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Licensing and registration of factories (sec 6)

# site chosen to locate the factory must have the previous

permission in writing of the state govt., of chief inspector
of the factories

# every application must be duly accompanied with certified

plan, showing all details and fees payable for registration.

# if permission not granted within 3 months from the date of

submission of application, permission is presumed to have
been granted.
# On the refusal of state Govt., the applicant can prefer an
appeal within 30 days from the date of refusal
# The occupier must give 15 days notice to the state
government before he begins to occupy the premises.
Such notice should contain the following:

# The name and location of the factory

# The name and address of the occupier

# The name and address of the owner of the premises

# The address to which communication to the factory to

be sent
# The nature of manufacturing process

# The total rated horse power to be installed in the factory

#The name of the manager of the factory

# The no of workers likely to be employed

# such other particulars as may be prescribed

Provisions regarding the health of the workers
(sec 11-20)
i) Cleanliness (sec 11)
- factory should be cleaned atleast once in every
- use disinfectants for washing

ii) Disposal of wastes and effluents (sec 12)

- must be disposed after the proper treatment
- this is because wastes would polluted the
- Norms laid down by the state pollution control
board have to be observed
iii) Ventilation and temperature (sec 13)

- air circulation ensure normal health to the

- temperature in the workplace should be
- factory must be properly designed with heat
resisting or heat-proof materials
- psychologically pleasing colors may used
for the interiors such as light green etc
iv) Dust and Fumes (sec 14)
- prevent workers from inhaling dusts, fumes and other
- use of exhausted fans is highly recommended in such
v) Artificial Humidification (sec 15)
- In some factories, artificial humidification is adopted
(e.g.) textile mill.

- the norms prescribed by the govt must be strictly

vi) Over-crowding (sec 16)
- every worker requires atleast 350 to 500 cubic feet for
ensuring comfort and mobility.
- chief inspector of factories by notice may specify the
no. of persons to be employed in a room

vii) Lighting (sec 17)

- too much of light throws glare
- diffused light doesn’t promote proper vision
- required light must be provided
- glazed windows and sky lights are important
viii) Drinking water (sec 18)
- drinking water shall be made available to workmen at
convenient places
- notice contain the caption “drinking water” in local
language should be displayed
- water points must be located beyond 6 meters away
from any washing place
ix) Latrines and Urinals (sec 19)
- if more than 250 workers are employed, the
latrine and urinals facilities should b provided
- sweepers shall be employed to keep latrines
and urinals clean
x) Spittoons (sec 20)
- pots that are specially provided for into which the
workers have to spit

- sufficient no. of spittoons should be provided

- workers can not spit as they like

- fine Rs. 5 would be imposed on any one violated the


Provisions regarding safety of the workers
(sec 21 to 40)
i) Fencing of machinery (sec 21)
- Prime mover, water-turbine, generator,
transmission machinery etc

- dangerous part of the machinery must be fenced.

- the manager of the factory should take care to

provide safeguard devices
ii) Working on or near machinery in motion (sec 22)
- lubrication on moving parts of the machinery must be
done only by adult male workers
- these workers should wear tight fitting clothes
- it is better such tight fitting clothes are supplied by the
iii) Employment of young persons on dangerous
machines (sec 23)
- no young person are allowed to work in dangerous
- he should be given sufficient training and work under
the experienced worked
iv) Striking gear and devices for cutting off power
(sec 24)
- machines can be stopped either by striking gear or
for cutting off power.
- suitable, efficient device must be provided for
stopping the machines

v) Self-acting machine (sec 25)

- traversing part not allowed to run within a distance
of 45cm from any fixed structure.
vi) Casing of new machinery (sec 26)
- every set of screw, bolt or key, wheel effectively
guarded so as to prevent danger

vii) Prohibition of employment of women and

children near cotton-openers (sec-27)
- No women and children shall be employed in any part of
the factory for pressing cotton in which cotton opener at work
viii) Hoist and Lift (sec- 28)
- host and lift to be good mechanical construction and
to be properly maintained and examined once in 6

ix) Lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting

tackles (sec – 29)
- cranes and lifting machines etc., to be goo construction
and to be examined once in every 12 months
x) Revolving machinery (sec – 30)
- Notice of maximum safe working speed of grindstone
or abrasive wheel etc., to be kept near machine.

xi) Pressure plant (sec-31)

-In any factory or any machinery is operated at apressure,
effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the safe
working pressure is not exceeded.
xii) Floors, stairs and means of access (sec-32)

- all floors, steps, stairs and gangways shall be sound

construction and properly maintained

- any person has to work at a height from where he is

likely to fall, provision shall be made
xiii) pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc (sec- 33)
- pits, sumps etc., to be securely covered and fenced

xiv) Excessive weights (sec – 34)

- No person shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry

or move any load so heavy as to be likely to be cause
him injury.
- maximum weights to be lifted or carried to be
xv) Protection of eyes (sec – 35)

- The risk of injury to the eyes may from particles or

fragments thrown off in the course of process or by reason
of exposure to excessive light

- In every factory, screen or suitable goggles shall be

xvi) Precautions against dangerous fumes (sec-36)
- Prohibition of on entry into any chamber, tank, pit,
pipe etc., where any gas, fume etc., is present
- such gas or fumes only removed by certified
competent person.
xvii) Precautions against explosive or
inflammable dust, gas, etc (sec – 37)
- In any factory, any manufacturing process produces
dust, gas, fume or vapour which is likely to explode
on ignition, all measures shall be taken to prevent
such explosion
xix) Precautions incase of fire (sec-38, amendment
act, 1987)
- safe means of escape for all persons in the
event of fire
- facilities for fire extinguishers
xx) Power to require specifications of defective
parts (sec – 39)

xxi) Safety of building and machinery (sec – 40)

xxii) Maintenance of building (sec 40-A

xxiii) Safety officers (sec 40 – B)

- wherein 1,000 0r more workers ordinarily employed,
safety officers should be appointed .
Provisions regarding welfare of the
workers (sec 42-50)
1. Washing facilities (sec – 42)
- For male and female workers separately, adequate washing
facilities should b provided.
- such facilities should be convenient and shall be kept clean
2. Facilities for storing and drying clothing (sec - 43)
- provisions of suitable places for keeping clothing of
workers not worn during the working hour
- provisions for drying of wet clothes.
3. Facilities for sitting (sec-44)
- Provisions for sitting arrangements for workers
obliged to work in a standing position
4. First-aid appliances (sec-45)
- atleast one first aid box with prescribed contents for
every 150 workers .
- first aid box to be in the charge of responsible person.
- ambulance room to be arranged if 500 workers are
- the room shall be in the charge of medical and nursing
5. Canteens (sec – 46)
- if more than 250 workers are working canteen
facilities should be provided.

6. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms (sec – 47)

- if more than 150 workers are employed, there shall
be provision for shelters, rest rooms, and a suitable lunch
room where workers can eat meals brought by them.
7. Crèches (sec – 48)
- if more than 30 women workers are employed,
crèches shall be provided for the use of children under the
age of 6 years of such women

8. Welfare officers (sec – 49)

- welfare officer to be appointed in the factory
wherein 500 or more workers are employed

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