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Click to edit Master title style

Click to edit Master text styles

Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level

7/28/2018 1
Click toLearning
edit Master title style
At the end of the module, the participant must be able to
discuss the:
to edit Master text styles
1. Principles of antenatal care: level
definition, objectives,
focused antenatal care Third level
Fourth level
2. Steps to follow in antenatal care
Fifth level
3. Recognition and management of pregnancy
4. Preventive measures to be instituted
5. Use of the Mother and Child Book
6. Preparation of a birth and emergency plan
7. Health education and health promotion
7/28/2018 2
Click to editof
Definition Master title style
Antenatal Care
• Regular
edit Master
care of texta pregnant
woman and her unborn baby throughout
Second level
pregnancy Third level
Fourth level
• Regular visits to a skilledFifth

7/28/2018 3
Click to edit of
Objectives Master title style
Antenatal Care
• To identify danger signs of pregnancy and manage
Click to edit Master text styles
health problems that have an unfavorable outcome
on pregnancy Second level
Third level
• To prevent occurrence ofFourth
Fifth level
• To educate and counsel women for a health
pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal recovery
including care of newborn, promotion of early
breastfeeding initiation and exclusive breastfeeding
and family planning
• Formulate a birth and emergency plan
7/28/2018 4
to edit Master title
Antenatal style
In normal,Click to edit Master
uncomplicated textatstyles
pregnancies, least 4 antenatal
visits with a skilled health provider:
Second level
1st visit: within 3 months
Third level
2nd visit: 6 months Fourth level
3rd visit: 8 months Fifth level

4th visit: 9 months – return if undelivered within

2 weeks after the EDC

Pregnant women who do not come for prenatal care

should be visited at home

7/28/2018 5
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
1. QUICK CHECK for emergency signs
Click to edit Master text styles
• Unconscious/Convulsing
Second level
• Vaginal bleeding
Third level
• Severe abdominal pain Fourth level
• Looks very ill Fifth level

• Severe headache with visual disturbance

• Severe difficulty in breathing
• Dangerous fever (looks very weak)
• Severe vomiting
Attend to a sick woman quickly
7/28/2018 6
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
2. Make Click
the woman
to edit comfortable.
Master text styles
• Greet her, make sureSecond level
she is comfortable and ask how
she is feeling. Third level
Fourth level
• At first visit, register the woman and
Fifth level issue a Mother
and Child Book (antenatal record form)

7/28/2018 7
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
3. AssessClick
the pregnant woman
to edit Master text styles
Second history
At FIRST visit: Do a complete level
Third level
• Age
Fourth level
• Past Medical History/Alcohol/Drug/substance
Fifth level abuse?
• Obstetric History: Gravidity? LMP? AOG?

7/28/2018 8
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
3. AssessClick
the pregnant woman
to edit Master text styles
Second history
At FIRST visit: Do a complete level
Third level
• Ask about or check record for prior pregnancies:
Fourth level
– Preterm birth/s Fifth level
– History of breastfeeding experiences for
non- primiparas
– Stillbirth or death in the first day
– Heavy bleeding during or after delivery
– Prior cesarean section, forceps or abortion
7/28/2018 9
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
3. AssessClick
the pregnant woman
to edit Master text styles
Second history
At FIRST visit: Do a complete level
Third level
• Ask about or check record for prior pregnancies for
Fourth level
general danger signs: Fifth level
– Severe headache
– Visual disturbance
– Convulsions
– Fever or chills

7/28/2018 10
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
3. AssessClick
the pregnant woman
to edit Master text styles
Second physical
At FIRST visit: Do a complete level examination
Third level
• Vital signs, height, weight
Fourth level
• Conjunctival and palmar pallorFifth level

• Abdominal exam – Look for any mass, scar

– In the 3rd trimester: Leopold’s exam, FHT
• Do not perform vaginal exam as a routine prenatal
care procedure

7/28/2018 11
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
4. Get baseline
Click tolaboratory information
edit Master of the
text styles
woman on the first orSecond
levelthe first visit.
• CBC or Hb, Hct, bloodThirdtype
• Urinalysis Fourth level
Fifth level
• Rapid plasma reagin
• Blood sugar screening
If not available, refer to the nearest RHU or
hospital for the tests
7/28/2018 12
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
Click to edit Master text styles
• Check duration of pregnancy (AOG)
Second level
• Ask for occurrence ofThird
danger signs during this
pregnancy Fourth level
• Check record for previousFifth
level received
during this pregnancy
• Prepare birth and emergency plan
• Ask patient if she has other concerns
• Educate and counsel on family planning and
7/28/2018 13
Click to
Steps to edit Master
Follow title style
in Antenatal Care
Click to edit Master text styles
On the Third Trimester:
• Leopold’s examination
Third level
Fourth level
• Check fetal heartbeat Fifth level

