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EML 3004C

Problem 3-6 (page 84)

A force of 30 lb is applied to the handle of the
wrench. Determine the moment of this force about
point 0.


M o  [ 30 sin ( 30 deg )  ( 0.5)  30 cos ( 30 deg )  ( 7) ]  lb  in

M o  174.365 lb  in

M o  14.53 lb  ft

M o  14.53 lb  ft Clockwise

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-1
EML 3004C

Problem 3-17 (page 86)

Determine the moment of the force F at
point A about point P. Express the result
as a Cartesian vector.


Position Vector:

rp  [ 5  ( 3) ]i  [ 0  ( 6) ] j  ( 4  2)k

Force Vector:

F  20  
( 2  5)i  ( 8  0) j  [ 0  ( 4) ]k
 2 2 2
 ( 2  5)  ( 8  0)  [ 0  ( 4) ] 
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-2
EML 3004C

Problem 3-17 continued

Moment about point P:

Mp  rp  F

 i j k 
Mp   8 6 6 
 
 6.360 16.960 8.480 
Mp  [ 6( 8.480)  16.960( 6) ]i  [ 8( 8.480)  ( 6.360) ( 6) ] j  [ 8( 16.960)  ( 6.360) ( 6) ]k

Mp  ( 153 i  29.7 j  174 k)lb  ft

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-3
EML 3004C

Problem 3-22 (page 87)

Using Cartesian vectors, determine the moment

of each of the two forces acting on the pipe
assembly about point A. Add these moments
and calculate the magnitude and coordinate
direction angles of the resultant moment.

Position Vector:
r1  ( 0  0)i  ( 1.2  0) j  ( 0.8  0.8)k r1  ( 1.2 j)  m

r2  ( 0.4  0)i  ( 1.2  0) j  ( 0.8  0.8)k r2  ( 0.4i  1.2j)  m

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-4
EML 3004C

Problem 3-22 continued

Moment about point A:

M1  r1  F1

i j k 
M1   0 1.2 0 
 
 30 20 30 
M1  [ 1.2( 30)  20( 0) ]i  [ 0( 30)  ( 30) ( 0) ] j  [ 0( 20)  ( 30) ( 1.2) ]k

M1  ( 36 i  36k) N m

M2  r2  F2

 i j k 
M2   0.4 1.2 0 
 
 60 10 35 
M2  [ 1.2( 35)  10( 0) ]i  [ 0.4( 35)  ( 60) ( 0) ] j  [ 0.4( 10)  ( 60) ( 1.2) ]k M 2  ( 42 i  14 j  68 k) N m
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-5
EML 3004C

Problem 3-22 continued

Resultant moment about point A:

MR 
A  MA MR  M1  M2
MR  ( 36 i  36 k)  ( 42 i  14 j  68 k)

MR  ( 78i  14j  104k) N m

Magnitude :

2 2 2
MR  ( 78)  ( 14)  ( 104)

MR  131N m
A Coordinate direction angles:
cos       127deg
cos       96.1deg
cos       143deg
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-6
EML 3004C

Problem 3-38 (page 95)

Determine the moment that the force F
exerts about the y axis of the shaft. Solve
the problem using a Cartesian vector
approach and using a scalar approach.
Express the result as a Cartesian vector.


Force Vector:

F  16 cos ( 30) i  16 sin ( 30) k F  ( 13.856i  8k) N

Position Vector:

r  0.2 cos ( 45) i  0.05j  0.2 sin ( 45) k r  ( 0.1414i  0.05j  0.1414k)m
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-7
EML 3004C

Problem 3-38 continued

Magnitude of the moment along y axis:

M y  j ( r  F)  0 1 0 
M y  0.1414 0.05 0.1414 

 
 13.856 0 8 

M y  0  1[ 0.1414( 8)  ( 13.856) ( 0.1414) ]  0 My  0.828N m

In Cartesian vector form:

My  ( 0.828j) N m

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-8
EML 3004C

Problem 3-38 continued

Scalar Analysis:

My   My

My  [ 16 cos ( 30 deg )  0.2 sin ( 45 deg )  16 sin ( 30 deg )  ( 0.2 cos ( 45 deg ) ) ]  N m

My  0.828 N m

In Cartesian vector form:

My  ( 0.828j) N m

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-9
EML 3004C

Problem 3-50 (page 103)

The cord passing over the two small pegs
A and b of the board is subjected to a
tension of 10 lb. Determine the minimum
tension P and the orientation  of the cord
passing over the pegs C and D, so that the
resultant couple moment produced by the
two cords is 20 lb*in., clockwise.

