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Industrial Revolution 4.0

Navigate the Wave

Tri Wicaksono
Application Integration Management
Danone Business Transformation – Asia Pacific
Don’t Panic !!
“The secret of change is to
focus all of your energy, not on
fighting the old, but on
building the new” (Socrates)


What are in Industrial Revolution 4.0 ?

• Internet of Things (IoT)

• Systems Integration
• Autonomous Systems (Robot, Drones,
Driverless Car, Artificial Intelligence)
• Augmented Reality (Simulation)
• BigData
• 3D printing
• Cloud computing
Value Creation

What to consider ?

• Integration from a system to an eco-systems

• Exponential velocity and disruptive
• Distance between science and technology
and social science will be reduced
• Intersection of disciplines would come up with
new interdisciplinary
• Self learning skill to adapt radical changes
• Re-skilling for transition to the new jobs

Skill needed – Top 10 in 2020

1. Complex Problem Solving

2. Critical Thinking
3. Creativity
4. People Management
5. Coordinating with Others
6. Emotional Intelligence
7. Judgement and Decision Making
8. Service Orientation
9. Negotiation
10. Cognitive Flexibility Source: Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum

Let’s navigate the wave!!

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a transformational journey, capability to adapt
radical exponential changes and the ability to integrate complex
process with strong creativity would become increasingly as an urgent
priority in tomorrow's industrial eco-systems.
Tri Wicaksono
Application Integration Management
Danone Business Transformation – Asia Pacific

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Industrial Revolution 5.0
It’s on the horizon !!
Smart systems (IR 4.0)
More space of humans
Industrial Revolution 5.0

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IR 4.0
P : Pak, beli sate kambing 1175 tusuk yah !!..?

TS : Oh iya, Dik. Pedes apa enggak?

(dalam hati ... pesenan gede nih!! .. mantabss)

P : Yg gak pedas 657 tusuk, yg sedeng 372 tusuk,

sisanya yg pedes.. Trus yg gak pedes 127 tusuk bumbu
kecap gak pake bawang, 292 tusuk pake ati gak pake
bawang, 52 tusuk yg bumbu kecap tadi pake lontong,
sisanya bumbu kacang aja. Yg sedeng 124 tusuk pake

kecap, 172 tusuk gak pake lontong, 21 gak pake ati,
23 tusuknya setengah mateng, yg pake lontong 15
tusuk gak pake bawang. Yg pedes 14 tusuknya gak
pake lontong, bawangnya dibanyakin dan 28 tusuk
setengah mateng, pake lontong, teruuus........

TS : … Ampuunnnn … Pusing kepala eike .. !!!!

Welcome to Industrial Revolution 5.0

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Industrial Revolution X.0
Industrial Revolution 5.0 + Personalization

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Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a transformational journey, capability to adapt
radical exponential changes and the ability to integrate complex
process with strong creativity would become increasingly as an urgent
priority in tomorrow's industrial eco-systems.
Tri Wicaksono
Application Integration Management
Danone Business Transformation – Asia Pacific

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