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• Culture deals with past and current assumptions,
experiences, values, attitudes, beliefs, expectations,
customs etc.
• Culture relates to the informal aspects of organisations
rather than their official elements. They focus on the
values, beliefs and norms of individuals in the organization
• Culture is manifested by symbols and rituals rather than
through the formal structure of the organization. The values
and behaviour that contribute to the unique social and
psychological environment of an organization is called
organizational culture.
• It refers to the system of shared meaning held by the
members that distinguishes one organization from other
organization. MSIC 2
Features of Organisational Culture
• Shared meaning
• Values and Norms
• Behavioural Consistency
• Descriptive
• Organisational Philosophy
• Clear Guidelines
• Sense of Belongingness

Factors determining O.C
• Org. Founder: Whatever impression founders
create about the organization, it continues
and develops for a long period of time.
• Corporate success & shared Experiences:
Corporate success for a long period develops
a strong culture. If the members share
common experience, it remains in their mind
• Innovation & risk taking: Innovative and risk
taking employees develop a strong culture.
• Outcome rather than technique:
Organisations whose managers focus on
outcome rather than technique, they
develop strong culture.
• Competitiveness: Organisations whose
employees are competitive are actually
stronger than non-competitive.
• Shared interpretation: Organisations whose
members have common perception and
thinking about organizational values, norms,
they can develop a strong culture.
Functions of Organisational Culture
1. It distinguishes one organization from another
organization. That means it creates brand name
for the organization.
2. It develops a sense of identity amongst its
3. It promotes commitment amongst employees to
achieve organisational goals.
4. It develops appropriate standards for employees
& holds them together to achieve those
5. It provides a control mechanism for shaping the
attitude & behaviour of employees.
Transmission of organizational Culture
(How is culture learnt)
• Stories: The stories be these true or false,
told to the organizational members can have
a profound impact on organizational culture.

• Symbols: Examples of symbols include the

size of offices, the elegance of office
furnishing etc for certain employees. The
value of these symbols is that they
communicate important cultural values.
• Language: Organisations use a language in
terms of specific slogan, metaphor to convey
special meaning to employees. It symbolizes
what the company stands for to both
employees and society.
• Rituals: Rituals such as annual function,
award ceremonies etc reinforce the key
values of the organization, which goal is imp,
which people is important. The annual
function is an example of ritual performed in
an educational institution.
Functions of Organisational Culture


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