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Fuzzy Controls

Dr. Tahir Khan

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
Operations of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
Laws of Fuzzy Logic
T-Norm and S-Norm
Fuzzy Implication
Analytical Definitions and Properties
Fuzzy Relations
Extension Principle
Fuzzy Decision Making
Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI)
Crisp Boolean Logic: Only two truth values (T and F)
(No provision for approximate reasoning)
Real-life situations may not have a crisp line dividing T and F
Linguistic descriptors "fast," "warm" and "large" are not crisp quantities
(They can be subjective, approximate, and qualitative).
Conventional logic introduces paradoxes.
(E.g., "All my statements are lies" does not have a crisp truth value)

Fuzzy Logic: Extension/generalization of crisp bivalent (two-state) logic

Handles “approximate” knowledge and approximate reasoning
(A characteristic of “intelligence”)
Major developments started in mid 1960’s (L. A. Zadeh)
Fuzzy logic Fuzzy sets
Similar to: Crisp bivalent logic  Crisp sets.
Fuzzy Set: A set without clear or sharp (crisp) boundaries
(No binary membership characteristics)

Example: “the set of narrow streets in Vancouver”

Universe X
(Element x)

Fuzzy Set A

Fuzzy Boundary

Venn Diagram of a Fuzzy Set.

Note: Elements x are not numerical quantities in general.
Represents a fuzzy set.
Gives grade (degree) of membership in set, of any element of universe.

Maps elements of universe on to values in interval [0,1]:  A ( x ): X  [0,1]

Represents grade of possibility that element x belongs to set A.
(Possibility function and not a probability function)

Fuzzy set A is the set of ordered pairs: A  {( x,  A ( x)); x  X ,  A ( x) [0,1]}

Membership grade > 0 and < 1 corresponds to a non-crisp (or fuzzy) membership
(Elements fall on fuzzy boundary of the set).
 A ( x ) Closer to 1 => Grade A(x)

greater possibility that x belongs to A


Fuzzy Fuzzy

Note: A crisp set is a special case of fuzzy set, where the membership function
(characteristic function) can take only two values 1 (membership) and 0 (non-membership)
A  x  A (x)
For discrete universe with elements xi :
A   A  x1  / x1   A  x2  / x2    A  xi  / xi    A xi 
or A 
xi X xi

 A x 
For continuous universe: A xX
Note: both series and integral are “symbolic” shorthand forms, not actual operation)
Example : A = 0.2/3 + 0.3/4 + 1.0/5 + 0.2/6 + 0.1/7

Fuzzy Labels: Linguistic terms "tall men," "beautiful women," and "fast cars are (represented by
fuzzy sets; their membership is subjective, not crisp).
Fuzzy Descriptors: Fuzzy terms “tall,” “beautiful,” and “fast”
Note: They are also linguistic variables, which take fuzzy values.
Linguistic Hedge: Fuzzy adjective “very” in linguistic variable “very tall.” Other Examples:
slightly, extremely, more or less, and highly.
Bivalent logic operations NOT, OR, and AND may be extended to fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy Implication needs particular attention.
Applicable connectives must be expressed in terms of set membership functions
Note: Isomorphism between fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
Complement (Negation, NOT)
Fuzzy set A in universe X. Its complement A’ is a fuzzy set

whose membership function is given by  A' ( x)  1   A ( x) for all x  X

Note: Complement in fuzzy sets  negation (NOT) operation in fuzzy logic.
Denoted by A where A is a fuzzy logic proposition (or a fuzzy state).


Fuzzy-set Complement (Fuzzy-logic NOT).

Fuzzy set of “hot temperatures” contains all values of hot temperature in a specified universe.
Its membership function represents fuzzy logic state “hot” or fuzzy statement “temperature is hot.”
Complement is the fuzzy set containing all temperature values that are not hot (same universe).
Its membership function represents fuzzy logic state “not hot” or fuzzy-logic statement
“temperature is not hot.”
Note: There is an overlap.



0.5 Not Hot

0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (C)
Two fuzzy sets A and B in the same universe X.

