 LED indicators.
 Wireless camera
 Every embedded system requires dc voltage and that that will
be 5v supply
 We are getting 230v, 50 Hz in our house hold applications.
We can be used to operate the home appliances like T.V,
cooler, fan, light’s
 Digital electronic devices need digital supply and we can
get supply from regulated power supply block

Step down
Bridge Capacitive Regulator +5V DC
230 v AC transformer
rectifier filter (7805)
(V-0-12 )
 PIC is a family of Harvard
microcontrollers made by
Microchip Technology.
The name PIC initially
referred to "Peripheral
Interface Controller".

 A PIC's instructions vary

from about 35 instructions
for the low-end PICs to
over 80 instructions for the
high-end PICs.
 PIC microcontroller has four optional clock sources.
 Low power crystal
 Mid range crystal
 High range crystal
 RC oscillator (low cost).
 Programmable timers and on-chip ADC.
 Up to 12 independent interrupt sources.
 Powerful output pin control (25 mA (max.) current
sourcing capability per pin.)
 EPROM/OTP/ROM/Flash memory option.
 I/O port expansion capability.
 radio transmitter is
an electronic device with
the aid of an antenna,
Produces radio waves
 An RF transmitter
performs modulation,
up conversion,
and power

 The RF receiver
frequency which is
used in our project is
Metal Detection Sensor

•A metal detection sensor detects metallic

objects which are at a distance up to 7 cm.
The sensor gives an active low output when
detecting a metal and also indicates through
a LED.
• Basically, the sound source of a piezoelectric
sound component is a piezoelectric diaphragm.
A piezoelectric diaphragm consists of a
piezoelectric ceramic plate which has electrodes
on both sides and a metal plate (brass or
stainless steel, etc.). A piezoelectric ceramic plate
is attached to a metal plate with adhesives.
Applying D.C. voltage between electrodes of a
piezoelectric diaphragm causes mechanical
distortion due to the piezoelectric effect.
• One of the most common devices attached to a
micro controller is an LCD display. Some of the
most common LCD’s connected to the many
microcontrollers are 16x2 and 20x2 displays.
This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and
20 characters per line by 2 lines, respectively.

• A current-carrying
conductor generates a
magnetic field; when it is
placed in an external
magnetic field, it will
experience a force
proportional to the current in
the conductor, and to the
strength of the external
magnetic field.

• High output power relative to motor size and weight.

• Encoder determines accuracy and resolution.
• High efficiency. It can approach 90% at light loads.
• High torque to inertia ratio. It can rapidly accelerate
• Has "reserve" power. 2-3 times continuous power for
short periods.
Wired Vs. Wireless

Wired Wireless
Each cable is a different channel One media (cable) shared by all
Signal attenuation is low High signal attenuation

No interference High interference

noise; co-channel interference; adjacent
channel interference
Why go wireless ?
• Sometimes it is impractical to lay cables
• User mobility
• Cost



wireless video camera

 Wireless Security Cameras are fast gaining popularity. They are chosen
above the common house surveillance cameras because they do away
with the cluster of wires and are therefore easy to install and administer.

 Wireless security cameras can be used for almost anything, from

common home surveillance like keeping an eye on the nanny or adding
security to the office or warehouse

 Wireless video surveillance camera systems are therefore, much more

opted for than wired security systems
wireless video camera features

 Auto Gain & White Balance Camera

 Signal to Noise Ratio: 48dB

 high camera pixel resolution

 Low power consumption

 Wireless Transmission Range: 300m (1000'),

 Covers high distances when it is in Line-Of-Sight

 Receiver Video Input/Output: 1Vp-p/75 Ohm


 The way it works is connect the television at our

robot to the transmitter, and the TV in the
controller room to the receiver. The signal travels through the
open air, and is decoded by the receiver in the user room.

 For better operation it is to have the transmitter and receiver in

as open a space as possible to avoid any interference.
Requirements of AV transmission
 5.8GHz 6 Channel Wireless Audio/Video Sender

 5.8GHz wireless receiver with built-in IR transmitter

 external IR transmitter

 2 AC power adapters

 2 audio/video composite connection cables

Brushless DC Motors
Parts of a Motor
1. End Bell Fastners
2. Shaft Key & Keyways
3. Bearing & Brushings
4. End Ball Flanges
5. Identification Plates
6. Wire Warnish
Brushless Motor Components 7. Commutators
8. Brush Holders
9. Laminations
10. Conduit Connection Box
11. Magnets (Ferrites)

Brush Type Motor Components Images courtesy of Hernon Adhesives & Sealents
Parts of a Motor

Images courtesy of How Stuff Works

How It Works
• When electric current passes
through a coil in a magnetic
field, the magnetic force
produces a torque which turns
the motor.

