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Introduction to Photography

• Starting out in photography is a wonderful time full of creativity

and discovery. Unfortunately, for many "baby photographers"
their first introduction to photography is a time of wrecked
nerves, confusing advice from friends, and frustration as you
learn a new camera and try to capture on film or digital media
what you saw with your eye. Let me assure you, it does not
have to be a traumatic experience. The following information
will guide you through that first "baby photographer" phase
and familiarize you with basic concepts so you will be ready to
take your next steps with as few stumbles as possible. Even
more experienced photographers will find good information so
read on.
How has the role of photography changed
advertising and when did it start to play a big
• Digital = Better
Photography has given Designer's the choice to use different images,
action shots, still-life etc, and use them to create graphic advertising,
poster etc.
Digital Technology in '85 has changed this, now Designers can
manipulate images, changing colours, even the entire image using
computer software, another breakthrough of the 1985 realm. Now
advertising is mainly a Digital image, stored onto a computer, and
manipulated, used, and created into advertising bunf. Its made
advertising much more ambigious and offers the designer more options
for creating different methods of advertising.
1985 made this change, now photography is one of the important
ingredients to the creation of advertising items.
Advertising Photography and the Role it Plays in our Life

• Advertisement, irrespective of all the blessings or

brickbats it gets, has always defined and directed our
lifestyle. It has got inspired from how we live and also
has inspired us to change our own way of living. Both
words and pictures in advertisements have played
critical role in informing us, educating us, inspiring
us, enlightening us and also humor us. Let us see the
role of advertising photography in different kinds of
Advertising Photography for the Print Media

• Print Media is all pervasive. It is closely

entangled and enmeshed with each of
our lifestyle. Advertising photography in
print media has immense power and a
smart advertiser should know how to use
the power in an optimum way.
Advertising Photography for the Static Ads

• Static ads would refer to the various ads that

we see while walking down the street, driving
around, waiting for bus, etc. They are the
kiosks and billboards that are put up in
different roads and streets. Advertising
photography plays a more important role than
words. No one on the road has the time to
look up and gape at advertisements. It is
therefore the pictures that do the talking.
Advertising Photography for Online Media

• Another arena, where advertising

photography has gradually and surely made an
indelible effect – the online media. We come
across different websites, online ads like
banners, pop ups etc. What do you think
makes a visitor actually take notice? Yes! You
are absolutely right – its the picture used in
those ads.
Advertising Photography and Advertising Photographers

Advertising photography is no small job. In
order to be impressive, a picture needs to be
dealt with very carefully. The proper use of light
and location, the right weather conditions, the
model and how should it be clicked – all this
can be decided better by a thoroughly
professional person who has the talent and
experience for advertising photography.
The Role of a Commercial Photographer in Advertising

• Photographs are used in the majority of advertising

campaigns and this means that the role of a commercial
photographer is highly significant for businesses running any
advertising campaign.
• Photographs are of such great importance because it is these
photographs that are likely to grab the attention of potential
customers and spark an interest in a product or service,
leading them to read more or to make an enquiry or
purchase. Photographs provide viewers with a great deal of
information about products or services quickly and easily.
Attracting and holding the attention and interest of your
target audience is vital in advertising and the right
photographs can help you do this effectively.
Demand for Photography in Advertising

• Modern advertising, as we know it today, came into being after

World War I. Before, the visuals of advertisements were mainly
drawings. Those were considered to stimulate the fantasy of the
audience, something which photographs were thought to be
incapable of - they were 'too real'. After World War I, the advertising
industry learned to appreciate the value of photography. In the early
1920s some 15 percent of illustrated advertisements employed
photography. Ten years later almost 80 percent did. This change was
brought about by a complex of factors. Several technical
improvements increased the quality of photography: the quality of
films and photographic paper had improved, the cameras had
become more sophisticated and easier to handle and the
reproduction of photographs in print became a lot easier.

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