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Musculoskeletal System

• Hyaline:
(1) articular cartilages
(2) costal cartilages
(3) respiratory cartilages
(4) nasal cartilages
• Elastic: external ear, epiglottis
• Fibrocartilage: menisci, intervertebral discs
Functions of Bones
• Support
• Protection
• Movement
• Mineral and growth factor storage
• Blood cell formation
• Long bones
• Short bones
Sesamoid bones
• Flat bones
• Irregular bones
• Structural classification:
– Fibrous joints
– Cartilaginous joints
– Synovial joints
• Functional classification:
– Synarthroses
– Amphiarthroses
– Diarthroses
General structure of synovial joints
• Articular cartilage
• Joint (synovial) cavity
• Articular capsule:
fibrous capsule (external layer)
synovial membrane (internal layer)
• Synovial fluid
• Reinforcing ligaments:
capsular/intrinsic ligaments
extracapsular ligaments
intracapsular ligaments
Bursae and Tendon Sheaths
Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints

• Range of motion:
– Nonaxial
– Uniaxial
– Biaxial
– Multiaxial
• Types of movements:
– Gliding
– Angular
– Rotation
Types of Synovial Joints
• Plane joints
• Hinge joints
• Pivot joints
• Condyloid joints,or ellipsoidal joints
• Saddle joints
• Ball-and-socket joints
Types of Muscle Tissue
• Skeletal muscle tissue
skeletal, striated, and voluntary
• Cardiac muscle tissue
cardiac, striated, and involuntary
• Smooth muscle tissue
visceral, nonstriated, and involuntary
Functional Characteristics of
Muscle Tissue
• Excitability
• Contractility
• Extensibility
• Elasticity
Muscle Functions
• Producing movement
• Maintaining posture
• Stabilizing joints
• Generating heat
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Isotonic vs Isometric Contractions
Concentric vs Eccentric Contractions
Squats, or deep knee bends, provide a simple example of
how concentric and eccentric contractions work together in
our everyday activities. As the knees flex, the powerful
quadriceps muscles of the anterior thigh lengthen (are
stretched), but at the same time they also contract
(eccentrically) to counteract the force of gravity and control
the descent of the torso (“muscle braking”) and prevent
joint injury. Raising the body back to its starting position
requires that the same muscles contract concentrically as
they shorten to extend the knees again. As you can see,
eccentric contractions put the body in position to contract
Interactions of Skeletal
Muscles in the Body

Muscles can be classified into four functional

• Prime mover or agonist
• Antagonists
• Synergists
• Fixators
Naming Skeletal Muscles
• Location of the muscle
• Shape of the muscle
• Relative size of the muscle
• Direction of muscle fibers
• Number of origins
• Location of the attachments
• Action
Arrangement of Fascicles
• Circular
• Convergent
• Parallel
• Fusiform
• Pennate:
• Skeletal muscle fibers shorten to about
70% of their resting length when they
• The longer and the more nearly parallel
the muscle fibers are to a muscle’s long
axis, the more the muscle can shorten
• Muscle power depends more on the total
number of muscle cells in the muscle; the
greater the number, the greater the power
Lever Systems:
Bone-Muscle Relationships

• Lever: bones
• Fulcrum: joints
• Effort: muscle contraction
• Load: the bone itself, along with overlying
tissues and anything else you are trying to
move with that lever
• Effort farther than load from fulcrum =
mechanical advantage
 power lever

• Effort nearer than load to fulcrum =

mechanical disadvantage
 speed lever
First-Class Levers
• The effort is applied at one end of the
lever and the load is at the other, with the
fulcrum somewhere between
• Some first-class levers in the body operate
at a mechanical advantage, but others,
such as the action of the triceps muscle in
extending the forearm against resistance,
operate at a mechanical disadvantage
Second-Class Levers
• The effort is applied at one end of the lever and
the fulcrum is located at the other, with the load
between them
• All second-class levers in the body work at a
mechanical advantage because the muscle
insertion is always farther from the fulcrum than
is the load to be moved
• Second-class levers are levers of strength, but
speed and range of motion are sacrificed for that
Third-Class Levers
• The effort is applied between the load and the
• These levers operate with great speed and
always at a mechanical disadvantage
• Third-class lever systems permit a muscle to be
inserted very close to the joint across which
movement occurs, which allows rapid, extensive
movements with relatively little shortening of the
• Muscles involved in third-class levers tend to be
thicker and more powerful
• In conclusion, differences in the positioning of the three
elements modify muscle activity with respect to:
(1) speed of contraction
(2) range of movement
(3) the weight of the load that can be lifted
• In lever systems that operate at a mechanical
disadvantage (speed levers), force is lost but speed and
range of movement are gained
• Systems that operate at a mechanical advantage (power
levers) are slower, more stable, and used where strength
is a priority
Major Skeletal Muscles of the Body

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