Their union AB has membership function  A B ( x)  max[( A ( x),  B ( x)] x  X

Rationale for max: Because element x may belong to one set “or” the other,
the larger of the two possibilities (membership grades) should govern the outcome.
Note: Consistent with union of crisp sets, using characteristic functions (Note: max(1,0) = 1).

1 A

Example: Universe of driving speeds on highway (km/h).

Fuzzy-logic state “Fast” F = 0.6/80 + 0.8/90 + 1.0/100 + 1.0/110 + 1.0/120
Fuzzy state “Medium” M = 0.6/50 + 0.8/60 + 1.0/70 + 1.0/80 + 0.8/90 + 0.4/100
The combined fuzzy condition “Fast OR Medium”
FM = 0.6/50 + 0.8/60 + 1.0/70 + 1.0/80 + 0.8/90 + 1.0/100 + 1.0/110 + 1.0/120
Logical “OR” may be applied for concepts in different universes as well.
The result will be in the Cartesian product of the individual universes.

Universe of room temperatures (in C); Universe of relative humidities (%).

An acceptable temperature T = 0.4/16 + 0.8/18 + 1.0/20 + 1.0/22 + 0.8/24 + 0.5/26
Acceptable humidity H = 0.2/0 + 0.8/20 + 1.0/40 + 0.6/60 + 0.2/80
Fuzzy condition, “Acceptable Temperature OR Acceptable Humidity” is given by
(in two-dimensional universe):

Temperature (C)
16 18 20 22 24 26
0 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5
Relative 20 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8
Humidity 40 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(%) 60 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6
80 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8
Two fuzzy set A and B in the same universe X.
Their intersection AB is a fuzzy set whose membership function is
 A B ( x)  min[( A ( x),  B ( x)] x  X
Corresponds to fuzzy-logic AND (Conjunction), denoted by A  B, where A and B are
fuzzy states or fuzzy propositions
Rationale for min: Because element x must simultaneously belong to both sets, the
smaller possibility (membership grade) should govern the outcome.
Note: Consistent with intersection of crisp sets, using characteristic functions
(Note: min (1,0) = 0).
1 A

(b) Membership
(a) Membership Grade

0 0.0 10.0 20.0 Power (hp)
0.0 1.0 2.0 Speed (m/s)

(c) Membership



0 0.0 20.0 Power

(a) Required speed; (b) Required power; (c) Required speed and power.


Commutativity A  B = B A
AB = BA
Associativity (A  B)  C = A  (B  C)
(A B)  C = A  ( B C)
Distributivity A (BC) = (AB)  (AC)
A(BC) = (AB)  (AC)
Absorption A(AB) = A
A (AB) = A
Idempotency (Idem = same; potent = power) AA = A
(Similar to unity or identity operation) AA = A
Exclusion: 1. Law of excluded middle A A '  X
2. Law of contradiction A A '  
DeMorgan’s Laws ( A  B) ' = A ' B '

( A B) ' = A ' B '

Boundary Conditions AX = X
AX = A
A = A
A = 

Note: AA’  X
Example: Let A denote the set of “my true statements.”
Complement of A ( A’) denotes the set of “my false statements.”
Universe = set of “all my statements,”
Logic proposition “All my statements are false:” A A '  A ' (a)
According to bivalent crisp logic this is a contradiction.
Proof: A  A'  X (for crisp logic) => From proposition (a): A'  X => A   .
But, if (a) is true, then A   => contradiction
Generalized complement C should satisfy the following axioms:
1. Boundary conditions: C() = X and C(X) =  (Note  X  1 ;   0).

2. Non-increasing: For two fuzzy sets with a = A(x) and b = B(x) in the same universe X,
if a  b, then C(a)  C(b) (or, if A  B then C(A)  C(B)).
3. Involutive: C(C(A)) = A (analogous to double negation)
Note: Special case of complement (1-) satisfies these.
Note: Complement is applied to a membership function and it generates another
membership function: C: [0,1]  [0,1]

Note: Axiom 1 => C() = X => C(C()) = C(X).