• Force in Motor:
F = Force
B = Magnetic Field
L = Length of Conductor
I = Current in Conductor

• Torque in Motor:
T = IBA sin θ
A = LW
L = Length of Winding
W = Width of Winding

Images courtesy of Wikipedia

Motor Types


AC DC Hybrid

Permanent Synchronous Brushless Variable

Induction Synchronous Shunt Compound Series Phase Locked Steppers
Magnet DC Frequency

Moving Coil

Basket Weave
Single / Inverter Electronic Permanent
Polyphase Single Phase AC-DC Split Field Synchronous Induction Reluctance Small Angle
Polyphase DC Torquer Driven Communication Magnet
Wound Field Wound Rotor Stator Control Reluctance

Permanent Magnet Permanent Magnet Rotor Control Permanent

Squirrel Cage Shaded Pole Capacitor Magnet
Rotor Reluctance


Capacitor Start Multiple Speed

Pole Switching
T wo Capacitor

Permanent Split
Brushless DC Motor

• No Commutators

• Position of Coils with respect to the magnetic

field is sensed electronically.

• Current is commutated through electronic

switches to appropriate phases.
How it Works

• Halls Sensors sense the

position of the coils

• The Decoder Circuit turns

appropriate switches on
and off

• The voltage through the

specific coils turns the motor

Images courtesy of Servo Magnetics


• Increased Reliablilty & Efficiency

• Longer Life

• Elimination of Sparks from Commutator

• Reduced Friction

• Faster Rate of Voltage & Current

• Precision Voltage & Current Applied to Field Coils

• Low Power
– Consumer Electronics
– Medical Field

• High Power
– Industrial Machinery
– Vehicles
– Airplanes

• Requires Complex Drive Circuitry

• Requires additional Sensors

• Higher Cost

• Some designs require manual labor

(Hand wound Stator Coils)

 LED’s are used as indicator

lamps in many devices.

 Depending on the
type of the materials
(Ga,As,p)led willgives the
output in different colours
(red, Yellow, green etc..)
• An electronic oscillator
is an electronic circuit that
produces a repetitive
Electronic signal, often a
sine wave or a square
• This project is implemented using following software’s:
1.Express PCB – for designing circuit
2. PIC C compiler - for compilation part
3.Proteus 7 (Embedded C) – for simulation part

1.Express PCB:
• Express PCB is a software tool to design PCBs specifically for
manufacture by the company Express PCB
PIC Compiler
• PIC compiler is software used where the machine language code
is written and compiled.
• PIC compiler also supports C language code
• In PIC, we will have a main function, in which all your
application specific work will be defined
• We have to add header file for controller you are using,
otherwise you will not be able to access registers related to
peripherals. #include <16F877A.h>
// header file for PIC 16F877A//

 Proteus is software which accepts only hex files

 Once the machine code is converted into hex code, that hex code
has to be dumped into the microcontroller and this is done by the
 Proteus is a programmer which itself contains a microcontroller in it
other than the one which is to be programmed
 The program which is to be dumped in to the microcontroller is
edited in proteus and is compiled and executed to check any errors
Procedural steps for compilation, simulation
and dumping
Compilation and simulation steps :
For PIC microcontroller, PIC C compiler is used for compilation. The
compilation steps are as follows:
1. Open PIC C compiler.
2. You will be prompted to choose a name for the new project, so create a
separate folder where all the files of your project will be stored, choose a
name and click save.
Picture of opening a new file using PIC C
Dumping steps:

1.Initially before connecting the program dumper to the

microcontroller kit the window is appeared as shown below.

2.Select Tools option and click on Check Communication for

establishing a connection as shown in below window

3. After connecting the dumper properly to the microcontroller

kit the window is appeared as shown below.

4. Again by selecting the Tools option and clicking on Check

Communication the microcontroller gets recognized by the
dumper and hence the window is as shown below
5. Import the program which is ‘.hex’ file from the
saved location by selecting File option and clicking
on ‘Import Hex’ as shown in below window.
6. After clicking on ‘Import Hex’ option we need to
browse the location of our program and click the
‘prog.hex’ and click on ‘open’ for dumping the
program into the microcontroller.
7. After the successful dumping of program the
window is as shown below.
• The design of flying quad rotor robot is
controlled wirelessly through RD remote RF
Thank Q

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