Tense Kind of Sentence USE: Present Simple

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- Affirmative (I play tennis) - Rutinas

Present Simple - Negative (I don’t play tennis) - Horarios
- Interrogative (Do I play tennis?) - Verdades universales

- Affirmative (I am playing tennis)

Present - Lo que hacemos en el momento
- Negative (I am not playing tennis)
Continuous - Interrogative (Am I playing tennis?)
- Lo que vamos a hacer seguro.

- Affirmative (I have played tennis) -Algo que empezó en el pasado y todavía continúa en el
Present Perfect - Negative (I haven’t played tennis) presente.
- Interrogative (Have I played tennis?) -Para hablar de expresiones en general.

- Affirmative (I have been playing tennis)

Present Perfect - Algo que has estado haciendo, pero no se dice si has
- Negative (I haven’t been playing tennis)
Continuous - Interrogative (Have I been playing tennis?)
terminado o no.

- Affirmative (I played tennis)

Past Simple - Negative (I did not play tennis) - Algo que empezó en el pasado y terminó en el pasado.
- Interrogative (Did I play tennis?)

- Affirmative (I was playing tennis)

- Algo que estabas haciendo en el pasado cercano (ayer,
Past Continuous - Negative (I wasn’t playing tennis) antes de ayer) en un momento determinado.
- Interrogative (Was I playing tennis?)

-Para contar eventos del pasado.

- Affirmative (I had played tennis)
-Si hablamos de 2 acciones pasadas: la primera va en
Past Perfect - Negative (I hadn’t played tennis)
past perfect y la segunda en present perfect.
- Interrogative (Had I played tennis?)
(When I arrived, the film had started)

- Affirmative (I had been playing tennis)

Past Perfect - Acciones en pasado que duraron un tiempo y
- Negative (I hadn’t been playing tennis)
Continuous - Interrogative (Had I been playing tennis?)
terminaron en el pasado.

- Affirmative (I am going to play tennis) -Para planes e intenciones.

Going To - Negative (I am not going to play tennis) -Para predicciones basadas en pistas (Tomorrow is
- Interrogative (Am I going to play tennis?) going to rain)

- Ofrecimiento (I will help you).

- Affirmative (I will play tennis)
- Decisiones instantáneas (I will have a cup of tea)
Future Simple - Negative (I will not play tennis)
- Promesas (I will always take care of you).
- Interrogative (Will I play tennis?)
- Predicciones (Real Madrid will win the League)

- Affirmative (I will be playing tennis)

Future - Algo que estarás haciendo en un momento
- Negative (I won’t be playing tennis)
Continuous - Interrogative (Will I be playing tennis?)
determinado en el futuro.

- Affirmative (I will have played tennis)

- Algo que habrás hecho en un futuro (I will have
Future Perfect - Negative (I won’t have played tennis)
finished my exams in 2 months)
- Interrogative (Will I have played tennis?)

- Affirmative (I will have been played tennis)

Future Perfect - Algo que habrás hecho en un futuro (I will have
- Negative (I won’t have been played tennis)
Continuous - Interrogative (Will I have been played tennis?)
finished my exams in 2 months)

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