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Presentation on


Prepared by
Kshitish Puhan
Some Statistics
• Top 20 Internet
user’s of World
Search Engine Potential
Top Search Engine of 2010






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

User Potential
10% 2%


Need Identification
Reason for a Data Center
• Increasing trend of Internet usage
• Huge domestic market potential
• Traditional methods of data collection is not
• Necessity of automation.
• Time deficiency.
• Huge competition.
• Changing trend in technology and environment as a
Home for all
Business Definition

• Product or Information: Intelligent Information

• Process: Efficient Business Intelligence tool to
provide best possible concurrent information.
• Customer Profile: Every user who uses
internet. People In Judicial system. People in
government sector. People in Education
Sector, etc.
Business Description

“Fresh World” will be a web application, which will be

serving to each and every group of customer/ people
for any kind of information they want.
Not only that it will keep a log of all the government
school present in Orissa along with it’s capacity like
students & Teachers and their entire detail.
For judicial system also it will take the list of all the cases
in the state, can provide information on case details,
status of each case, case proceedings, in which court
the case is lying etc.
Soul Statement

• To Provide each customer valid, recent, accurate

and detailed information.
• Help the core process like education & legal
system to be streamlined and participate in
• Very few amount of premium for kind of
information provided.
Keeping these thing to our soul we can definitely
satisfy our customers as well as share holders.
Description of the Service
• Judicial System.

• Education System.

• Commercial System.
Judicial System
• All the courts will be inter connected through internet
connection & web application will be acting as S-a-a-S.
• Maintaining of All the past and present records.
• Status of Each Case.
• Updated Proceedings will be sent via sms.
• Court dates & schedules everything will be automated by
• Entire Details of each case as per the user selection can be
• Authenticated and abstracted user access.
• Help line for any kind of help and assistance.
Education System

• Central Data base of all the schools present in Orissa.

• All the details of students, teachers other staff for individual
school as well as individual entity.
• Online access through internet to the web application enable the
users to have a standardized and uniform course of action.
• Online tracking of attendance of students as well as teachers.
• Online salary payment, bonus distribution as per school’s
• Tracking of each and every activity at every school level.
• Minimal corruption in terms of supply of different items to the

• This will give access to those user who will get registered to the system.
• All kind of information starting from schools present in a city and
number of seats available for admission to what is the current market
rate of potato in the market.
• Hotels and Restaurants present in the city with availability of seats, what
is the current menu with price.
• What are the current movie in the multiplex or theater their prices,
number of seats available.
• Online booking, reservation or ordering of every type of entity.
• Public bus transport details, timing route chart, fair every thing will be
sent via sms for the registered users.
• Ratings: This can be a mystery shopper rating or user rating of hotels,
restaurants, movies, places etc.
Key Success Factor
• Completely accurate and precise information
will be provided.
• Less chances of human error.
• Rating or feed back will be as per user rating.
• Validity, reliability of information.
• Dynamic functions and best user interface.
• Customized application and information
• Best possible user inter face.
• Customized application.
• Valid, reliable, informative information.
• Broad user base.
• Higher utility factor.
• Less chance of human error.
• Complete automation of process.

• Depends hugely kind of data obtained.

• Also dependent on network traffic.
• For such a big user base data base needs to be
a robust one and huge as well.
• Availability of system requirements to start
operating like electricity, computer, internet
• Adequate human resources.
• Completely new to the market.
• No such domestic players working in the same
• Very less competitors.
• Huge untapped market.
• Education & judicial sectors are completely

• Political Changes.
• Cultural barriers.
• Lack of infrastructure.
• With development in infrastructure entry of
big players.
• Focusing on KSF’s will add more customer
• Main focus of control will be increasing market
share less focus will be on individual
• Promotion: WOM, TVC, Awareness camp,
Seminars and workshop.
• Maximum focus will be rural customers.
Revenue Model

• Commercial: For all kind of commercial activity or commercial user base will
have a very little nominal charges for user access around 100rs per year. For
any kind of booking, reservation etc. some premium as a percentage of total
bill amount will be charged to corresponding service provider.
• Education System: Mostly web application will be provided to Ministry of
HRD. Development cost of Rs 1 cr to Rs 10 cr can be charged. Support
Maintenance of those application also can be charged some % of the project
cost annually.
• Legal System: This application will also be provided to Home ministry.
Development cost will of Rs 1cr to Rs 10 cr. Support and maintenance cost
can be charged some % of the project cost annually. Additional charges of Rs
50 can be charged to plaintiff for access to his case details.
• Additional revenue could be generated by supply of computers and training
of employees or Users.
Resources Required

• Human Resources:
Developers& Designers: 8 in number
Project Manger, Development Manager: 1
Executives in Client Facing: 10 in number
Data entry operator as well as Data collector: 35 in number
• Artificial Resources:
Building: 1 G+2 (Rent)
Machines: Computers 10 in number.
Initial Investment and sources of
Particulars Amount(Rs) Amount(Rs)
Building 1.2  
Equipment (Softwares) 3 
Furniture and Fixtures 1 
Computer 2 7.2
Cash 3 
Bank 3 6
Preliminary Expenditure   2
TOTAL   15.2
Cash Reserve   15
12% Loan from UCObank   3
TOTAL   18
Future Plans
• With Increase in credibility as well as
profitability, we can plan out to move to some
other dimension of the market.
• India have a population of more than 1.2
billion so we can move beyond the state to
grab the opportunities.

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