In order to yield a maximum counterclockwise couple moment a minimum
force P which acts perpendicular to CD in needed. Thus....

  45deg
MR  M 20  P( 30deg )  10 cos ( 15deg )  30
P  8.99lb
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-10
EML 3004C

Problem 3-56 (page 103)

Determine the couple moment.
Express the result as a Cartesian Vector.

Force Vector:

F  70 
[ 0  ( 6) ]i  [ 22  ( 10) ] j  ( 0  4)k
 2 2 2
 [ 0  ( 6) ]  [ 22  ( 10) ]  ( 0  4) 

F  ( 30i  60j  20k) N

Position Vector:

r  ( 6  5)i  ( 10  8) j  [ 4  ( 3) ]k r  ( 11i  18j  7k)m

Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-11
EML 3004C

Problem 3-56 continued

Couple Moment Vector:

 i j k 
Mc  r  F M c   11 18 7 
 
 30 60 20 
Mc  [ 18( 20)  ( 60) ( 7) ]i  [ 11( 20)  ( 30) ( 7) ] j  [ 11( 60)  ( 30) ( 18) ]k

Mc  ( 780i  10j  1200k) N m

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-12
EML 3004C

Problem 3-65 (page 118)

Replace the force and

couple moment system by a
equivalent force and couple
moment acting at point P.

Force Summation:

 Fx
FRx  FRx  2 cos ( 45deg )  3 sin ( 30deg ) FRx  0.08579 10  N

FRy  Fy FRy  2 sin ( 45deg )  3 cos ( 30deg ) FRy  1.1839 10 N
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-13
EML 3004C

Problem 3-65 continued

2 2 2 2 3 3
FR  FRx  FRy FR  ( 0.08579)  ( 1.1839)  10  N FR  1.187  10 N

 FRy 
  atan     85.855deg
 

Moment Summation:

MR 
p  Mp MR  3cos ( 30deg) 4  3sin( 30deg)  4  2cos ( 45deg)  3
MR  21.6 kN m counterclockwise
Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-14
EML 3004C

Problem 3-82 (page 121)

The frame is subjected to the coplanar system of
loads. Replace this system by an equivalent
resultant force and couple moment acting at point B.

Force Summation:

FRx   Fx FRx  40lb FRx  40 lb to the left


FRy   Fy FRy  ( 80  60  75)  lb FRy  215 lb FRy  215 lb down


Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-15
EML 3004C

Problem 3-82 continued

2 2 2 2
FR  FRx  FRy FR  ( 40)  ( 215)  N FR  218.689 N

 FRy 
  atan     79.461 deg
 FRx 

Moment Summation:

MR 
p  Mp MR  80 3  75 6  60 9  40 4

MR  1390 lb  ft MR  1.39 kip  ft clockwise

p p

Namas Chandra Hibbler

Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-16
EML 3004C

Problem 2-100 (page 124)

The main beam along the wing of an airplane is swept
back at a angle of 26deg. From load calculations it is
determined that the beam is subjected to couple
moment Mx=17 kip*ft and My=25 kip*ft. Determine
the resultant couple moments created about the x’ and
y’ axes. The axes all like in the same horizontal

M  M x  M y
xn xn xn

M xn  17000 cos ( 25deg )  25000 sin ( 25deg )

M xn  4842 lb  ft M xn  4.84 kip  ft

M yn  M y  Mx
yn yn
M yn  25000 cos ( 25deg )  17000 sin ( 25deg )

M yn  29842 lb  ft M yn  29.82 kip  ft

Namas Chandra Hibbler
Introduction to Mechanical engineering Chapter 2-17

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