Research Methods - STA630 Power Point Slides Lecture 16

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Lecture 16
Operational Definition:
Dimensions and Elements
• Let us operationalize Job Satisfaction
• First define it conceptually. Like:
• Employees’ feelings toward their job.
• Degree of satisfaction that individuals obtain from
various roles they play in an organization.
• A pleasurable or positive emotional feeling
resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job
• Employee’s perception of how well the job
provides those things (‘some things) that are
important. These things are the dimensions of job
Dimensions of job satisfaction
• Workers looking for many “things.” A ‘thing’
may be taken as a dimension.
• Things that are important for employees:
(Give rationale for each)
• The work itself.
• Pay/fringe benefits.
• Promotion opportunities.
• Supervision.
• Coworkers.
• Working conditions.
Elements of dimensions
• Breaking each dimension further into actual
patterns of behavior that would be exhibited
• Work itself: Elements  opportunities for
advancement, sense of accomplishment,
challenging work/routine work.
• Pay/fringe benefits: Elements  Pay
according to qualifications, comparison
with other organizations, increments,
availability of bonuses, old age benefits,
insurance benefits, other allowances.
Elements (cont.)
• Promotion opportunities: Elements 
Mobility policy, equitability, dead end job.
• Supervision: Elements  Employee
centered, employee participation in
decision making.
• Coworkers: Elements  Primary group
relations, supportive attitude, cohesiveness
• Working conditions: Elements  Lighting,
temperature, cleanliness, building security,
hygienic conditions, utilities.
From elements to
• On each element ask question (s),
make statements.
• Look into the scalability of
questions. Five point scale (Likert
• Examples of the statements

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