Axiom 3 => C(C()) =  => C(X) = , which is the second BC in Axiom 1.
Membership functions take values in interval [0,1].
A binary operation is applied to “two” membership functions, producing one membership function (or grade).
The associated mapping: f : [0,1] × [0,1] → [0,1]
f = binary operation
In view of the “triangular” nature of the mapping, the operation is termed a triangular norm.
Note: These are fuzzy aggregation operations (aggregate two or more membership functions into one).
Examples: min and max.
T-Norm (Generalized Intersection)
The t-norm operation is denoted by T(a,b) or aTb. Consider two membership functions a = A(x) and b = B(x).
The t-norm possesses the following four properties:
1. It is nondecreasing in each argument.
2. It satisfies commutativity.
3. It satisfies associativity.
4. It satisfies the boundary condition aTl = a, where a denotes a general membership function.
Note: a second boundary condition aT0 = 0 is also satisfied.
Proof: Set a = 0 in Property 4 => 0T1 = 0. From Property 2, 1T0 = 0. From Property 1, 1T0 ≥ xT0.
Since xT0 is in [0, 1] it cannot be less than 0 => xT0 = 0.
Note: Three examples of the t-norm are given in Table.
The min operation is a special case of t-norm.
The t-norm is a generalized intersection of fuzzy sets (or membership functions).
S-Norm (Generalized Union)
Triangular Conorm (t-conorm); Complementary operation of t-norm
It is also a triangular norm; Denoted by S(a,b) or aSb.
Possesses the following four properties:
1. It is nondecreasing in each argument.
2. It satisfies commutativity.
3. It satisfies associativity.
4. It satisfies the boundary condition, aS0 = a, where a = general membership function.
Note: A second boundary condition, aSl = 1, is also automatically satisfied.
The max operation is a special case of s-Norm and that this norm may be interpreted
as a generalized union for fuzzy sets (and fuzzy logic).
Fuzzy logic may be generalized using s-norm and t-norm in place of max and min
De Morgan laws are also satisfied by t-norm and s-norm.

Example: Consider the t-norm: min (x, y).

xSy  1  (1  x )T (1  y )
Use the Demorgan’s law:
Direct substitution of min for T gives:
xSy  1  min  (1  x ), 1  y    1  (1  x ) if x  y  xSy  x if x  y

 1  (1  y) if x  y   y if x  y

=> xSy  max( x, y )

Item Description T-Norm (Triangular Norm) S-Norm (T-conorm)
Function t : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → [0, 1] Same
Nondecreasing in each If b ≥ a, d ≥ c Same
argument then bTd ≥ aTc
Commutative aTb = bTa Same
Associative (aTb)Tc = aT(bTc) Same
Boundary conditions aT1 = a aS0 = a
aT0 = 0 aSl = 1
with a, b, c, d  [0,1]
Examples Conventional: min(a, b) Conventional: max(a, b)
Product: ab Set Addition: a + b − ab
Bounded Max (Bold Intersection): Bounded Min (Bold Union):
max[0, a + b −1] min[1, a + b]
General: General:
1  min[1, ((1  a) p  (1  b) p )1/ p ] min(1, (a p  b p )1/ p
p1 p1
max[0, (  1)(a  b  1)   ab] min[1, a  b   ab]
  -1   -1
DeMorgan’s laws aSb =1 − (1 − a) T(1 − b)
aTb =1 − (1 − a) S(1 − b)
Set Inclusion (A  B)
Fuzzy set A is a subset of fuzzy set B, in universe X, if and only if  A ( x)   B ( x) for all x  X

Denoted by A  B.
Grade of Inclusion (Partial inclusion) is given by membership function of A  B:
 A B ( x)  1 if  A ( x)   B ( x)
  A ( x)T  B ( x) otherwise

We can show that  A B ( x)  sup[c [0,1] |  A ( x)Tc   B ( x)]

Note: sup denotes supremum operation. This obtains the maximum value of a function over a
continuous (or, piecewise continuous) interval of its variable.
In the above equation, c is varied from 0 to 1 continuously, and the maximum value of c
in this interval that satisfies the condition  A ( x)Tc   B ( x) , is used.
Special case of set inclusion.

Fuzzy set A is equal to fuzzy set B, in universe X, if and only if

 A ( x)   B ( x) for all x  X
Denoted by A = B.
Note: If A  B and A  B, then A is called a proper subset of B.

