Nidia Delgado Nidia Delgado

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Nidia Delgado

„ m   



m  do oun t ink fossilization is unique
to second language learners?
m Insufficient motivation
m Too man grammar topics being taug t too
muc too soon.
m Too man grammar exercises being
attempted too soon.
m Too man new words being learned b
translation rat er t an b use.
m Do ou ave an idea about ow a
teac er mig t elp second language
learners overcome fossilization and move
forward again in t e language
development process?
m Motivation
m Contextualization
m Vocabular
m It is suggested t at elping students
overcome fossilized items requires
positive affective feedback. Gra am,
Janet G.
m ë problem for educators is to convince
t e students t at t e need remedial
assistance wit out intimidating or
antagonizing t em.
m Gra am, Janet G.
m lacement essas and grammar tests
can be used to determine w et er
students need a remedial course or can
proceed to an Englis as a second
language composition course. In t e
remedial class, t e span in levels of
proficienc causes problems.
m Gra am, Janet G.
m Tutorial elp for less proficient students
and extra language lab work, as well as
individualized instruction, are possible
m Gra am, Janet G.
m T e remedial class includes formal
grammar instruction,
instruction, oral exercises wit
corrective feedback
feedback,, substitution and
sentence manipulation drills,
drills, written
exercises, s ort composition
assignments, and dictations in class.
m Gra am, Janet G.
m ttp://
/acquisition. tm

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