Presentasi Ke-2 Invent

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Innovation and Product

Development Center

Bringing R&D from the desk to the ground –

and make a profit and a positive difference
Do you ever realize ….
• How many students?
• How many lecturer?
• How many researches and prototypes?
• How many laboratories?
• How many research center?
• How many working hours? … How many ideas? …
How many innovations?

… Mounting as piles of potential marketable and

profitable (new) products!
Large number of researches end up
in the drawers!

Some are desperately queuing

to find ways into something
practical and
… ultimately have no ideas on how
to transform it into something

University and its people are

idea generator and innovation

Innovation and Product Development Center (INVENT) Universitas

Tanjungpura merupakan sebuah unit yang resmi didirikan pada
tanggal 28 April 2014 melalui Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas
Tanjungpura No. 2467/UN22/LT/2014.

Unit ini dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk memfasilitasi hasil riset

inovatif di bidang sains dan teknologi serta mengembangkan
budaya kewirausahaan tenaga pendidik, mahasiswa, dan
International Collaboration
Struktur Organisasi INVENT

Multimedia & Publication

Desti Mawarni
Secretary/Chief of Training & Innovation
Sri Rezeki
Innovation & Training Organization
Wahyu R., Jamaluddin & Riyan Z.

Chief of Finance and Business Business Plan & Legal Aspect

Nelly Wahyuni Vitriyan Espa

Chief of Idea and Business Relation Need Finding Team

General Manager Kiki Prio Utomo Miftahul H., Inanda & Ridwan
Ferry Hadary

A. Rofix & Zulmi Kurniawan

Drone Technology
Hajon Mahdy & friends

Chief of Product PORTA (Portable Water Treatment)

Syaifurrahman Andeka Kusuma

Organic Plantation
Yanti & friends
A Pilot Project in West-Kalimantan

• Stakeholder meetings, interviews, need-finding

• Innovation training workshops
• Student competitions
• Prototype development and testing
• Product design and marketing
• Training of a team of students to become
innovation trainers
• Business plan competition
• Business plan and entrepreneurship workshops

Di Indonesia sendiri kebutuhan foto dan video

udara sangat tinggi. Kebutuhan itu mencakup
berbagai bidang mulai dari SAR, survey /
pemetaan, pembuatan film / iklan,
penanganan bencana hingga kepentingan
riset dan militer.

Pada saat ini masyarakat belum merasakan puas

terhadap PLN dalam mensuplai listrik. Hal ini
dikarenakan seringnya pemadaman listrik yang
terjadi. Terkadang PLN melakukan pemadaman
dalam waktu yang cukup lama.

Tingginya intensitas radiasi matahari di

Kalimantan Barat (5 KWh/m2) berpotensi untuk
dikembangkan menjadi sel surya.
The Objective of the DBP-Project

To Establish an Innovation and

Development Laboratory in
Pontianak/West Kalimantan/Indonesia:
The Innovation Village
The Innovation Village has as its ambition to become a successful private incubator company that
develops new products for local markets, products that are produced by Indonesians using local

The Innovation Village is intended to be a centre for local entrepreneurship spawning other
workshops and production facilities in West-Kalimantan, including carrying out training and
education in entrepreneurship, innovation and business development.
Building an Innovation Village in Borneo &
The Project Objectives – The INA-DK Collaboration Framework

An idea and
Overall Objective
factory in Indonesia
Specific Objectives

Kampung Inovasi – a An education and An innovation &

private development student exchange & entrepreneurship
company in collaboration program training centre in
Kalimantan-Barat – Indo-DK Bornholm


Building an Innovation Village in Borneo &

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The Project Objectives – The DBP Implementation Phase

Kampung Inovasi – a
private development Overall Objective
company in Kalimantan-
Specific Objectives

Build an idea Refine/improve and test Fabricate and sell the

development the prototype from the first product through a
environment and Prep Phase and make a new partnership
network business plan company in Pontianak

Building an Innovation Village in Borneo &

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The big picture...

Building an Innovation Village in Borneo &

Building an Innovation Village in Borneo &
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