Grade of Equality
This is the membership function of the fuzzy relation A = B. Specifically,
 A B ( x )  1 if  A ( x )   B ( x )
  A ( x)T  B ( x) otherwise

Note: In a specific application use either min or product to represent the t-norm.
Fuzzy set A in universe X and fuzzy set B in universe Y.
Fuzzy Implication “If A then B” is denoted by A  B;
defined in Cartesian product space XY.
Fuzzy logic knowledge base uses if-then rules.
A fuzzy rule is a fuzzy relation.
A knowledge base (several fuzzy rules) is also a relation, formed by
combining (aggregating) rules according to how they are interconnected.
Useful Fuzzy Implications:
1. Larsen :  AB ( x, y)   A ( x)  B ( y)
2. Mamdani:  AB ( x, y)  min[ A ( x),  B ( y)]

3. Zadeh:  AB ( x, y)  max[min{ A ( x), B ( y)}, 1   A ( x)]

4. Dienes-Rescher:  AB ( x, y)  max[1   A ( x),  B ( y)]

5. Lukasiewicz:  AB ( x, y)  min[1, 1   A ( x)  B ( y)] x  X , y Y

Methods 1 and 2: Corresponds to A  B.
Symmetric in A and B (not intuitive because “implication” is not commutative)
Simple. In practice provide good, robust results.
Method 3: Correspond to ( A  B)  A
Hence, contains (i.e., weaker form of) Methods 1 and 2
Methods 4 and 5: Corresponds to A  B
Has intuitive appeal because in crisp bivalent logic,
A  B has the same truth table as [(NOT A) OR B].
Note: Implications (1) and (2) are stronger than (3) because:
“(3)” = “(1) OR something” ==> (3) “contains” (1) and (2)
Note: (3)-(5) mean "A entails B" and (1) and (2) mean "A is coupled with B."
Larsen  Mamdani  Zadeh  Dienes-Rescher  Lukasiewicz.
Larsen implication is the most local (strongest) one among the five
Lukasiewicz implication is the most general (weakest) one among the five
Mamdani implication is the most widely used one
Note: Both methods 1 and 2 are symmetric. We can justify this for “localized”
situations as follows:
A B
In a local sense, may be taken to mean A  B
But A  B is identical to ; hence A  B is identical to .
Hence, A  B means
Example: "IF the target is very near THEN apply the brakes quickly"
According to Mamdani (2) and Larsen (1) implications, this also implies
"IF the target is not very near THEN don’t apply the brakes quickly”
This is acceptable in a local sense but is not generally valid.
Note: One type of implication may not be uniformly effective in all
Representation of
Meaning Comments Examples
A B
 Same as in crisp binary  Dienes-Rescher Implication
logic max{1   A ( x ),  B ( y )}

AB (Not A) Or B  A weaker (global)  Lukasiewicz Implication

implication, meaning min{1,1   A ( x )   B ( y )}
"A entails B"
(A And B) Zadeh Implication
( A  B)  A Similar to above
Or (Not A) max[min{ A ( x ),  B ( y )},1   A ( x )]

 A stronger (local)  Mamdani Implication

implication, meaning min{ A ( x ),  B ( y )}

"A is coupled with B"

A B A And B  Larsen Implication
 A ( x) B ( y )
Height of a Fuzzy Set

Maximum value of its membership function: hgt( A)  sup  A ( x)


Height may be termed modal grade, and corresponding element value

is termed modal element value, or modal point.

Support Set
Crisp set containing all the elements (in the universe) whose membership grade is

greater than 0. S  {x  X |  A ( x)  0}

-cut of a Fuzzy Set

Crisp set A formed by those elements of A whose membership function grade is  .,
A  {x  X |  A ( x)  } ,  [0,1]

Strong -cut: A  {x  X |  A ( x)  } ,  [0,1]

Note: When  = 0, strong -cut becomes support set.

Fuzzy Resolution
The total number of possible fuzzy states of a variable, within a given support set (or, knowledge base)
Else  If E1i Then If E2i Then If Enk Then C a And Cqb And Csc 
i, j, k

Note: Each fuzzy state will have a modal point in membership function
Number of such modal points = number of fuzzy states  fuzzy resolution

(a) High fuzzy resolution

(b) Low fuzzy resolution

Difficulty of ascertaining element membership.
Note: Most fuzzy elements are elements with membership grade is 0.5.

