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most common type of WBCs in adults

Nucleus: usually trilobulated
Cytoplasm: Pink to tan with violet or lilac
differentiated, relatively short-lived cells
first phagocytes to reach the infected areas and
are then followed by the monocyte
Show active ameboid locomotion
Lactosylceramide: main glycolipid of
rich in glycogen
Primary granules Tertiary granules
MPO Acetyl transferase
Bactericidal cationic AlkP
CHON Gelatinase

Secondary granules Secretory granules

Specific collagenases
Vit.B12 binding proteins
Neutrophil pools in the body:
Bone marrow- where production and maturation occur
1. Mitotic pool- consists of myeloblast, promyelocyte and
2. Maturating pool- consists of metamyelocyte
3. Storage pool- consists of metamyelocyte, bands and
segmented PMNs

1. Circulating pool- 50% of PMNs circulating freely
2. Marginating pool-50% of PMNs adhere to the vessel
walls or are sequestered in the capillaries
1.Segmented neutrophils- have a nucleus
divided into multiple distinct lobes. The
cytoplasm has fine granules that stain lightly
with the usual blood stains; comprise ~50 to
70% of total WBCs

2.Band neutrophils- have a horseshoe-shaped

nucleus, without the distinct lobes of polys.
They are an earlier stage than segmented
neutrophils but are fully functional. They are
normally represent ~2 to 6% of all WBCs;
 Glycolytic (Embden-Meyerhof) Pathway

 Hexose Monophosphate Shunt Pathway

principal leukocytes involved in a localized
inflammatory response.

phagocytosis, predominantly of bacteria

 NUCLEUS: Dark purple, usually has 2 lobes
 CYTOPLASM: Filled with large spherical
granules of uniform size that stain bright orange
 Granules
1. Outer- contains peroxidase
2. Inner- contains basic protein( rich in arginine,
lysine, phospholipids and possibly melanin)
 Major Basic Protein
Charcot Leyden Crystals
 hexagonal bipyramidal crystals
 formed from disintegration of eosinophils
 made up of lysophospholipase found in
cytoplasm of eosinophils seen in:
Allergic asthma
Pulmonary eosinophilic infiltrates
Parasitic infections
Major functions:
 Also capable of phagocytosis

 Defense against helminthic parasites

 has a role in allergic reactions by lessening

hypersensitivity reactions through the
release of an amine oxidase which
neutralizes histamine
 NUCLEUS: generally unsegmented or bilobed
 CYTOPLASM: densely stained, dark violet to
purple-black granules
 Least common WBC in normal peripheral blood
 are found in small numbers in blood (0.5% of
total leukocytes)
 They have been shown to be rich sources of IL-4
and IL-13
 can be seen in tissues in which inflammation
resulting from hypersensitivity to proteins,
contact allergy, or skin allograft rejection is
 involved in immediate hypersensitivity
reactions related to immunoglobulin class E

 Involve in the control of helminth infections

 Induce B-cells to synthesize IgE

normal residents of connective tissue
throughout the body
 granules contain various substances including:


eosinophil chemotactic factor

 They are derived from progenitors in the marrow.
Mast cells-exit the marrow as immature precursors
and terminally differentiate in tissues
Basophils-mature in the marrow before entering
the circulation
 They share significant phenotypic and functional
properties. Both cell lines possess metachromatic
 They express the Fc Receptor 1. The cells can
phagocytose sensitized red cells but are less
active phagocytes than the other granulocytes.

Lymphoblast 10-18 • Coarse chromatin • No granules present

• Round or oval • Appears smooth
• With 1 to 2 nucleoli • Moderate to dark
Prolymphocyte May be the same size • More clumped • Usually nongranular
as lymphoblast or chromatin • Moderate to dark
smaller • Round or oval blue
• With 1 to 2 nucleoli
Mature small 8-10(same size as RBC) • Dense chromatin • Usually forms a thin
lymphocyte • Round or oval rim around the
• No nucleoli visible nucleus
• Robin’s egg blue
Medium 10-12 • Chromatin not as • More abundant than
lymphocyte dense as small in small lymphocyte
lymphocyte • Pale to moderate
• Round or oval blue
• No nucleoli visible
Large 12-16 Round or oval • Abundant
lymphocyte No nucleoli visible • Clear, very pale blue
 NUCLEUS: Deep purple, round, oval, or indented; nucleoli may be visible
 CYTOPLASM: Sky-blue or “Robbin egg” blue appearance
Adaptive immunity
 T cells
 B cells
Innate immunity
 NK cells
 Turk’s Irritation Cell
 Plasmacytoid lymphocyte
 IM
 Downey cells
 Finely reticulated nuclear chromatin pattern
B cells
primary effectors of the humoral (antibody-mediated)
immune system
 develop in the bone marrow and are found in lymph
nodes, the spleen and other organs, as well as the blood.
may develop into plasma cells

T cells
main effectors of cell-mediated immunity
command and control cells of the entire immune system
T helper cells
T suppressor/cytotoxic cells
 Largest cell in the circulation; with abundant
light gray to light blue finely granular
 medium to large motile cell that can marginate
along vessel walls and has a propensity for
adherence to surfaces
 normally comprise ~3 to 8% of leukocytes
 A part of mononuclear phagocyte system
( including the macrophage)
Stage Cell Nucleus Cytoplasm N/C
size ratio
MONOBLAST 12-20 Round with Basophilic 4:1 to 3:1
folding and Nongranular
clefting 1-2

PROMONOCYTE 14-18 Oval, indented, or Blue-gray 3:1 to 2:1

folded cytoplasm

MONOCYTE 14-20 Round, kidney- Blue-gray 2:1 to 1:1

shaped cytoplasm
May be folded, Many fine
showing brain- azurophilic
like convolutions granules
No nucleoli appearing as
visible “ground glass”
 In the presence of endothelial cells grown on an
extracellular matrix, monocytes differentiate
along two distinct pathways:

1. Dendritic cells-Monocytes that migrate across

endothelium in an abluminal to luminal direction

2. Macrophages-monocytes that remain in the

subendothelial matrix
 The cell’s phagocytic function is related to its immunologic
activity which consists of 2 phases
1. During the induction of immunity, when antigenic information
is transferred to lymphocytes
2. During expression of cellular immune response and the
development of delayed hypersensitivity
 Contains large amount of lipase
 Defense against microorganisms
 role in the antigen-induced blast transformation of lymphocytes
 Major role in the daily destruction of aged blood cells, denatured
plasma proteins and lipids
 Antigen processing and presentation
 able to synthesize various biologically important
 a variety of names, including:
Kupffer cells
microglial cells
Pulmonary alveolar macrophages

 participate in the phagocytic process and are particularly

important in the processing of antigens as part of the
immune response.
 Macrophages exist as either fixed or wandering cells

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