How To Keep Both Mother Earth and Your Home Clean and 'Green'

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English (Form 1)

Name: .......................................................... Class: ...................... Date: ......................

UNIT 9: Keep It Green, Keep It Clean
Ref: B5 DB1 E1

Learning Outcomes: 2.2 (B) Level 2 vi. Identifying main ideas in simple paragraphs

Band Descriptor Evidence

B5 DB1 E1 Able to extract relevant points and reorganize them into a

5 B5 B5 DB1
paragraph using suitable connectors

Based on the text, write a short paragraph on how to keep your house clean using 'green'
methods in not more than 60 words.

How To Keep Both Mother Earth and Your Home Clean and

Do you know that most of the commercial cleaning products we use

are bad for the environment? There are many ways to keep both
Mother Earth and your house clean and ‘green’.
Firstly, don’t throw away your old newspapers. If your glass
windows are very dirty, squirt them with a mixture of vinegar and water
using a spray bottle. Then, buff them with crumpled newspapers.
Secondly, to get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator, simply put
baking soda in a bowl and place it in there. You can also sprinkle
baking soda on your carpets and leave it for thirty minutes. Then,
vacuum as usual and the bad smell will be gone.
To maintain expensive furniture is not easy but you don’t have to
spend a fortune to do so. Simply mix one part lemon juice to three
parts vegetable oil. Apply to the surface of your wooden furniture with a
soft cloth and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Then, wipe away any
excess and buff the furniture until it shines.
So, go to your grocery store today and get these 'green' cleaning
products for your house!

Teacher's Remarks: ................................................................................................................. Achievement: Achieved

........................................................................................................ Date: ..............................
Teacher's Name and Signature: ............................................................................................... Need
More Practice
Instrument ID: 1301-00005833

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