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Prepared by: Mary Elaine M. Malonzo

The 21st Century Skills
Communication skills

• Teaming
• Collaboration
• Interpersonal skills
• Local, national, and global
• Interactive communication
Learning and Innovation Skills

• Creativity
• Curiosity
• Critical thinking and problem
solving skills
• Risk taking
Life and Career Skills

• Flexibility and adaptability

• Leadership and responsibility
• Social and cross-cultural skills
• Initiative and self-direction
• Productivity and accountability
• Ethical, moral and spiritual values
Information, media and technology
• Visual and information literacies
• Media Literacy
• Basic, scientific, economic and
technological literacies
• Multicultural Literacy
Communication skills
• the method used to exchange or share
• Understanding, managing, and creating
effective oral, written, and multimedia
communication in a variety of forms and
Communication skills

• Teaming
-Use of Self for effective teamwork.
-Teamwork is a critical aspect of success
• Collaboration
Demonstrating teamwork and leadership;
adapting to varied roles and responsibilities;
working productively with others.
Communication skills
• Interpersonal skills
-are the life skills we use everyday to
communicate and interact with other
people, individually and in groups.
Communication skills
• Local, national, and global orientedness
learning from and working collaboratively with
individuals from diverse cultures, religions and
lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open
dialogue in personal work and community
Communication skills
• Interactive communication
-occurs when feedback is used to alter or adjust
a message as it is presented or delivered to the
Learning and Innovation Skills
People referred to as "smart" or "genius"
often are not those who have the highest IQs
or know more facts but rather are those who
can creatively solve problems.
Learning and Innovation Skills
• Creativity
- Developing, implementing, and
communicating new ideas to others.
• Curiosity
- Staying open and responsive to new and
diverse perspective
Learning and Innovation Skills
• Critical thinking and problem solving skills
- Exercising sound reasoning in understanding
and making complex choices; understanding
the interconnections among systems.
• Solve Problems
- Solve different kinds of non-familiar problems
in both conventional and innovative ways
- Identify and ask significant questions that
clarify various points of view and lead to
better solutions
Learning and Innovation Skills
• Risk taking
- to explore new ideas and innovative
strategies, challenging their ways of thinking
and encouraging them to be confident in
those decisions.
Life and Career Skills
• Today's greatest success stories are not about
people who are necessarily the smartest but
those who can communicate a vision to others
and lead them in the execution of it. They also
recognize and surround themselves with those
that are smarter and more capable than they
Life and Career Skills
• Flexibility and adaptability
Flexibility is the idea that your plans can
change very quickly, sometimes with notice
and sometimes without.
Adaptability is the ability to adapt to
change. In general, it is being able to
acclimate yourself to changing roles, job
responsibilities, material, and schedules.
Life and Career Skills
• Leadership and responsibility
- the ability of individuals to work with the
interest of the larger community in mind, to
inspire others by example, and to capitalize on
the strengths of others to achieve a common
Life and Career Skills
• Social and cross-cultural skills
- the ability to work well with colleagues,
present oneself professionally, and respect
and embrace social and cultural differences.
Life and Career Skills
• Initiative and self-direction
Initiative means doing something on your
own, without having to be told to do it.
initiative also means sometimes going above
and beyond what is expected of you.
Self-directed means working independently.
Life and Career Skills
• Productivity and accountability
- should be able to manage projects; set and
meet goals; prioritize, plan, and manage work;
produce results; multitask; work positively and
ethically; be accountable for results; and
collaborate and cooperate effectively with
• Ethical, moral and spiritual values
Information, media and technology
• Visual and information literacies
- Ability to interpret, make meaning from
information presented in the form of an
- It is also the ability to evaluate, apply, or
create conceptual visual representations.
Information, media and technology
• Information literacy
the ability to identify what information is
needed, identify the best sources of
information for a given need, locate those
sources, evaluate the sources critically, and
share that information.
Information literacy is most essential in the
conduct of research.
Information, media and technology
• Media Literacy
- Media literacy is the ability to critically analyze
the messages that inform, entertain and sell
to us every day.
- It’s the ability to bring critical thinking skills to
bear on all forms of media asking pertinent
questions about what’s there and noticing
what’s not there.
Information, media and technology
• Basic, scientific, economic and technological

Basic Literacy
Language proficiency (in English) and
numeracy at levels necessary to function on
the job and in society to achieve one’s goals
and to develop one’s knowledge and potential
in this Digital Age.
Information, media and technology
Scientific literacy
Encompasses written, numerical, and digital
literacy as they pertain to understanding
science, its methodology, observations, and
Is the knowledge and understanding of
scientific concepts and processes required for
personal decision making, participation in civic
and cultural affairs, and economic
Information, media and technology
• Economic literacy
The ability to apply basic economic concepts
in situations relevant to one’s life.
It is about cultivating a working knowledge of
the economic way of thinking
Information, media and technology
• Technological literacy
is defined as “computer skills and the ability to
use computers and other technology to
improve learning, productivity, and
Information, media and technology
Technological literacy is the ability to
responsibly use appropriate technology to:
- Communicate
- Solve problem
- Access, manage, integrate, evaluate, design
and create information to improve learning in
all subject areas
- Acquire lifelong knowledge and skills in the
21st century
Information, media and technology
• Multicultural Literacy
- The ability to understand and appreciate the
similarities and differences in the customs,
values, and beliefs of one’s own culture and
the cultures of others.
Another way of grouping the 21st
century skills
• Ways of thinking
Creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving,
decision-making and learning

• Ways of working
Communication and collaboration
Another way of grouping the 21st
century skills
• Tools for working

Information and communication technology (ICT) and

information literacy

• Skills for living in the world

Citizenship, life and career, and personal and social

“If we teach today as we taught
yesterday we rob our children
of tomorrow.”
-John Dewey

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