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(reviews of microscopic on fibroblast)

Arranged by : Angga Zulpikar (20090340003)

Mentor : drg. Ika Andriani Sp.Perio, MDSc
Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) is one of herbs
that can be used as a medicine. Guava is rich in
vitamin C. Besides vitamin C, inside the fruit and
leaves guava also contained a compound
flavonoid. This compound acts as an anti
Process inflammation can occur throughout
the body, including those in tissues of the teeth
or gingiva which is called gingivitis. Definition in
the literature states that gingivitis is
inflammation of the gingiva in which the
junctional epithelium remains attached to the
tooth at its original level.
Inflammatory is a response of body if
there is any wound to the tissues caused by
bacteria, chemicals, heat, or the phenomena
of the other.
Inflammatory is part of the healing
process. The process of healing wounds can
divided into the three phases , which is an
inflammatory phase , phase of proliferation ,
and remodeling.
Proliferation phase, also known as a
prominent fibroplasia phase is the process of
proliferation of fibroblast.
Fibroblast cells can synthesize collagen,
which play a role in the process of wound
From the explanation above background can
be formulated an issue, namely: What
difference extract ( gel ) fruit with leaves
guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) in the process
of healing gingivitis be reviewed fibroblast in
a microscopic manner?
1. General Purpose
Knowing the difference fruit extracts with
guava leaves (Psidium guajava Linn.) towards
healing process gingivitis in rats (Rattus
norvegicus) white males.

2. Special Purpose
Knowing the difference fruit extracts with guava
leaves (Psidium guajava Linn.) towards healing
process gingivitis in rats (Rattus norvegicus)
white male microscopically by reviewing an
increasing number of fibroblast.
1. The Benefits for Science and Technology
This research later expected could be one
of the new science that can be applied in
conducting treatment and can contribute
directly in the development of traditional
medicine or herbal.

2. The Benefits for The Society

This research is able to provide information
to the public about the content and benefits
of fruit and leaves of the guava (Psidium
guajava Linn.) towards healing process
1. The Influence of Issuing Extracts of Guava (Psidium
guajava Linn.) The Decrease in Wistar Rat Blood Glucose
Levels that are a Load of Glucose by Ari Setiawan 2011,
Diponegoro University. The difference with my research is
in terms of a variable that is a cure gingivitis. The same
equation using guava fruit as its treatment.

2. Influence of Extracts (gel) Guava Fruit (Psidium guajava

Linn.) The healing process Aphtous Stomatitis in Rat White
Strain Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) Males by Nena Dwi Jayati
2011, UMY. The difference with my research is in terms of
the variables that the healing process gingivitis, and also
seen in terms of microscopic at fibroblas. The same
equation using guava as its treatment.
1. Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.)
Kingdom : Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan
Super Division : Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan
Division : Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan
Class : Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua /
Sub Class : Rosidae
Ordo : Myrtales
Family : Myrtaceae (suku jambu-jambuan)
Genus : Psidium
Spesies : Psidium guajava L.
Guavas (Psidium guajava Linn.) native of tropical
america that is from brazil.
Guava is rich in tanin, phenolics, flavonoids,
triterpen, essential oil, saponins, carotenoids,
lektin, vitamins, fiber, and fatty acids. Compared
with oranges, guava more containing vitamin C
(80 mg vitamin C in 100 grams of fruit) and
contains a number of vitamin A. Its leaves are
rich in flavonoids which have a role in treatment
due to act as antibacterial. Guava leaves have
antioxidant properties because it contains
2. Extract
The extract is concentrated essences
specimens of plants or animals obtained by
way of releasing the active substance of each
drug ingredients.
One method of extract is maceration. This
method is the most appropriate where a drug
that's been refined allowing for soaked in
menstruum (solvent or mixture of solvents) to
sink in.
3. Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a derivative of
hexose and classified as carbohydrates that are
closely related to monosaccharides.
In addition vitamin C plays a role in the
formation of collagen which is a protein
compound that has the integrity of the cell
structure in all connective tissue, as in the
cartilage, bone, dentin matrix teeth, capillary
membranes, skin, and tendons.
Thus, vitamin C plays a role in healing
wounds, fractures, bleeding under the skin and
bleeding gums
4. Flavonoid
Flavonoids are natural phenolic
compounds contained in almost all plants of
the algae up to Gimnos-spremae.
The benefits of flavonoids, among others,
is to protect the cell structure, increase the
effectiveness of vitamin C, anti inflammatory,
prevents bone loss and as an antibiotic.
5. Gingivitis
Definition of gingivitis is the inflammation of
the gingiva. Definition in the literature states that
gingivitis is inflammation of the gingiva in which
the junctional epithelium remains attached to the
tooth at its original level.
In General, clinical signs of gingivitis are as
follows: redness gingiva tissue of onset of
bleeding, a change, contours, and the presence
of plaque or calculus with no evidence of bone
loss radiography.
6. The Healing Phases
Inflammation is a protective response to a
local injury inflicted by tissue damage or
destroy, diminish, functioning, or encircle
(sekuestrasi) both the inflammatory agent
and tissue that injury.
Wound healing may be divided into three
phases, namely phase inflammatory,
proliferation, and remodeling.
7. Fibroblast
Fibroblasts are the cells that produce
extracellular components of connective tissue
that develops.
Origin fibroblast are of cells mesenkim
who have not differentiate , produce
mucopolysaccharide , aminoglisin acid, and
prolin that is elementary substance collagen
fibers will link edge wound .
8. Wistar Rat
Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mamalia
Ordo : Rodentia
Family : Muridae
Genus : Rattus
Species : Rattus norvegicus

Wistar Rats became one of the most popular

strains of mice used for laboratory research.
Guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) is one of the plants
which can be used for treatment. Guava fruit contains
vitamin C and flavonoids. In addition to the fruit,
flavonoids are also contained within the leaves of the
guava. The flavonoids contained in fruit and guava leaves
a bitter taste which serves as a healing process effect on
The healing process of covering the three phases ,
which is an inflammatory phase , phase of proliferation ,
and remodeling . Phase of proliferation called also phase
fibroplasia because of the highlights were the process of
proliferation fibroblast . In this phase it has a role in
fibroblast synthesize collagen . This research will use
extract ( gel ) fruit and leaves guavas ( Psidium guajava
Linn . ) that would be tested on mice white ( Rattus
norvegicus ) full of macho , then observe and clinical
picture histologically in inflammation of the gums of a rat .

Vitamin C dan
Gingivitis Buah Jambu Biji

Gambaran Klinis
Daun Jambu Biji Flavonoid dan gambaran
The hypothesis of this research is to extract
(gel) guava fruit (Psidium guajava Linn.) has a
greater influence than extract (gel) of guava
leaves cure gingivitis in rats (Rattus
norvegicus) white males of the increasing
number of fibroblast.
Pembuatan ekstrak buah dan jambu
biji dengan metode maserasi

34 ekor tikus putih (Rattus

norvegicus) jantan

Selama lima hari 34 ekor tikus wistar

diberi perlakuan dengan H2O2 10%
dan lidokain 5%

Kelompok I hari ke 0-6 17 ekor tikus Kelompok II hari ke 0-61 7 ekor tikus
dengan perlakuan ekstrak buah dengan perlakuan ekstrak daun
jambu biji jambu biji

Mengamati proses penyembuhan

gingivitis kemudian dilakukan
eutanasia pada tikus dan preparat
diambil untuk diamati secara
mikroskopis ditinjau dari
peningkatan jumlah fibroblas
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