7/28/2018 14
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit Master
1.Check for pallor or anemia
text styles
• Ask about getting tired easilylevel
or shortness of breath
during routine work Third level
• Look for conjunctival or palmar pallor
Fourth level
Fifth level
• Count number of breaths in one minute
• Measure Hb & Hct on 1st visit or following visit :
hemoglobin & blood type
– The normal hemoglobin
cut-off level for a pregnant
woman is 11g/dl.
7/28/2018 15
Click to edit Master
Management title style
of Anemia
Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Hb 7-11 g/dL or Third levelHb < 7g/dL and/or
Palmar or conjunctival Fourth level
Tires easily
pallor Fifth level
+/- Dizziness HR >100/min
HR > 100/min RR = 30 breaths/minute

Give all dose of iron Refer for blood

7/28/2018 16
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit Master text styles
2. Check for hypertension/ preeclampsia
• Measure BP in sitting Second level
• If diastolic BP is 90 mmThird
Hg orlevel
repeat measurement after 1 hour
Fourth level rest
• If diastolic BP is still 90 mmFifth
Hg level
or higher ask the
woman if she has:
– Severe headache
– Blurred vison
– Epigastric pain
• Check urine for protein
7/28/2018 17
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Click to edit Master title style
Click to edit Master text styles
Pregnant woman
with BP ≥
Third level
Before 20 weeks Fourth level After 20
AOG weeks AOG
Fifth level

No or stable
New or Proteinuria
↑proteinuria, dev’t proteinuria
proteinuria of increasing BP, or
HELLP syndrome
PRE- Gestational
HYPERTENSION superimposed
on chronic HPN
Source: American Society of Hypertension, 2009

7/28/2018 18
Click to edit Master
Diagnosis title style
of Preeclampsia
• A pregnancy-specific, multisystem disorder,
Click by
characterized to the
Master textofstyleshypertension
and proteinuria afterSecond
20 weeks of gestation
–Mild: Systolic BP ≥ 140Third
mmHg level or
Diastolic BP= 90-109
level or
Fifth level
both at least 2x 4 hours apart with
proteinuria of 1-2 g/L (++)
–Severe: Systolic BP ≥ 160mmHg or
Diastolic BP ≥ 110 mmHg, or
both with proteinuria 3 g/L (+++)
–Eclampsia: (+) convulsions
7/28/2018 19
Click to edit Master
Definition title style
of Preeclampsia
Click to edit Master text styles
•Severe Also: BP ≥ 140/90 with any of the
Second level
–Headache (increasingThird level
frequency, not relieved by
Fourth level
regular analgesics) Fifth level
–Blurred vision
–Oliguria (< 400mL of urine in 24 hours)
–Upper abdominal pain (epigastric or RUQ pain)
–Pulmonary edema
7/28/2018 20
Click of Mild title
to edit Master Preeclampsia
 FollowClick
up 2xto aedit
week OSalt
Master text styles
as an outpatient*Second level
 Monitor BP, proteinuria, O Anti-hypertensive
Third level
fetal condition O Diuretic
Fourth level
 Advise on danger signals Fifth level
O Sedatives or
of severe preeclampsia/
eclampsia tranquillizers
 Encourage additional
periods of rest
7/28/2018 21
Click to edit of Severetitle
Master Preeclampsia
•Give anticonvulsant to prevent
Click to edit Master texteclampsia
•Control blood pressure
Third level
•Deliver the baby
Fourth level
–Give antenatal steroids ifFifth
baby is preterm

•Best managed by a physician during the

entire course of the pregnancy

7/28/2018 22
Management of Severe Preeclampsia
Click to edit Master title style
Administration of Magnesium Sulfate
Give Combined IV/IM
Click to editdose as Loading
Master Dose
text styles
• Insert IV line (normalSecond
saline or Ringer’s lactate) slowly
(1liter in 8 hrs) Third level
• Give 4 grams MgSO4 IV slowly
level 20 min (woman
Fifth level
may feel warm during injection)
• Give 5 grams deep IM in the
upper outer quadrant of each e
buttock (total 10 gms) or in
the ventrogluteal area

