Location and Site

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he choice of location and site follows an assessment of demand,

size, and input requirement. Though often used synonymously, the
terms ‘location’ and ‘site’ should be distinguished. Location refers
to fairly broad area like a city; an industrial zone, or a coastal area,
site refers to a specific piece land where the project would be set
he choice of location is influenced by a variety of consideration:
proximately to raw materials and markets, availability of infrastructure,
labor situation, governmental policies and factors.
he factors of location and site can be divided into the following

rimary Factors:
• Supply of raw material
• Nearness to market
• Transport facility
• Supply of labor
• Supply of power
• Supply of capital

Secondary factors
• Natural factors
• Political factors
• Government subsides facilities
• Initial start and goodwill
• Miscellanies factors

nce the broad location is chosen, attention needs

to be focused on the selection of a specific site.
Two to three alternative sites must be considered
and evaluated with respect to cost of land and
cost of site preparation and development.

he cost of site preparation and development

depends on the physical features of the site, the
need to demolish and relocate existing structure
and the work involved in obtaining utility
connection to the site.
he following points covered in the site preparation and development:

rading and leveling of the site

emolition and removal of existing structure

elocation of existing pipelines, cables, road, power lines, etc….

enovation of flood and exhausting and removal of standing water.

onnection for the following utilities from site to the public network:
• Electric power high tension and low tension)
• Water of drinking and other purpose
• Communication (telephone, internet, intranet, telex.)
• Road, Railway sidings.

ther site preparation and development work.

nes the data is available on the major aspects of the project like
market size, raw material, plant capacity, production technology,
machinery and equipment, building and civil works etc…….. Finally
project charts and layouts are prepared:

aterial flow Diagram:

roduction diagram:
ransport Layout:
ommunication layout:
rganization Layout:
tility consumption layout:
lant Layout:
 Type and Strategy of organization
 Organization Growth Cycle & planning:
 Environmental Uncertainties:
 Time horizons:
 Type and Quality of Information:
 Nature of job being filled:
 off- Leading the worker;
[What are different types of raw material and inputs required for production?]

n important aspect of technical analysis is concerned with defining the materials and
utilities required, specifying their properties in some detail and setting up their supply

here is an intimate relationship between the study of materials and utilities and other
aspects of project formulation, particularly those concerned with location, technology,
and equipment's.

aw Materials:
• Agriculture Product:
• Mineral products:
• Forest Product:
• Marine Products:


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