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Safety Induction

School of Plant Biology

University of Western Australia
Updated June 2011
Today’s Aims
• Demonstrate UWA’s commitment to safety.
• Impart safety knowledge to you.
• Introduce key personnel in the School of Plant Biology.
• Ensure your time at UWA is a safe, productive and
enjoyable experience.
Topics To Be Covered Today
• General safety information • Safety Personnel
– UWA safety policy – Head of School
– Some specific policies – Building Wardens
– Employee Assistance – First Aid Officers
Program – Safety Personnel
– Safety notes
– Other work locations
• Specific workplace
procedures and requirements
• Emergency procedures
Occupational Safety and Health Policy

• Objectives: provision of a safe and healthy

work environment for employees, students,
contractors and visitors is not just a moral and
legal responsibility but also a prerequisite for it to
achieve its primary mission of conducting teaching,
research and scholarship at the highest international
Occupational Safety and Health Policy

• Objectives
• Responsibilities
• Application
• ‘Duty of Care’
Occupational Safety and Health Policy

• ‘Duty of Care’
• Do not put yourself or others at risk
• Follow all safety policies & procedures
• Report all known or observed incidents, injuries & hazards
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

• Management
• Incidents & emergencies
• Waste management
• Hazard management
– Chemical
– Biological
– Physical
– Ergonomic
Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in:

– AS of Jan 1 2012, entire campus is non-smoking
– All University controlled buildings
– Major thoroughfares and pathways
– Within 5m of access points to buildings such as doors, windows,
near air-conditioning vents & ducts
– Substantially enclosed courtyards. e.g. Social Sciences and Arts
building courtyards
– All University vehicles and boats
underpinning principle being that non-smokers shall, as far as is
practicable, not be subjected to smoke inhalation
Safety and Health
Issue Resolution Process
Issue develops
Notify immediate supervisor
Issue unresolved
S&H Rep and HOS notified
Issue unresolved
Safety and Health Office notified
Issue unresolved
Referred to the University Safety Committee
Issue unresolved
WorkSafe WA may be notified if there is a risk of
imminent injury or harm
Hazard Report Forms
• Presents an official means of documenting a hazard
• Help to prevent possible incident or injury resulting from
the hazard
• Can be filled in by anyone, staff, student or visitor
Incident Report Forms

• MUST be completed when an incident of any description has

occurred. Injury does not have to have happened.
• The first page MUST be filled in and sent to Safety and Health
office within 24 hours of the incident.
• Part 2 is to be completed by the supervisor or SSO or S&H Rep
or a combination. This then is to be forwarded to the Safety and
Health office as soon as completed.
• For electrical incident, you must ring UWA electricians
immediately 2036
Workers Compensation

• A policy outlining workers compensation is

available on the SHO website.
• We hope you will never need this policy.
Employees Assistance Program

• Counseling is available from OSA Group for staff


• Counseling available from the Student services for

Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.
Employees Assistance Program

The EAP provides assistance for issues such as:

difficulties in relationships with work colleagues; coping with
organisational change; mediation; harassment; stress with
work; career issues; alcohol and substance misuse;
relationships and family issues; emotional stress; concerns
about children; financial and legal problems; grief and
bereavement; health and lifestyle issues; trauma and critical
incidents; coaching and mentoring for managers and
Equity and Diversity Services UWA

• Equity and Diversity Services promotes and supports

UWA's vision to provide an equitable and inclusive
environment for all staff, students and the broader
• Individual staff or students seeking advice about the
University equity and diversity policy environment, or
who wish to discuss a matter of concern that may fall
within policy or the law, should initially make contact with
an Equity and Diversity Adviser
Electrical Safety

• Please try not to bring in electrical equipment from

• All equipment MUST be inspected by FM ($) or a
competent person before use.
• Bar heaters are not permitted due to the fire risks.
• All heaters must have 1 hour timers fitted by FM.
• Testing and tagging program.
Screen Based Equipment

• Ensure your computer is set up in the

best possible way.
• Make sure you have a break every 20
• Have a stretch.
• Screen glare due to window directly
behind computer.
• UWA Safety Office can assist in
workstation setup.
Plant Biology Safety Notes
• Located on the School’s staffnet web page

• A copy of the safety notes should be available in every

• These are for your safety, if there is something you think
should be added, please bring it to our attention (make
note at end of hardcopy manual; refer to School
Manager or Safety and Health Representative, SHR)
Work Site Specific Inductions
• For your specific work area at
UWA, you must undergo a site
specific safety induction, e.g.,
laboratories, Plant Growth
• When working in conjunction
with another department or
institution, please follow their
safety instructions. They are
the experts in their field.

