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Group Members: Alles Chairol Majin, Lam Ho Yan, Lim Jing Yee
The models of classroom discipline
management used can give guidance on how
to manage discipline and behavior.

By using the appropriate graphic organizer

differentiate the five models of classroom
discipline. Discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of these models.
Models of Classroom Discipline Management


Thomas Gordon
Canter Assertive Dreikurs Logical Kounin Group Alfie Kohn Beyond
Discipline Model Consequences Management Discipline Model
Management Model
Canter Assertive Discipline Model
Kounin Group Management
• The model presents methods of withiness and organization that teachers
can use in their classrooms.
• Group alerting gains the attention of students. Group alerting also allows
teachers to present to students expectations that they have for the class.
• Overlapping provides teachers with control over several activities.
• Teachers that make lessons more interesting avoid satiation.
• Teachers develop a pace with their class to achieve a precise momentum to
teach a lesson appropriately.
• The model helps extinguish misbehaviors.
• Teachers can lose track of time when performing a lesson.
• Teachers can get distracted by students or other outside variables
(the phone rings, someone walks into the classroom, etc).
• The teachers’ eyes cannot be on every student at all times.
• The teacher cannot always point out a student’s
• The teacher cannot always get every student involved in a lesson.
• The teacher can lose control over a disruptive student.

● The classroom is being ran as a democracy ● Rewards and corrective actions which enforce
and the teacher shows assertiveness and the teachers authority.
clarification when giving directions.
● Teacher is in total control, meaning they lack
● The expectations of the teacher are clearly communications with the students.
stated and enforced fairly.
● Teachers sometimes forget that each
(Classroom rules, corrective actions, rewards,
individual is different and not try to
etc. are precisely written and explained to
understand each students behavior.
the students/parents so there is no
confusion.) ● Self-esteem of students has often decreased
with this method due to the teachers having
● Rules and disciplinary plans are preplanned
too much control.
and meet uniformed standards.

● It is easy to learn and easy to implement in

the classroom.
Canter Assertive Discipline Model
Dreikurs Logical Consequences

● Promotes a degree of autonomy for ● Teachers have trouble determining the actual
students. motives of their students.
● It incorporates a preventative approach ● Students may not admit their real motives,
to discipline. either because they believe that their motives
● It helps students to understand why are unacceptable or because they do not
they behave as they do. know what they are.
● It helps students to learn correct behavior. ● Teachers may find it difficult to respond to
students in a non-controlling way.
● It promotes mutual respect between
teachers and students. ● Teachers may have a problem dealing with
the complexity of engaging in a dialogue with
● It relies on logical consequences instead of their students.
arbitrary punishment and systematic
● It helps teacher focus on causes for
behavior before they take action.
Thomas Gordon Classroom Management
Alfie Kohn Beyond Discipline Model
Thomas Gordon Classroom
Alfie Kohn Beyond Discipline Model
Management Model

Focus on the importance of

FOCUS developing meaning and mutually
Focus on student learning instead of
student achievement.
beneficial relationships.

Used to identify who owns the Used to develop caring, supportive

problem when someone’s classrooms in which students
PURPOSE behaviour causes a problem or participate fully in solving problems,
inconvenience. including problems of behaviour.

Students are taught problem-

STUDENTS’ Students should be allowed to make
solving and negotiation
RESPONSIBLITIES their own choices.
Thomas Gordon Classroom
Alfie Kohn Beyond Discipline Model
Management Model

1. Influence Rather than Control 1. Do not force students to learn through

lecture, instead do activities and
2. Preventive Skills cooperative learning to engage students in
different ways.
3. Determining Who Owns the
Problem 2. Create a positive learning environment that
APPLICATIONS does not consist of competition.
4. Confrontive Skills
3. Actively work with your students and assist
5. Helping Skills them in their work, rather than just giving
them answers.
6. No-Lose Conflict Resolution –
Often called Win-Win Conflict 4. Do not yell, threaten, or punish
Resolution students who are misbehaving.
When conflict arises in the classroom setting…

Use a graphic tool developed by Dr. Gordon called a

“Behavior Window.”
- To determine if “a problem exists, who owns it, and what
skill can be used to solve it”.

If the student owns the problem If the teacher owns the problem

Teacher engages in active listening. Teacher begin with an “I-Message”.

- Communicates to the student that the

- The teacher will initiate the conversation by
teacher cares and is genuinely engaged in the
explaining her feelings to the student.

“No-Lose Conflict Resolution”

- To come up with a solution that everyone can

be invested in.

● Promotes student autonomy. ● Requires good will and a good relationship

between student and teacher.
● Helps students to develop social
awareness and an understanding of the ● Onus is on the student to make changes and
effect of their actions on others. relies on compliance and a willingness to
make changes.
● Promotes social skills and communication
skills. ● Teacher has to be willing to give up control.

● Helps students become self-reliant and ● Takes practice.

● Will not work for students who do not care
● Gives students opportunity to make about owning up to their problems.
decisions and learn from their successes
and mistakes.

● The students learn how to make their own ● There is no standard model for us to follow.
choices. There are no clear and specific steps to
● The students are encouraged to think on a achieve this ideal.
higher level. ● According to Kohn’s Model, every student in
● Builds students communication skills, as well the classroom will respond positively to his
as their leadership skills. ideas. But every student is not the same.
● Creates mutual respect and relationships ● There is not always time to have group
between all students and teachers. meetings with students for venting.
● Long-term behavioral skills & management. ● Not all students will be able to adapt and may
need further behavioral instruction.
● Teaches students behavioral skills for the real

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