More Fuzzy
Less Fuzzy

A relation is a mathematical description of a situation where certain elements of sets are related to one another in
some way.
A membership function represents a fuzzy relation in its universe (or, domain, or space) of definition
Example: Two universes X1 ={x1} and X2 ={x2}.
Crisp Relation R: Crisp set consisting of a subset of ordered pairs (x1, x2) in 2-D Cartesian product space X1  X2.
Let X1 = {1,2,3} and X2 = {2,3,4}. Then the Cartesian product of X1 and X2 isthe set X1x X2 = {(1,2), (1,3), (1,4),
(2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4)).

Fuzzy Relation R: Ordered pairs (x1, x2) with membership grades R(x1, x2) attached to them, in X1  X2.
Note: Can be extended to fuzzy relation in the n-dimensional Cartesian space X1  X2  … Xn.
Let X1 = {Peshawar, Karachi, Islamabad} and X2= {Mardan, Karachi}. We want to define the relational concept
“very far" between these two sets of cities. If we use a number in the interval [0,1] to represent the degree of
“very far," then the concept "very far" may be represented by the following (fuzzy) relational matrix:
Cartesian product A1  A2 of crisps sets
A1 and A2 in universes X1 and X2:
Rectangular area in Figure (a).
Subset of Cartesian product space X1  X2
(entire 2-D space or plane containing the
two axes x1 and x2)

Cartesian product A1  A2 fuzzy sets

A1 and A2: Relation
 A  A ( x1 , x2 )  min[  A ( x1 ),  A ( x2 )]
1 2 1 2

x1  X1 , x2  X 2

in the Cartesian space X1  X2.

Note: This is the cross product of A “and” B
Note: min applies because, each Cartesian
product element (x1, x2) is formed by taking
both elements x1 “and” x2 together
(an “AND” operation), not just one or the other.
A fuzzy system may be represented by a set of fuzzy if-then rules, which may be
aggregated into a single (multi-variable) membership function – a fuzzy relation

Application of a fuzzy input to a fuzzy relation in order to infer a fuzzy output is

the basis of decision-making in a fuzzy knowledge-based system.

Decision-making using fuzzy logic is known as fuzzy inference or approximate

reasoning. The compositional rule of inference is utilized for this purpose
Consider a fuzzy relation R subspace X1  X2  …  Xr and
fuzzy relation S in the subspace Xm  Xm+1  …  Xn
such that m < r+1.
Note: Two subspaces are not disjoint. Their intersection is not null
(there is at least one common dimension in subspaces of R and S).
Note: Union of the two subspaces gives overall n-D space X1  X2  …  Xn.
The composition of R and S is given by
Sup-min Composition
( R S )  sup [min(R , S )]
xm , , xr
Example: Fuzzy relation R defined in X  Y space and fuzzy relation S defined in the Y  Z space.
The composition of R and S is given by
 RS ( x, z)  supmin  R x, y ,  S  y, z 

defined in the XZ space.

Sup-Product Composition
Use the “product” operation in place of “min” for intersection (join):
( RS )  sup [ R S ]
Xm , , Xr

This composition is denoted by " " and is also known as the sup-dot composition.

Note: Composition is a commutative operation: R S  S R,


Knowledge base K is a fuzzy relation which is an aggregation of fuzzy rules

of the form:
“IF condition Y1 is y1 AND IF condition Y2 is y2 THEN action C is c.”
(Linguistic statements of expert knowledge)

Available fuzzy data (context) are denoted by fuzzy relation D

The inference (action) denoted by a fuzzy relation (fuzzy set) I is obtained

from Compositional Rule of Inference:
 I  sup min[ D ,  K ]
Fuzzy set A represents output of a process. Belongs to discrete universe Y of cardinality (number of elements) 5.
Fuzzy set C represents control input to the process. Belongs to a discrete universe Z of cardinality 4.
A = 0.2 / y2 + 1.0 / y3 + 0.8 / y4 + 0.1 / y; C = 0.1 / z1 + 0.7 / z2 + 1.0 / z3 + 0.4 / z4.
Fuzzy relation R: Fuzzy rule A  C. Membership function of R is obtained by applying
0 0 0 0 
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2

min operation to A and C: R i j 0.1
( y , z )  0.7 1.0 0.4 (Defined in the 2-D X  Y).
 