Examples: UWA Field Stations; CSIRO; Hammersly Iron, DAFWA;

Straits Resources; other UWA School’s, even Antarctica!
Just covered:
UWA OHS policy
UWA Safety Policies & Procedures
Resolving Safety Issues
Hazard Reporting
Incident Reporting
Workers Assistance
Workers Compensation
School Safety Notes
Site Specific Inductions

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

• Make sure you know the quickest way out of the

• Then find the next quickest way. The first path
might be the path into danger.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
• If YOU activate the alarm, YOU must meet with
the Building Warden.
• YOU are the one with the most information
about the situation.
Emergency Assembly Points
• Botany building, meet INSIDE the taxonomic gardens
• Agriculture Central Wing building, meet either at the
East muster point (Thurling Green) or in front of the
CLIMA building
Fire Extinguishers
• DO NOT use unless you are very confident that you’re not
going to hurt yourself in the process.
• Use caution when operating the carbon dioxide
extinguishers, your hand could freeze to the nozzle.
• Always point at the base of the fire.
• Practical training in the use of fire extinguishers is
periodically offered by the Safety and Health Office.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Three types available in Plant Biology;
– Carbon dioxide, to be used on flammable liquids and
electrical fires
– Water, to be used on paper, wood, textile and fabric
– Dry chemical powder, to be used on flammable
liquids, flammable gases and electrical hazards
Fire Extinguisher Use
The use of the wrong type of extinguisher can
be VERY dangerous. Please do not use
them unless you are VERY sure of what to
First Aid Kits

• First aid kits are available in each of the labs

• Both field and snake bite first aid kits are
available from the first aid officer, Hai Ngo in Botany
• Field first aid kits are located in the vehicles in
Plant Biology
School Safety Committee
School Manager and Safety Officer: Alan Luks (2541)
Safety & Health Rep.: Greg Cawthray (1789/1748)
Chairperson: Pandy du Preez (3863)
Radiation Safety Officer: Guijun Yan (1240)
Research Safety Rep.: Matthew Nelson (3671)
Postgrad. Safety Rep.: vacant
AHRI Safety Rep.: Mechelle Owen (1512)
Kings Park Rep.: Rowena Long
Glasshouse Safety Rep.: Robert Creasy (8549)
Diving Safety Officer: now separate to PB
Biological Safety Rep.: Patrick Finnegan (8546)
Field Safety Rep.: Hai Ngo (3598)
Chemical Safety Rep.: Greg Cawthray (1789)
UWA Safety Office Rep.: Peter Carlyon (7934)
First Aid Rep : Bonnie Knott (2206)
Safety Management Structure
Head of School
Prof Hans Lambers

*School Manager
*Safety Rep.
*School Safety Officer All Supervisors
Greg Cawthray
Alan Luks

Safety Committee
All Staff & Visitors All Students
PB Safety Personnel
Prof. Hans Lambers
*Head of School

Mr. Greg Cawthray

*Safety & Health Rep
Mr. Alan Luks *Chemical Safety Officer
*School Manager *Field Safety Officer
*School Safety Officer *Building Warden (Botany)
*Building Warden (Central Wing)
PB Safety Personnel

Dr Guijun Yan Dr Patrick Finnegan

*Academic Rep *Biological Safety Officer
*Radiation Safety Officer

Mr Robert Creasy
*Plant Growth Facilities
*First Aid Officer (PGF)
PB Safety Personnel

Mr. Hai Ngo

*Field Safety Officer Dr Matthew Nelson
*First Aid Officer (Botany) *Research Safety Rep.