7/28/2018 23
Management of Severe Preeclampsia
Click to edit Master title style
Administration of Magnesium Sulfate
Click to edit Master text styles
• Magnesium sulfate 25% vial = 250 mg /ml
– 4 grams = 16 mlSecond level
– 5 grams = 20 ml Third level
Fourth level
• Transfer to a higher level facility
Fifth level after

loading dose
• Only definitive treatment is termination of
pregnancy or delivery

7/28/2018 24
Levels edit Master title Prevention
Preeclampsia/Eclampsia style
LEVELClick to edit Master text DEFINITION
1. Primary Prevention  Avoiding
Second level the development of
Thirdthe disease
 Avoiding
Fourth level pregnancy and
Fifth level favorable to PE
2. Secondary Detection, Detecting the disease before
Screening clinical symptoms of PE appear
3. Tertiary Treatment, Treating the disease early to
Management prevent complications

7/28/2018 25
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit Master
2. Check for diabetes mellitus
text styles
ASK ABOUT Second level
Third level
• Family history of diabetes
Fourth level
& history of obesity Fifth level
• Past pregnancy for difficult
labor, large babies,
congenital malformations
and previous unexplained
fetal death

7/28/2018 26
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit Master
2. Check for diabetes mellitus
text styles
Second level
LOOK FOR Third level
• Signs of maternal overweight
Fourthor obesity
• Polyhydramnios Fifth level
• Signs of large baby or fetal abnormality
• Vaginal infection

7/28/2018 27
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit Master
2. Check for diabetes mellitus
text styles
Second level
• WHEN: Fourth level
– Low Risk: 24-28 wks Fifth level
– High Risk: Immediately, any AOG
– 2-hour 75 gram Oral Glucose Challenge Test
– If result > 140 mg/dL, REFER

7/28/2018 28
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
Click to edit
3. Check for Syphilis
Master text styles
• Goal- reduce maternal Second level fetal loss and
neonatal mortality and Third level due to syphilis
Fourth level
• For all pregnant women, order RPR at first prenatal
Fifth level
visit within the first trimester, again in late pregnancy
and at delivery
– If positive, REFER to the doctor for further mgt
– For women who do not have test results but with
high-risk behavior, REFER to the RHU doctor
7/28/2018 29
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
4. Ask for Click
otherto edit Master
illnesses or health text styles
• Episodes of fever orSecond
chills level
Third level
– Take body temperature
Fourth level
– Fever may be a sign of infection
Fifth level
• Burning sensation on urination R/O UTI
• Abnormal vaginal discharge, itching at the vulva or
if partner has a urinary problem
• Cough ≥ 14 days R/O PTB, REFER for sputum exam
and further diagnosis and treatment
7/28/2018 30
Recognition and Management
Click to edit Master title styleof
Pregnancy Complications
4. Ask for Click
otherto edit Master
illnesses or health text styles
• Tooth decay and gum Second
– “One tooth is lost with levelpregnancy.” NOT TRUE
Fourth level
– Hormones of pregnancy Fifthincrease
the deposition
of plaque on teeth. If this is not removed gums
become swollen and bleed easily
– Instruct the pregnant to brush teeth regularly
after each meal to prevent accumulation of
plaque on teeth
– REFER to the dentist for regular check-up
7/28/2018 31
Preventive Measures
Click to edit Master title style
1. Give tetanus toxoid according to the ff. schedule:
Tetanus Toxoid Immunization Schedule
to edit Master textDuration
stylesof Protection

Second level
TT1 at first contact with woman
15-49 yrs or at first ANC visit level
– no protection

Fourth level
TT2 at least 4 weeks after TT1 •Infants born to the mother will be protected from
Fifth level
neonatal tetanus
•3 years of protection for the mother
TT3 at least 6 months after TT2 •Infants born to the mother will be protected from
neonatal tetanus
•5 years of protection for the mother
TT4 at least 1 year after TT3 •Infants born to the mother will be protected from
neonatal tetanus
•10 years of protection for the mother
TT5 at least 1 year after TT4 •Infants born to the mother will be protected from
neonatal tetanus
•Lifetime protection for the mother
7/28/2018 32
Preventive Measures
Click to edit Master title style
2. Give iron and folic acid supplementation to prevent
maternal Click toand
anemia editfetal
• Ferrous sulfate 320 Second
mg (60 mglevelelemental iron)
• Folic acid 400 mcgram Third level
Fourth level
• Can be given as a tablet with 60 mg elemental iron
Fifth level
with 400 mcgrams of folic acid
• Give 1 tablet as soon as pregnancy is confirmed
• Give at least 180 tablets administered once a day
for the whole duration of pregnancy