0.1 0.7 0.8 0.4
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Note: Rows correspond to yi and columns correspond to zj.

Process measurement y0 is made. It is closest to the element y4 in Y, and represented by

fuzzy singleton A0 withmembership function:  A0 ( yi )  0, 0, 0, 0.8, 0 

The membership function of the corresponding fuzzy control inference C’ is obtained using the CRI:
   0  0 0 0 0    0 0 0 0 
       0
   0  0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2    0 0 0 
 
C ' ( zi )  max  min   0  , 0.1 0.7 1.0 0.4    max 0 0 0 0 
row  column 
      row  
   0.8 0.1 0.7 0.8 0.4  
  0.1 0.7 0.8 0.4 
   0  0.1
    0.1 0.1 0.1   0 0 0 0 

  0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.4

Fuzzy inference is given by C ' ( zi )  0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.4

Note: This fuzzy inference must be defuzzified (i.e., made crisp) for use in process control.
Composition operation is a generalized matrix multiplication of membership function vector of
data (condition) and membership function matrix of rulebase.
Sup-min Composition: “product” => “min” and “addition” => “sup.”
Sup-dot Composition: “product” => “product” and “addition” => “sup.”
Note: Generally, “product” => t-norm and “addition” => “sup.”
Note: When the membership functions are discrete, sup is identical to max.
Then, sup-t composition becomes max-t composition
Example: In the previous example,
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 

Sup-min composition: 0 0 0 0.8 0 0

0 0 0   0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.4

0.1 0.7 0.8 0.4 
0 0 0 0 

0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 

Sup-dot composition:  0 0 0 0.8 0   0 0 0 0   0.08, 0.56, 0.64, 0.32
 
0.1 0.7 0.8 0.4 
0 0 0 0 
A fuzzy rulebase (relation) P( x, y ) is used to make an inference B( y ) from a context A(x ) .

Another fuzzy rulebase Q ( y, z ) is used to make an inference C (z ) from context B( y ) .

From this information, derive a suitable rulebase R ( x, z ) that may be used to make an inference
C (z ) from context A( x ) .

The relation from a possible “pre-admission grade” ( xi ) to “admission to a group of universities”

( y j ) for a particular student is given by the discrete fuzzy relation:

0.4 0.3 0.1

0.5 0.4 0.2
 
P( x i , y j )  0.6 0.5 0.4
 
0.8 0.7 0.5
1.0 0.8 0.6

The relation from a possible “admission to a university” ( y j ) to possible “completion time” ( zk ) of

1.0 0.7 0.6 0.4

 
degree is given by the discrete relation: Q( y j , z k )  0.9 1.0 0.5 0.3
0.5 1.0 0.8 0.5

Determine a suitable relation R( x i , z k ) that relates possible pre-admission grade ( xi ) to possible

completion time ( zk ) of degree.
Use both max-min composition and max-dot compositions.
B( y )  A( x) P( x, y ) (i); C (z ) = B(y)oQ(y,z ) (ii)
Substitute (i) in (ii): C( z )  ( A( x )  P( x , y ))  Q( y , z )

Use associativity property of the composition operation (  ):

C( z)  A( x)  P( x, y) Q( y, z)  A( x) R( x, z)

The equivalent rulebase: R( x , z )  P( x , y )  Q( y , z )

0.4 0.3 0.1
0.5 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.4
 
R( x i , z k )  0.6 0.5 0.4  0.9 1.0 0.5 0.3
  
For the numerical problem: 
0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.5
1.0 0.8 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
 
R( x i , z k )  0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4
Max-min composition:  
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5

0.4 0.3 0.24 0.16

0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 
 
R( x i , z k )  0.6 0.5 0.36 0.24
Max-dot composition:  
0.8 0.7 0.48 0.32
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 

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