Ms. Mechelle Owen

*AHRI Safety Rep
PB Safety Personnel

*Postgraduate Safety Rep.

Mrs. Pandy du Preez
*Committee Chairperson
*School First Aid Officer

Ms. Bonnie Knott

*School First Aid Officer
Just covered:
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation Assembly Points
Fire Extinguishers
First Aid
Safety Personnel

Specific Work Place Hazards
• Each specific work area will have its own specific hazards. These
SHOULD be discussed with you by your supervisor.
• Specific lab hazards are indicated by signage on laboratory &/or
office doors.

• The PB Site Specific safety Induction covers these hazards and

should be conducted with your supervisor as soon as is practicable.
Specific Work Place Hazards
• Some broad issues will now be covered

– Biological Safety
– Radiation Safety
– Chemical Safety
– Laboratory and Hazardous Substances
– Field Work Safety
– Dive Safety
– Machinery and equipment
– Vehicle usage
– Manual Handling
Biological Safety

PB Biological Safety Officer: Patrick Finnegan

Biologicals of concern
• Plant infectious / pathogenic agents

• Animal infectious / pathogenic agents

• Genetically modified / transgenic organisms

Biological Safety
• You must meet with Patrick Finnegan during the
PLANNING of any work that will require
– the importation of any biological material (not just


– The use of a Genetically Modified Organism

Radiation Safety
PB Radiation Safety Officer: Guijun Yan

•All radioisotope users at the University are required to have attended and
passed the Unsealed Radioisotope Handling Course within the first year of
using radioisotopes, and preferably prior to starting such work.

•Neutron Moisture Probe (Nuclear moisture density gauge).

•Personal radiation monitors are required to be worn by all persons handling


•Please see Guijun Yan, to find out which laboratories are registered for use of

•All procedures involving radioactive materials at UWA requires the user to

have completed a protocol application before commencing the work.
Chemical Safety
PB Chemical Safety Officer: Greg Cawthray
• Comprehensive Lab Safety covered by compulsory UWA one day
• Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
• Safety and Risk Phrases (R&S phrases)
• Chemical labelling
• Chemical spillage
• Waste disposal
Labs and Hazardous Substances
What Is an MSDS?

• It is a document that contains all the information you

would need on any particular chemical.
– Includes PPE, storage, handling, lethal dose, safety
• Can be obtained via ChemAlert, from the supplier if you
are purchasing the chemical from them for the first time,
or upon request.
• Hard copy should be kept in the laboratory where used.
Labs and Hazardous Substances
Labeling Chemicals

• Full information on chemical labels is required by

WorkSafe WA.
• Required for decanted chemicals.
• Diamond labels can be obtained from Safety and Health
Reps or the School Safety Officer.
• Labels can also be generated with ChemAlert.
Chemical Hazard / Spill / Gas Leak

 Raise the alarm

 Ensure immediate safety of everyone
 Treatment of serious injuries takes precedence over containment
and decontamination
 Evacuate immediate area
 Report to supervisor and safety personnel
 Restrict unnecessary movements
 Turn off air conditioning (gases, vapours)
 Barricade and label
 Clean up / decontaminate (two persons)
 Report incident
Labs and Hazardous Substances
Waste Disposal

• UWA now has campus wide waste collection coordinated bi-

annually by the Safety Office, usually in Feb and June
• Use of this service consolidates costs associated with overheads of
collection, please make use of this service
• Many waste chemicals can not to be disposed of down the sink.
They should be treated or labelled fully and stored in an
appropriate place to await disposal.
• When in doubt ask the Chemical Safety Officer
• Dispose sharps, biological hazards as per policy.
Field Work Safety
PB Field Work Safety Officers: Hai Ngo and Greg Cawthray

•All people who undertake field work are required to submit a field work plan
for approval by the HOS one week before the trip. (Field Work Procedures in
Rural and Remote Areas)

•If the use of a 4WD is required for off-road use, people must undertake the
UWA 4WD course or similar course approved by UWA (e.g., Worsley on-site
training; Shawsett).

•Use of any UWA vehicle requires the user to be conversant with the
appropriate policy (Use of University Vehicles).