7/28/2018 33
Preventive Measures
Click to edit Master title style
3. Iodine supplementation
Preparation is a capsule with 200 mg elemental iodine.
• Give twoClick to editonce
(2) capsules Master
a year text
in anystyles
of the following
situations: Second level
– Iodine Deficiency Disorder
levelis classified as
moderate or severe cretinism
level neonatal
hypothyroidism are presentFifth level
– Area where the patient resides has 90% of the
households using iodized salt and median urinary
iodine is 100 mcgrams among school children
• Give iodine supplementation during the first trimester, but
no later than the second trimester
• This has been shown to prevent cretinism and other
7/28/2018 34
Preventive Measures
Click to edit Master title style
4. Deworming
• Click to edit
Give Mebendazole 500mg Master textonce
single dose styles
in 6 months
after the first trimester (from 4-9 months of pregnancy)
Second level
• Give if none was given in the past
Third six (6) months
• Do NOT give mebendazole in the first
Fifth 1-3 months of
pregnancy (might cause congenital problems in the baby)
- proven to be safe during pregnancy
- not absorbed in the bloodstream (remains only in GIT)
- paralyzes and kills intestinal parasites
- global standards in drug safety advise to avoid giving
during the first trimester

7/28/2018 35
Preventive Measures
Click to edit Master title style
5. Antimalarial
Click tointermittent
edit Masterpreventive
text styles treatment
and promotion of insecticide-treated nets
Second level
(in endemic areas) Third level
• All pregnant women should sleep under an
Fourth level
Fifth level
insecticide-treated bednet (ITN)
• Dip net every 6 months
• In areas of stable transmission of falciparum
malaria, all pregnant women should be given
intermittent preventive treatment (IPT)
7/28/2018 36
to edit
and Master titlePlan
Emergency style

• ConferClick
withto edit
the Master
mother andtext styles
her family
Second level
regarding the preparation of her
Birth and EmergencyThird
Fourth level
• A written document prepared during
Fifth level the
first prenatal consultation
• Reviewed every visit
• May change anytime during pregnancy if
a problem is detected
7/28/2018 37
to edit
and Master titlePlan
Emergency style
• Important
ClickInformation included
to edit Master text styles
– Woman’s condition during
Second levelpregnancy
– Preferred birth attendant
Third level
– Desired place of birthFourth level
– Transportation to health Fifth level
– Available resources for her childbirth and
newborn baby and emergency expenses
– Birth companion of her choice
– Preparations needed should an emergency
situation arise like blood donors
7/28/2018 38
Click to edit Master title style
Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
HILDFifth level

7/28/2018 39
Click Education
to edit Masterand Health
title style
• Click to edit Master text styles
Give nutrition education and counseling
Second level
• Counsel on self-care during pregnancy
Third level
• Advise adherence toFourth
level treatments
• Counsel against unhealthy lifestyle
Fifth level

– Advise the pregnant woman not to smoke,

avoid others who smoke and not allow smoking
inside the house and work areas
– Caution the woman against taking alcoholic
7/28/2018 40
Click Education
to edit Masterand Health
title style
Click to edit Master text styles
• Advise on danger signs of pregnancy and
where to go duringSecond level
– Severe headache Third level
Fourth level
– Blurring of vision Fifth level
– Fever
– Fast or difficult breathing
– Severe abdominal pain
– Vaginal bleeding
– Convulsions
7/28/2018 41
Click to edit
KeyMaster title style
• ANC is Click
the 1to edittowards
st step Masterpreventing
text stylesmaternal
and newborn death. Encourage
Second level early and
continued antenatal visits throughout the
Third level
pregnancy. Fourth level
Fifth level
• Focused ANC means at least 4 quality visits for
health education and promotion, prevention,
recognition and management of pregnancy
complications and timely referral to higher
facilities when needed.
7/28/2018 42
Click to edit
KeyMaster title style
Click to edit Master text styles
• Mother and her family should prepare a Birth
Second level
Plan for birth preparedness and complication
Third level
readiness together with the
Fourth health care
attendant. Fifth level

• Counsel the woman to deliver in a health

facility with a skilled health worker as the
birth attendant.

7/28/2018 43
Click to edit Master title style
Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level

Because giving birth should be about

giving life, not giving up a life.
7/28/2018 44

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