•Driving in remote locations is covered by UWA policy, and again people

undertaking this work must be familiar with the policy (Driving in Remote
Dive Safety

PB Dive/Boat Safety Officer: Contact UWA Safety Office

•All people who undertake diving and/or work with boats must converse with
the Dive Safety Officer to assess your qualifications.
Machinery and Equipment
• No matter what you are
asked to use in the course
of your study, please
ensure you are given full
instructions for safe
Vehicle Use

• Many vehicles types are utilised.

Please ensure that you have the
correct training and licenses
before you operate any vehicles.
• e.g., 4WD, boats, tractors
• Use of any UWA vehicle
requires the user to be
conversant with the appropriate
policy (Use of University
(Personal Protective Equipment)
• PPE includes:
– Gloves
– Safety glasses
– Fully enclosed footwear (especially in laboratories)
– Lab coats
– Ear protection
• Please ensure your PPE is maintained and USED
Manual Handling
• Assess the load you are about to lift
• Get help, or a trolley, if you need it
• Bend your knees and lift with your legs
• Keep your back in a neutral position (not straight)
• Keep the load close to your body
• Don’t twist while holding a heavy load
• Free course offered by UWA SHO

• Botany building is locked outside the hours of 8am to 5.15pm

Monday to Friday.
• FNAS Central Wing building is locked outside the hours of 7:30am
to 6pm.
• Please ensure you keep the doors locked if you are here outside
these hours.
• Personal items are not covered by UWA insurance for theft from
• Security staff can escort you to vehicle after hours, call X: 3020

• Volunteer Workers Insurance

• Corporate Travel Insurance
• Student Personal Accident Insurance
• Motor Vehicle Insurance
• 457 Visa Insurance
• Industrial Special Risk (University Property) Insurance
• Marine Hull Insurance
• Transit Insurance
• Public Liability
After Hours Register
• NO chemical procedures &/or handling hazardous goods to be done
after normal work hours
• If you are here outside the hours of Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6pm,
please fill in the after hours register
• Also to be filled in at all times on weekends
• The information is there to assist emergency personnel after hours, as
they will know where to look for you
• The information required is
– Name
– Location
– Time in
– Time out
Staff ID Cards
• If you are here outside of
business hours, please carry
staff ID card. Security can ask
for this at any time on their rounds.
• Staff or student cards are also the swipe card you need to
get into certain buildings. It is also your library photocopy
Certificates and Qualifications
• Do you need any specific training?
– Manual handling (on demand, free)
– First Aid (external, $90 to $140)
– 4WD (Full Day, internal $150 to external $270pp)
– Lab Safety (Full Day, $40pp)
– Gene Technology (see Patrick Finnegan)
– Radiation and Moisture probe, (3 days, see Guijun Yan)
– Laser Safety (1/2 day, $20)
– Boat Handling (see Gary Kendrick)
– Fire awareness and extinguisher training
– Anything else you can think of?
Safety Related Training 2010

• Laboratory Safety Course (1 day, Friday 22nd July ) (Compulsory for all lab based research)
• ChemAlert General User training (2 hr, on demand)
• Unsealed Radioisotope Handling Courses (3 days, Monday 18th July)
• Warden Training Course (3 hours, Monday 3rd October 2011)
• Warden Refresher Training Course (1 hour, Monday 3rd October 2011)
• Senior First Aid Course (2 day, TBA)
• Safety and Health for Managers and Supervisors (2*1/2 days, over 21/22 June 2011)
• 4WD Driver Training (refer to website)
• A healthy body is less prone to injury
• Some suggestions to help you on your way
» Walk on campus, don’t use a vehicle.
» Use the stairs, not the lift.
» Join the gym.
» Go for a stroll along the river in lunch break.
» Join Plant Biology Yoga classes!!
» Go fishing at lunchtime on the river…beautiful!
» Attend Friday Morning Tea and meet other staff & students
in the School.
Final Thoughts
• Think about what you are about to do.
• Develop good housekeeping habits.
• Observe and be aware
• In all areas at all times take notice of (and obey) all signs
and directives – they are there for your safety.
Just covered:



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